Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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1842 Linda Amborn F5054 418 13/53 170/777 28:14 28:03 9:02
1858 Sarah Staum F1934 419 59/292 171/777 28:20 28:03 9:02
1115 Hope Szymczak F1934 420 60/292 172/777 28:13 28:04 9:02
404 Daniel Purdom M1934 421 88/153 249/508 29:01 28:05 9:03
1837 Ellie Grams F1318 422 37/81 173/777 28:24 28:07 9:03
1137 Mary O'Bey F3539 423 17/95 174/777 28:36 28:07 9:03
1318 Lisa Herstad F3539 424 18/95 175/777 28:59 28:08 9:04
1136 Margaret Burdine F4044 425 11/59 176/777 28:25 28:09 9:04
431 Wes Otremba M1934 426 89/153 250/508 28:32 28:12 9:05
1094 Tammy Petruska F3539 427 19/95 177/777 28:51 28:12 9:05
1203 Kari Muehlberger F1934 428 61/292 178/777 28:27 28:12 9:05
1090 Laurie Beyer F3539 429 20/95 179/777 29:03 28:13 9:05
1899 Kris Elfvin F1934 430 62/292 180/777 29:06 28:13 9:05
1712 Alexandra Sonnek F1318 431 38/81 181/777 28:31 28:13 9:05
1225 Delaney McCabe F0112 432 17/54 182/777 28:34 28:15 9:06
335 Rod Hagedorn M4044 433 25/43 251/508 28:52 28:16 9:06
1178 Anika Rannikko F1934 434 63/292 183/777 28:37 28:16 9:06
1457 Robin Sande F4044 435 12/59 184/777 28:27 28:16 9:06
126 Zachary Sheehan M1318 436 45/64 252/508 28:25 28:17 9:06
234 Richard Peterson M4044 437 26/43 253/508 29:13 28:17 9:07
20 Horst Winkler M5559 438 8/27 254/508 29:07 28:18 9:07
1679 Madeline Brooks F3539 439 21/95 185/777 28:25 28:19 9:07
486 Jeffrey Perala-Dewey M1318 440 46/64 255/508 28:27 28:19 9:07
12 Kai Winkler M1934 441 90/153 256/508 29:06 28:19 9:07
1020 Renate Winkler F1934 442 64/292 186/777 29:07 28:19 9:07
1659 Kate Dennison F3539 443 22/95 187/777 28:28 28:20 9:08
481 Adam Montain M1934 444 91/153 257/508 28:55 28:21 9:08
1212 Jeri Peterson F4549 445 14/64 188/777 28:38 28:21 9:08
1415 Sarah Vance F1934 446 65/292 189/777 28:32 28:21 9:08
120 Don Carlson M4549 447 18/39 258/508 28:30 28:24 9:09
1624 Melinda Howard F1934 448 66/292 190/777 29:19 28:25 9:09
1545 Siobhan Ehle F1934 449 67/292 191/777 28:37 28:25 9:09
502 Dan Desanto M1934 450 92/153 259/508 29:18 28:26 9:09
157 David Peterson M1934 451 93/153 260/508 28:45 28:26 9:10
1801 Maggie Soucheray F1934 452 68/292 192/777 28:45 28:27 9:10
516 Tyler Goebel M1318 453 47/64 261/508 28:50 28:27 9:10
154 David Peterson M4549 454 19/39 262/508 28:45 28:27 9:10
1748 Leah Jenk F1318 455 39/81 193/777 28:30 28:27 9:10
168 Michael Thrasher M4549 456 20/39 263/508 28:50 28:27 9:10
1734 Pamela Nelson F1934 457 69/292 194/777 28:44 28:28 9:10

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