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Pella Dutch CC Invitational Boys

Pella Dutch CC Invitational Boys

Central College CC Course

Sep. 4, 2021

70, cloudy - nice
Results by Cal Murdock

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Small Schools                    Last updated Sep. 4, 2021 10:51 AM

  1 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C    34    2    5    7    9   11   13   16  18:18.2  2:07.5
  2 Mid-Prairie              54    3    4   12   14   21   22   26  18:32.1  2:20.8
  3 Des Moines Christian     80    1   10   18   23   28   32   35  18:48.6  3:48.1
  4 Pella Christian         115   15   17   25   27   31   33   37  19:40.6  0:56.4
  5 Columbus Community      116    6   19   20   30   41   42       19:54.7  3:17.5
  6 Eddyville-Blakesburg-   195   24   36   40   47   48   58       22:04.2  4:27.9
  7 Collins-Maxwell         198    8   38   44   52   56   57       22:37.1  7:19.9
  8 Montezuma               211   34   39   43   45   50   53   59  22:28.4  3:39.0
  9 Baxter                  229   29   46   49   51   54   55   60  23:28.4  5:20.9

Incomplete Teams: Lynnville-Sully

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Adair-Casey/Guthrie C
    2  Trevin Suhr, 12          16:43.6  
    5  Justin Reinhart, 11      18:29.5  
    7  Bo Arrasmith, 10         18:38.2  
    9  Lance Bunde, 10          18:48.2  
   11  Andrew Mahaffey, 10      18:51.1  
   13  Noah Kading, 9           18:52.1  
   16  Kaden Thompson, 12       19:14.1  
Total Time = 1:31:30.6     Total Places = 34

2. Mid-Prairie
    3  Thaddeus Shetler, 12     17:11.5  
    4  Chandler Hershberger, 12 18:05.8  
   12  Emmett Swartzentruber, 9 18:51.4  
   14  Preston Yutzy, 9         18:59.2  
   21  Sam Yoder, 12            19:32.2  
   22  Robert Nagy, 12          19:39.0  
   26  Jordan Stock, 11         19:51.5  
Total Time = 1:32:40.1     Total Places = 54

3. Des Moines Christian
    1  Aaron Fynaardt, 11       16:10.1  
   10  Carter Mann, 9           18:50.6  
   18  Jack McPartland, 10      19:22.1  
   23  Josh Hagenberg, 9        19:41.8  
   28  Hunter Jingst, 11        19:58.2  
   32  Luke Hagenberg, 9        20:13.5  
   35  Ben Nyberg, 9            20:42.1  
Total Time = 1:34:02.8     Total Places = 80

4. Pella Christian
   15  Ryan Natelborg, 10       19:13.9  
   17  Danny Andringa, 12       19:15.4  
   25  Brant VanderHart, 12     19:48.5  
   27  Tysen DeVries, 10        19:55.0  
   31  Ben Gosselink, 11        20:10.2  
   33  Aaron DeBruin, 10        20:40.0  
   37  Alejandro Murdoch, 12    21:08.3  
Total Time = 1:38:23.0     Total Places = 115

5. Columbus Community
    6  Isaac Acosta, 12         18:36.6  
   19  Freddy Vergara, 12       19:27.6  
   20  Mason Hills-Carrier, 12  19:30.6  
   30  Damian Vergara, 10       20:04.3  
   41  Tyler Humiston, 11       21:54.1  
   42  Javier Panchillo, 12     22:19.5  
Total Time = 1:39:33.2     Total Places = 116

6. Eddyville-Blakesburg-
   24  Sam Seddon, 11           19:42.5  
   36  Brooks Moore, 10         20:55.6  
   40  Carsen Wade, 11          21:32.1  
   47  Grant LaRue, 11          24:00.3  
   48  Cael Lenox, 10           24:10.3  
   58  Colton Brown, 10         26:16.5  
Total Time = 1:50:20.8     Total Places = 195

7. Collins-Maxwell
    8  Ethan Haus, 11           18:40.2  
   38  Hunter Lee, 11           21:11.3  
   44  Deegan Dirkx, 9          22:42.5  
   52  Marshall Day, 11         24:31.2  
   56  Parker Lawrence, 12      26:00.1  
   57  Kaleb Ruiz-Genovese, 11  26:00.5  
Total Time = 1:53:05.3     Total Places = 198

8. Montezuma
   34  Carter McKee, 10         20:41.8  
   39  Jayden Ross, 10          21:25.6  
   43  Jack Erselius, 10        22:41.7  
   45  Bryson Stockman, 9       23:11.9  
   50  Colton Benson, 11        24:20.8  
   53  Jusiah Wetering, 9       24:34.0  
   59  Kohen Holland, 9         27:27.4  
Total Time = 1:52:21.8     Total Places = 211

9. Baxter
   29  Matt Richardson, 9       20:00.7  
   46  Logan Jones, 10          23:23.1  
   49  Keenan Varner, 10        24:12.9  
   51  Logan Rainsbarger, 9     24:23.5  
   54  Hudson Bethards, 9       25:21.6  
   55  Curtis Gliem, 11         25:40.8  
   60  Thomas Yoakum, 12        28:13.4  
Total Time = 1:57:21.8     Total Places = 229
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Aaron Fynaardt, 11 16:10.1 Des Moines Christian 2 2 Trevin Suhr, 12 16:43.6 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 3 3 Thaddeus Shetler, 12 17:11.5 Mid-Prairie 4 4 Chandler Hershberger, 12 18:05.8 Mid-Prairie 5 James Gruver, 11 18:10.7 Lynnville-Sully 6 5 Justin Reinhart, 11 18:29.5 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 7 6 Isaac Acosta, 12 18:36.6 Columbus Community 8 7 Bo Arrasmith, 10 18:38.2 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 9 8 Ethan Haus, 11 18:40.2 Collins-Maxwell 10 9 Lance Bunde, 10 18:48.2 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 11 Zach Morningstar, 11 18:49.6 Lynnville-Sully 12 10 Carter Mann, 9 18:50.6 Des Moines Christian 13 11 Andrew Mahaffey, 10 18:51.1 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 14 12 Emmett Swartzentruber, 9 18:51.4 Mid-Prairie 15 13 Noah Kading, 9 18:52.1 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 16 14 Preston Yutzy, 9 18:59.2 Mid-Prairie 17 15 Ryan Natelborg, 10 19:13.9 Pella Christian 18 16 Kaden Thompson, 12 19:14.1 Adair-Casey/Guthrie C 19 17 Danny Andringa, 12 19:15.4 Pella Christian 20 18 Jack McPartland, 10 19:22.1 Des Moines Christian 21 19 Freddy Vergara, 12 19:27.6 Columbus Community 22 20 Mason Hills-Carrier, 12 19:30.6 Columbus Community 23 21 Sam Yoder, 12 19:32.2 Mid-Prairie 24 22 Robert Nagy, 12 19:39.0 Mid-Prairie 25 23 Josh Hagenberg, 9 19:41.8 Des Moines Christian 26 24 Sam Seddon, 11 19:42.5 Eddyville-Blakesburg- 27 25 Brant VanderHart, 12 19:48.5 Pella Christian 28 26 Jordan Stock, 11 19:51.5 Mid-Prairie 29 27 Tysen DeVries, 10 19:55.0 Pella Christian 30 28 Hunter Jingst, 11 19:58.2 Des Moines Christian 31 29 Matt Richardson, 9 20:00.7 Baxter 32 30 Damian Vergara, 10 20:04.3 Columbus Community 33 31 Ben Gosselink, 11 20:10.2 Pella Christian 34 32 Luke Hagenberg, 9 20:13.5 Des Moines Christian 35 Blake Creed, 11 20:17.7 Mid-Prairie 36 Mose Yoder, 11 20:23.1 Mid-Prairie 37 33 Aaron DeBruin, 10 20:40.0 Pella Christian 38 34 Carter McKee, 10 20:41.8 Montezuma 39 35 Ben Nyberg, 9 20:42.1 Des Moines Christian 40 36 Brooks Moore, 10 20:55.6 Eddyville-Blakesburg- 41 Nathan Wallington, 11 21:01.9 Mid-Prairie 42 Colby Rosno, 9 21:05.2 Des Moines Christian 43 37 Alejandro Murdoch, 12 21:08.3 Pella Christian 44 38 Hunter Lee, 11 21:11.3 Collins-Maxwell 45 Aaron Alferink, 9 21:11.9 Des Moines Christian 46 39 Jayden Ross, 10 21:25.6 Montezuma 47 40 Carsen Wade, 11 21:32.1 Eddyville-Blakesburg- 48 Shaun Oosterheert, 10 21:34.1 Pella Christian 49 Gentry Walston, 11 21:36.4 Lynnville-Sully 50 Olson Carstensen, 9 21:38.2 Des Moines Christian 51 Daniel Rodgers, 10 21:43.7 Mid-Prairie 52 41 Tyler Humiston, 11 21:54.1 Columbus Community 53 Evan Fopma, 9 21:58.1 Des Moines Christian 54 Kaden Meader, 11 22:02.9 Mid-Prairie 55 Deacon Branderhorst, 9 22:06.2 Pella Christian 56 Wyatt Hol, 9 22:10.7 Pella Christian 57 Asher Rippey, 9 22:13.0 Des Moines Christian 58 Micah DeHaan, 12 22:17.3 Pella Christian 59 William Spencer, 12 22:18.5 Pella Christian 60 Jack Zula, 12 22:18.6 Pella Christian 61 42 Javier Panchillo, 12 22:19.5 Columbus Community 62 Thomas Flynn, 9 22:27.3 Mid-Prairie 63 Eli Hoksbergen, 9 22:30.9 Pella Christian 64 43 Jack Erselius, 10 22:41.7 Montezuma 65 44 Deegan Dirkx, 9 22:42.5 Collins-Maxwell 66 Jaxson Gray, 9 22:56.6 Des Moines Christian 67 Andrew Stultz, 11 22:59.7 Mid-Prairie 68 45 Bryson Stockman, 9 23:11.9 Montezuma 69 Kirby Van Wyngarden, 9 23:12.5 Pella Christian 70 Kyle Gao, 12 23:21.2 Pella Christian 71 46 Logan Jones, 10 23:23.1 Baxter 72 Bergin Kleis, 9 23:23.9 Des Moines Christian 73 47 Grant LaRue, 11 24:00.3 Eddyville-Blakesburg- 74 Zeb Kanis, 10 24:07.9 Pella Christian 75 48 Cael Lenox, 10 24:10.3 Eddyville-Blakesburg- 76 49 Keenan Varner, 10 24:12.9 Baxter 77 Ian Hagenberg, 11 24:14.8 Des Moines Christian 78 50 Colton Benson, 11 24:20.8 Montezuma 79 51 Logan Rainsbarger, 9 24:23.5 Baxter 80 Ethan Kratochvil, 9 24:28.0 Des Moines Christian 81 52 Marshall Day, 11 24:31.2 Collins-Maxwell 82 53 Jusiah Wetering, 9 24:34.0 Montezuma 83 Sawyer Hough, 10 24:42.3 Mid-Prairie 84 Clay Lauterbach, 9 24:43.2 Pella Christian 85 Evan Fikse, 11 25:09.8 Lynnville-Sully 86 Eli Miller, 12 25:09.9 Des Moines Christian 87 54 Hudson Bethards, 9 25:21.6 Baxter 88 55 Curtis Gliem, 11 25:40.8 Baxter 89 56 Parker Lawrence, 12 26:00.1 Collins-Maxwell 90 57 Kaleb Ruiz-Genovese, 11 26:00.5 Collins-Maxwell 91 Noah Freeman, 10 26:16.3 Mid-Prairie 92 58 Colton Brown, 10 26:16.5 Eddyville-Blakesburg- 93 Xander Quist, 12 27:04.2 Des Moines Christian 94 Andrew Sytsma, 10 27:11.2 Pella Christian 95 Jack Lambert, 11 27:12.9 Des Moines Christian 96 Carter Timmons, 9 27:27.3 Des Moines Christian 97 59 Kohen Holland, 9 27:27.4 Montezuma 98 60 Thomas Yoakum, 12 28:13.4 Baxter 99 Josiah Vos, 10 28:25.4 Pella Christian 100 Aaron Van Heukelum, 9 29:26.2 Des Moines Christian 101 Josh Keaough, 10 34:08.8 Mid-Prairie 102 Nate Pattterson, 9 36:15.3 Pella Christian

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