Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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1048 Alexandra Stieglbauer F1318 477 42/81 202/777 29:18 28:46 9:16
611 Jayden Schmidt M0112 478 18/43 276/508 29:34 28:46 9:16
1074 Claire Poppie F1318 479 43/81 203/777 29:18 28:47 9:16
1288 Amanda Avikainen F1934 480 73/292 204/777 29:16 28:47 9:16
1114 Adrienne Todd F1934 481 74/292 205/777 29:12 28:48 9:17
368 David Modeen M5054 482 17/35 277/508 29:14 28:49 9:17
493 Austin Jenk M0112 483 19/43 278/508 28:52 28:49 9:17
584 Pat Ocken M5559 484 9/27 279/508 29:04 28:50 9:17
106 Chad Hanson M1934 485 99/153 280/508 29:07 28:51 9:17
438 Connor Shockley M1318 486 50/64 281/508 29:13 28:52 9:18
567 Corey Lehman M1318 487 51/64 282/508 29:12 28:52 9:18
1108 Lisa Paulsen F1934 488 75/292 206/777 29:06 28:52 9:18
1295 Alexa Sheehan F0112 489 18/54 207/777 29:08 28:53 9:18
1043 Angela Ecklund F1934 490 76/292 208/777 29:28 28:54 9:18
385 Rodney Labrosse M1318 491 52/64 283/508 29:33 28:54 9:18
1012 Jolene Bengtson F1934 492 77/292 209/777 29:46 28:55 9:19
1688 Tori Zaiger F1318 493 44/81 210/777 29:06 28:56 9:19
1552 Lisa Schernthaner F1934 494 78/292 211/777 29:49 28:56 9:19
1732 Alisa Bartel F1934 495 79/292 212/777 29:49 28:56 9:19
1413 Holly Siemers F3539 496 23/95 213/777 29:45 28:57 9:19
1752 Missy Edwards F1934 497 80/292 214/777 29:17 28:57 9:20
1296 Abigail Glass F0112 498 19/54 215/777 29:06 28:59 9:20
321 Riley Snow M1934 499 100/153 284/508 29:46 29:01 9:21
171 Thomad Hadrava M1934 500 101/153 285/508 29:15 29:01 9:21
1245 Mykle Hadrava F1934 501 81/292 216/777 29:16 29:02 9:21
307 Matthew Mrdutt M1934 502 102/153 286/508 29:22 29:05 9:22
1291 Lanee Lyons F1934 503 82/292 217/777 29:08 29:06 9:22
1570 Kayla Jenkins F1934 504 83/292 218/777 29:20 29:06 9:22
1306 Jodi Johnson F1934 505 84/292 219/777 29:10 29:06 9:22
1501 Gayle Stoeber F5559 506 7/40 220/777 29:29 29:08 9:23
1525 Mary Horoshak F1934 507 85/292 221/777 30:05 29:09 9:23
1342 Fayth Yecoshenko F0112 508 20/54 222/777 29:57 29:10 9:24
1601 Erin Jabs F1934 509 86/292 223/777 29:53 29:12 9:24
1214 Amy Raisanen F1934 510 87/292 224/777 29:25 29:13 9:25
508 Waylon Wittkopf M1934 511 103/153 287/508 30:10 29:13 9:25
1069 Carol Klitzke F6064 512 2/15 225/777 29:46 29:15 9:25
1160 Kathryn Pickhartz F4549 513 17/64 226/777 30:16 29:15 9:25
1529 Alyssa Bartosh F1934 514 88/292 227/777 29:28 29:15 9:25
1177 Maija Rannikko F1318 515 45/81 228/777 29:37 29:15 9:25
1453 Rachel Ofstie F1318 516 46/81 229/777 29:56 29:18 9:26

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