Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon - 2016

Half Marathon


April 2, 2016 in Springfield, IL

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Half Marathon - Results

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311 Patti Daniels F5559 484 6/64 163/870 56:53 9:11 7 1:59:32 9:08
1513 Andrew Weaver M3539 485 49/95 322/665 55:22 8:56 51 1:59:39 9:08
871 Kim Lillpop F4044 486 20/110 164/870 55:57 9:02 20 1:59:40 9:08
1063 Diana Nevitt F5559 487 7/64 165/870 57:12 9:14 8 1:59:42 9:08
25 Amanda Anderson F3034 488 34/133 166/870 58:15 9:24 47 1:59:43 9:08
1464 Josh Tryner M3539 489 50/95 323/665 55:38 8:59 54 1:59:46 9:09
993 Jeff Meyerhoff M5054 490 35/80 324/665 56:03 9:03 40 1:59:46 9:09
748 Doug Kelsey M5054 491 36/80 325/665 55:58 9:02 38 1:59:50 9:09
324 Rich Dawson M5559 492 23/70 326/665 55:50 9:01 23 1:59:50 9:09
556 Rachel Hamilton F2529 493 36/119 167/870 56:11 9:04 41 1:59:52 9:09
319 Michael Davis M5054 494 37/80 327/665 55:58 9:02 39 1:59:56 9:09
206 Jane Camp F5054 495 14/86 168/870 56:00 9:02 15 2:00:01 9:10
1435 Ryley Thompson M3539 496 51/95 328/665 57:11 9:14 58 2:00:10 9:10
789 James Kovacs M5559 497 24/70 329/665 1:00:45 9:48 36 2:00:11 9:11
1704 Robert Judd M4044 498 44/83 330/665 57:17 9:15 51 2:00:13 9:11
348 Allison Diliberto F2529 499 37/119 169/870 54:58 8:52 25 2:00:18 9:11
1034 Austin Mudd M2529 500 38/65 331/665 55:33 8:58 39 2:00:19 9:11
1387 Christina Stearns F3539 501 25/158 170/870 55:51 9:01 28 2:00:20 9:11
1339 Jim Slosiarek M4549 502 52/84 332/665 57:46 9:19 59 2:00:23 9:11
17 Jacob Alt M3539 503 52/95 333/665 53:32 8:38 38 2:00:25 9:12
1270 Robert M. Schieler M3539 504 53/95 334/665 53:32 8:38 39 2:00:26 9:12
1737 Erin Pearce F2529 505 38/119 171/870 59:08 9:33 50 2:00:29 9:12
1480 Caraline Vaughn F2024 506 15/50 172/870 57:09 9:14 17 2:00:38 9:13
403 Sarah Enlow F2529 507 39/119 173/870 56:58 9:12 45 2:00:38 9:13
947 John McCormack M4549 508 53/84 335/665 55:21 8:56 49 2:00:40 9:13
1564 Hannah Wright F2529 509 40/119 174/870 56:30 9:07 44 2:00:44 9:13
475 Jeffery Friday M5054 510 38/80 336/665 56:09 9:04 41 2:00:48 9:13
338 Cathy Derry F3539 511 26/158 175/870 54:55 8:52 25 2:00:50 9:13
825 Todd Langheim M4044 512 45/83 337/665 56:38 9:08 49 2:00:53 9:14
1014 Karen Mock F4044 513 21/110 176/870 57:06 9:13 25 2:00:54 9:14
1038 Roger Mullinnix M5054 514 39/80 338/665 53:46 8:41 23 2:01:01 9:14
230 Patrick Chasco M3034 515 44/78 339/665 55:26 8:57 43 2:01:03 9:14
229 Amber Chasco F3034 516 35/133 177/870 55:24 8:57 31 2:01:03 9:15
431 Michael Feinberg M4549 517 54/84 340/665 55:38 8:59 53 2:01:05 9:15
242 Kevin Clark M4549 518 55/84 341/665 54:40 8:49 46 2:01:07 9:15
444 Jennifer Finley F3034 519 36/133 178/870 56:13 9:04 36 2:01:15 9:15
1176 Jennifer Raymo F3539 520 27/158 179/870 55:37 8:59 27 2:01:17 9:16
1253 Steward Sandstrom M5054 521 40/80 342/665 56:23 9:06 43 2:01:26 9:16
598 Derek Hedges M4044 522 46/83 343/665 55:28 8:57 43 2:01:26 9:16
413 Betsey Evans F3539 523 28/158 180/870 57:56 9:21 37 2:01:26 9:16

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