Scream Scram

5K Run/Walk Results

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October 21, 2011 in Denver, CO

Results By

5K Run/Walk Results - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 25 of 25
number of records per page: [10] [all]

1307 Clark Fox M4049 20 1/25 15/120 19:39 19:41 6:21
516 John Leill M4049 29 2/25 23/120 21:54 21:58 7:04
927 Neal Williams M4049 33 3/25 25/120 22:43 22:50 7:20
380 Michael Horne M4049 41 4/25 30/120 23:21 23:23 7:32
728 Dutch Ross M4049 49 5/25 35/120 24:37 24:43 7:57
1002 Dylan Luyten M4049 52 6/25 37/120 24:51 24:58 8:01
1112 Greg Crosse M4049 53 7/25 38/120 24:55 25:01 8:03
685 Mark Pigg M4049 57 8/25 39/120 25:07 25:11 8:07
693 Andy Ramirez M4049 64 9/25 42/120 25:28 25:36 8:13
86 Ian Buchanan M4049 65 10/25 43/120 25:34 25:46 8:15
1127 Todd Singler M4049 72 11/25 46/120 26:07 26:10 8:26
719 Daniel Rogers M4049 73 12/25 47/120 26:05 26:12 8:25
210 David Dye M4049 76 13/25 49/120 26:07 26:23 8:26
1021 Rick Ginsberg M4049 81 14/25 52/120 26:28 26:35 8:33
5 Adam Alban M4049 93 15/25 56/120 26:54 27:11 8:41
393 Chris Huyer M4049 95 16/25 58/120 27:08 27:18 8:46
410 Rod Johnson M4049 120 17/25 66/120 28:15 28:29 9:07
799 Chuck Smith M4049 122 18/25 68/120 28:24 28:30 9:10
271 Glenn Gallacher M4049 127 19/25 72/120 28:47 28:52 9:17
1082 Robin Younkman M4049 144 20/25 76/120 29:21 29:43 9:28
1310 Walt Karabin M4049 161 21/25 81/120 31:29 31:45 10:10
1009 Stan Stanley M4049 171 22/25 83/120 31:42 32:07 10:14
320 Jaren Green M4049 255 23/25 99/120 37:25 37:43 12:04
348 Dave Haucke M4049 291 24/25 109/120 40:29 42:06 13:04
957 Monte McGlochlin M4049 333 25/25 119/120 1:05:21 1:06:44 21:05

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