114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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1273 Sarah Dills F4044 1547 38/223 488/2609 54:31 8:48
4650 Kristi Schmitt F4044 1548 39/223 489/2609 54:31 8:48
1040 Paige Cox F2024 1549 79/349 490/2609 54:31 8:48
4538 Ryan Saint-Blancard M3034 1550 141/299 1060/2629 54:32 8:48
2547 Kevin Jones M5559 1551 43/188 1061/2629 54:32 8:48
7595 Charlie Hatch M2529 1552 141/318 1062/2629 54:32 8:48
5919 Madison Braun F3034 1553 58/260 491/2609 54:32 8:48
5813 Jennifer Yeung F4044 1554 40/223 492/2609 54:32 8:48
4655 Dan Schneider M3034 1555 142/299 1063/2629 54:33 8:48
9118 Natalie Jostworth F1619 1556 72/250 493/2609 54:33 8:48
8631 Christopher Benjamin M3539 1557 137/287 1064/2629 54:33 8:48
5920 Julie Breen F4549 1558 27/211 494/2609 54:34 8:48
8810 Porter Deckard M0115 1559 57/140 1065/2629 54:34 8:48
5324 Sara Tillotson F3034 1560 59/260 495/2609 54:34 8:49
6655 Jeff Weisman M4549 1561 68/191 1066/2629 54:35 8:49
1611 Stan Foster M5559 1562 44/188 1067/2629 54:35 8:49
385 Dericka Bielecki F4044 1563 41/223 496/2609 54:35 8:49
8808 Aaron Deckard M4549 1564 69/191 1068/2629 54:35 8:49
10208 Dexter Stahl M2024 1565 147/284 1069/2629 54:35 8:49
9044 Paul Henkel M6064 1566 35/166 1070/2629 54:35 8:49
9852 Brooke Zentmeyer F2529 1567 73/356 497/2609 54:36 8:49
9626 Jason Smith M4044 1568 107/228 1071/2629 54:37 8:49
9031 Emma Harvey F2529 1569 74/356 498/2609 54:37 8:49
9200 Alex Loesing M2529 1570 142/318 1072/2629 54:38 8:49
6487 Brian Roettker M4549 1571 70/191 1073/2629 54:38 8:49
3785 Josh Neal M4044 1572 108/228 1074/2629 54:38 8:49
8731 Leotie Carman F0115 1573 40/128 499/2609 54:38 8:49
4132 Cameron Polking M0115 1574 58/140 1075/2629 54:38 8:49
9267 Mary Cate McIntyre F2529 1575 75/356 500/2609 54:39 8:49
862 Jean Childs F5559 1576 12/168 501/2609 54:39 8:49
1082 Dan Crowley M4549 1577 71/191 1076/2629 54:39 8:49
2352 John Houchens M5054 1578 69/200 1077/2629 54:39 8:49
1597 Alan Ford M2024 1579 148/284 1078/2629 54:39 8:49
5204 Matthew Swaidan M4044 1580 109/228 1079/2629 54:39 8:49
9254 Jeffrey May M2024 1581 149/284 1080/2629 54:40 8:49
642 Megan Buckner F2024 1582 80/349 502/2609 54:40 8:49
9408 Brayden Perazzo M1619 1583 104/169 1081/2629 54:40 8:49
8293 William Pflanz M3539 1584 138/287 1082/2629 54:40 8:49
2808 Peter Knowlton M4549 1585 72/191 1083/2629 54:40 8:50
3871 Chase Nolan F2024 1586 81/349 503/2609 54:40 8:50

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