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2015 Run to Rescue - 1 Mile Age Groups--Text Format Results

                               Run to Rescue
                        Czechland Lake, Prague, NE
                              August 8, 2015


Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  2560 Haley Johnson          10 Prague             NE     8:19  8:19 
    2  2689 Taya Pinneo             8 Bellwood           NE     8:54  8:54 
    3  2713 Elly Samek              8 Fremont            NE    10:34 10:34 
    4  2714 Shelby Samek            9 Fremont            NE    10:37 10:37 
    5  2753 Kylie Warford           9 Wahoo              NE    10:37 10:37 
    6  2583 Reese Kozisek           9 Brainard           NE    10:53 10:53 
    7  2758 Mackennah Spatz         8 Prague             NE    12:52 12:52 
    8  2542 Morgan Havlovic         8 Prague             NE    13:52 13:52 
    9  2732 Lauren Sousek           9 Malmo              NE    14:28 14:28 
   10  2717 Kaitlyn Schneider       7 David City         NE    14:30 14:30 
   11  2727 Bristol Sousek          5 Prague             NE    14:34 14:34 
   12  2734 Alexis Stoltenberg      3 Omaha              NE    14:34 14:34 
   13  2354 Ashlyn Brabec           5 Wahoo              NE    15:04 15:04 
   14  2695 Lily Pokorny            9 Prague             NE    15:51 15:51 
   15  2760 Miranda Vanek           9 Prague             NE    16:42 16:42 
   16  2707 Sierra Rhynalds        10 Prague             NE    16:48 16:48 
   17  2529 Alyssa Havlovic         8 Malmo              NE    18:51 18:51 
   18  2752 Ellie Warford           6 Wahoo              NE    21:37 21:37 
   19  2725 Cadence Smaus          10 David City         NE    23:55 23:55 

FEMALE AGE 11 - 99
Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  2691 Kamryn Pokorney        13 Shelby             NE     8:58  8:58 
    2  2769 Lynn Smith             14 Yutan              NE     9:38  9:38 
    3   856 Jennifer Weiss         52 Fremont            NE    10:10 10:10 
    4  2702 Stacey Reynolds        41 Weston             NE    10:14 10:14 
    5   731 Katie Judkins          34 Crete              NE    10:48 10:48 
    6  2449 Shelli Eickmeier       41 Bellwood           NE    11:33 11:33 
    7  2674 Stacy Meyer            37 Omaha              NE    11:51 11:51 
    8  2741 Sally Tyma             38 Crete              NE    13:16 13:16 
    9   775 Suzi Paseka            27 David City         NE    13:29 13:29 
   10   821 Rebecca Springer       27 Omaha              NE    13:30 13:30 
   11   805 Kim Schroder           28 Bennet             NE    13:30 13:30 
   12  1751 Kerri Bockelman        65 Wisner             NE    13:44 13:44 
   13  2507 Elli Havelka           29 Omaha              NE    14:30 14:30 
   14  2364 Michelle Brabec        31 Wahoo              NE    15:04 15:04 
   15  2669 Sharon Matulka         56 Prague             NE    16:15 16:15 
   16  2706 Kim Rhynalds           38 Prague             NE    16:24 16:24 
   17  2731 Karen Sousek           52 Malmo              NE    16:27 16:27 
   18  2718 Melissa Schneider      33 David City         NE    16:37 16:37 
   19  2730 Dana Sousek            30 Prague             NE    16:49 16:49 
   20  2764 Emily Steinbach        21 Lincoln            NE    17:22 17:22 
   21  2763 Holly Steinbach        46 Lincoln            NE    17:23 17:23 
   22  2675 Nancy Moravec          52 David City         NE    17:51 17:51 
   23  2692 Wendy Pokorney         39 Shelby             NE    17:56 17:56 
   24  2533 Kelly Havlovic         41 Prague             NE    17:57 17:57 
   25  2729 Carol Sousek           57 Prague             NE    18:23 18:23 
   26  2738 Vicki Swartz           61 Malmo              NE    18:25 18:25 
   27  2685 Mary Ann Paseka        55 Prague             NE    18:25 18:25 
   28  2575 Kristin Johnson        16 Prague             NE    18:34 18:34 
   29  2535 Kelsi Havlovic         17 Prague             NE    18:34 18:34 
   30  2737 Heather Swartz         37 Lincoln            NE    18:42 18:42 
   31  2765 Linda Maly             52 Weston             NE    18:56 18:56 
   32  2723 Sherri Schutt          42 Fremont            NE    18:58 18:58 
   33  2746 Jen Vasa               30 Weston             NE    19:06 19:06 
   34  2362 Diane Brabec           60 Cedar Bluffs       NE    19:06 19:06 
   35  2740 Desirae Tepoel         25 Lincoln            NE    19:07 19:07 
   36  2663 Amanda Malina          35 Prague             NE    19:07 19:07 
   37  2676 Kris Moudry            44 Raymond            NE    19:07 19:07 
   38  2697 Brandi Prochaska       26 Prague             NE    19:28 19:28 
   39  1660 Kady Arps              30 Linwood            NE    19:28 19:28 
   40  2747 Dorothy Vavrina        74 Abie               NE    19:48 19:48 
   41  2506 Madison Hanke          15 Waverly            NE    20:56 20:56 
   42  2744 Jeanne Vanek           65 Prague             NE    21:00 21:00 
   43  2681 Sara Musilek           26 Wymore             NE    21:16 21:16 
   44  2724 Leann Sillivan         34 Morse Bluff        NE    21:33 21:33 
   45  2668 Jessica Mastny         30 Greenwood          NE    21:34 21:34 
   46  2540 Lindsey Havlovic       35 Malmo              NE    21:37 21:37 
   47  2682 Theresa Musilek        58 Malmo              NE    21:45 21:45 
   48  2427 Amanda Cooper          31 Malmo              NE    23:24 23:24 
   49  2716 Debra Schlake          32 Blue Springs       NE    24:39 24:39 
   50  2684 Joyce Paseka           54 Prague             NE    25:45 25:45 
   51   810 Stephani Smaus         36 Prague             NE    28:37 28:37 

MALE AGE 1 - 10
Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  2755 Noah Wesely             8 Wahoo              NE     7:17  7:17 
    2  2696 Sam Post                9 North Bend         NE     7:37  7:37 
    3  2546 Jamison Hoffman         9 Pleasant Dale      NE     8:27  8:27 
    4  1638 Grant Arps              8 Linwood            NE     9:13  9:13 
    5  2721 Jackson Schutt          8 Fremont            NE     9:23  9:23 
    6  2690 Dalton Pokorney         8 Shelby             NE     9:24  9:24 
    7  2699 Maverick Radenslaben    7 Brainard           NE    10:48 10:48 
    8  2582 Grant Kozisek           6 Brainard           NE    11:21 11:21 
    9  2671 Gavin Meyer             6 Omaha              NE    11:51 11:51 
   10  2701 Evan Reynolds           6 Weston             NE    12:13 12:13 
   11  2664 Carter Malina          10 Prague             NE    12:48 12:48 
   12  2735 Isaac Stoltenberg       6 Omaha              NE    13:26 13:26 
   13  1670 Max Arps                7 Linwood            NE    13:37 13:37 
   14  2366 Zane Brandt             6 Wisner             NE    13:44 13:44 
   15  2666 Wyatt Malina            8 Prague             NE    15:39 15:39 
   16  2719 Noah Schneider          4 David City         NE    16:24 16:24 
   17  2665 Sawyer Malina           4 Prague             NE    16:29 16:29 
   18  2728 Brock Sousek            5 Prague             NE    16:43 16:43 
   19  2726 Jakson Smaus            8 David City         NE    20:08 20:08 
   20  2667 Hunter Maly             4 Wymore             NE    21:15 21:15 
   21  2439 Grant Cooper            6 Malmo              NE    23:11 23:11 
   22  2365 Caliber Brandt          3 Wisner             NE    23:15 23:15 
   23  2434 Brady Cooper            4 Malmo              NE    23:15 23:15 

MALE AGE 11 - 99
Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  2754 Malachi Wesely         11 Wahoo              NE     6:24  6:24 
    2  2756 Josh Wilson            15 Rosalie            NE     6:29  6:29 
    3  2742 Galen Uhing            46 Dodge              NE     7:18  7:18 
    4   680 Tristan Bingman        11 Lincoln            NE     7:28  7:28 
    5  2768 Jay Smith              15 Yutan              NE     7:29  7:29 
    6  2688 Alex Pierce            11 Brainard           NE     7:35  7:35 
    7  2761 Gunnar Vanek           14 Prague             NE     7:38  7:38 
    8  2770 Jaben Makings          14 Yutan              NE     8:14  8:14 
    9  2743 Mason Uhing            12 Dodge              NE     8:38  8:38 
   10  1738 Kale Bockelman         11 Lincoln            NE     9:13  9:13 
   11  2709 John Roth              12 Lincoln            NE     9:56  9:56 
   12  2708 Brad Roth              59 Lincoln            NE     9:57  9:57 
   13  2700 Carson Reynolds        11 Weston             NE    10:59 10:59 
   14  2757 Steve Cunningham       32 Highlandville      MO    12:48 12:48 
   15  2733 Matt Sousek            29 Prague             NE    14:31 14:31 
   16  2720 Rick Schneider         38 David City         NE    16:27 16:27 
   17  2736 Gaylen Swartz          62 Malmo              NE    18:41 18:41 
   18  2370 Nicolas Cafaro La Men  26 Lincoln            NE    18:41 18:41 
   19  2687 Ron Paseka             68 Prague             NE    18:58 18:58 
   20  2748 Terry Vavrina          75 Abie               NE    19:50 19:50 
   21  2750 Al Vybiral             54 Wahoo              NE    20:03 20:03 
   22  2531 Ethan Havlovic         11 Malmo              NE    21:32 21:32 
   23  2530 Andy Havlovic          34 Malmo              NE    21:36 21:36 
   24  2751 Carl Warford           35 Wahoo              NE    21:37 21:37 
   25  2680 Patrick Musilek        28 Omaha              NE    21:46 21:46 
   26  2445 Jerid Cooper           32 Malmo              NE    23:14 23:14 
   27  1788 Larry Bockelman        65 Wisner             NE    23:15 23:15 
   28  2715 Brent Schlake          31 Blue Springs       NE    23:47 23:47 
   29  2670 Nathan Meiergerd       32 Wahoo              NE    23:48 23:48 
   30  2686 Roger Paseka           53 Prague             NE    25:44 25:44