Bellin Women's Half Marathon - 2018

5K - Results

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5513 Karen Pritchard F35-39 270 39/89 239/613 39:55 12:51
5348 Rose Kuske F50-54 271 16/52 240/613 39:57 12:52
5347 Beth Kuske F20-24 272 15/34 241/613 39:57 12:52
5822 Katherine Olson F01-14 273 14/34 242/613 39:58 12:52
5821 Cindy Olson F45-49 274 19/59 243/613 39:59 12:52
5787 Sara Williams F40-44 275 27/69 244/613 40:01 12:53
5823 Carol Konshak F60-64 276 4/23 245/613 40:04 12:54
5624 Dana Spaulding F35-39 277 40/89 246/613 40:07 12:55
5625 Erik Spaulding M35-39 278 5/8 32/64 40:08 12:55
5688 Janet Vanness F75-79 279 1/2 247/613 40:10 12:56
5363 Angela Leiser F30-34 280 39/79 248/613 40:15 12:58
5365 Justin Lemirande M35-39 281 6/8 33/64 40:29 13:02
5071 Sylvia Bobbitt F60-64 282 5/23 249/613 40:30 13:02
5147 Angela Divjak F35-39 283 41/89 250/613 40:32 13:03
5764 Heather Zimba F45-49 284 20/59 251/613 40:33 13:03
5531 Sarah Renier F40-44 285 28/69 252/613 40:34 13:04
5532 Sophia Renier F01-14 286 15/34 253/613 40:35 13:04
5575 Micaella Schneider F25-29 287 51/92 254/613 40:43 13:07
5146 Kaitlin Dietz F25-29 288 52/92 255/613 40:44 13:07
5036 Bryan Bathke M40-44 289 5/8 34/64 40:52 13:10
5722 Nolan Welsh M15-19 290 4/4 35/64 40:55 13:10
5045 Victoria Bellin F25-29 291 53/92 256/613 40:56 13:11
5270 Allison Hunter F25-29 292 54/92 257/613 40:56 13:11
5673 Barbara Utke F65-69 293 4/17 258/613 41:00 13:12
5415 Pam McNicoll F60-64 294 6/23 259/613 41:05 13:14
5696 Alma Villanueva F40-44 295 29/69 260/613 41:06 13:14
5213 Jamie Griesbach F40-44 296 30/69 261/613 41:13 13:16
5382 Kami Lynch F30-34 297 40/79 262/613 41:13 13:16
5832 Amy Rottier F50-54 298 17/52 263/613 41:31 13:22
5676 Dionne Van Iten F45-49 299 21/59 264/613 41:34 13:23
5053 Micki Berkshire F30-34 300 41/79 265/613 41:37 13:24
5712 Sara Warrens F30-34 301 42/79 266/613 41:41 13:25
5484 Megan Patek F25-29 302 55/92 267/613 41:44 13:26
5756 Cayden Zahringer M01-14 303 5/10 36/64 41:55 13:30
5716 Suzy Webster F30-34 304 43/79 268/613 41:58 13:31
5757 Jennifer Zahringer F40-44 305 31/69 269/613 41:58 13:31
5741 Sacia Williams F35-39 306 42/89 270/613 41:59 13:31
5796 Debra Haughey F60-64 307 7/23 271/613 41:59 13:31
5567 Amy Schmidt F50-54 308 18/52 272/613 42:02 13:32
5285 Kayla Johnson F25-29 309 56/92 273/613 42:07 13:34

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