10K Run


February 18, 2018 in Hartland, WI


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10K Run - Results

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displaying: 1 - 27 of 27
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341 Jamie Klose F40-44 10 1/27 1/204 20:45 41:28 6:41
872 Megan Grisolono F40-44 55 2/27 18/204 24:17 48:33 7:49
1086 Deanna Weinreich F40-44 56 3/27 19/204 24:17 48:35 7:50
672 Kate Sommerville F40-44 66 4/27 21/204 24:43 50:13 8:05
389 Jenna Lepisto F40-44 77 5/27 26/204 25:26 51:04 8:14
724 Mary Volkers F40-44 83 6/27 28/204 25:40 51:42 8:20
148 Amy Diestelhorst F40-44 84 7/27 29/204 - 51:42 8:20
1125 Cammie Heit F40-44 100 8/27 35/204 26:04 52:57 8:32
977 Sally Nie F40-44 121 9/27 45/204 26:28 53:55 8:41
40 Tricia Bengtson F40-44 128 10/27 48/204 26:06 54:56 8:51
65 Heavin Bordwell Yopp F40-44 144 11/27 56/204 27:58 56:09 9:03
878 Kristina Harrington F40-44 162 12/27 66/204 28:07 57:34 9:16
463 Gwen Modert F40-44 169 13/27 71/204 28:30 58:18 9:23
227 Julie Goyette F40-44 197 14/27 89/204 28:31 1:00:09 9:41
235 Karen Grunert F40-44 201 15/27 93/204 30:20 1:00:40 9:46
491 Ann Nagle F40-44 207 16/27 96/204 30:43 1:01:10 9:51
550 Amy Peters F40-44 218 17/27 105/204 31:11 1:01:37 9:55
163 Tracey Ebert F40-44 219 18/27 106/204 30:47 1:01:55 9:58
547 Shawna Perry F40-44 234 19/27 117/204 31:02 1:04:07 10:20
282 Stephanie Hubbard F40-44 237 20/27 120/204 31:09 1:04:17 10:21
768 Julia Zella F40-44 239 21/27 121/204 32:01 1:04:21 10:22
863 Melissa Gellings F40-44 241 22/27 123/204 31:36 1:04:43 10:25
600 Erika Rivera Hentzell F40-44 277 23/27 145/204 32:24 1:07:29 10:52
797 Amy Borchardt F40-44 281 24/27 148/204 33:19 1:07:34 10:53
252 Mindy Harmelink F40-44 286 25/27 153/204 32:32 1:08:56 11:06
305 Nikki Jones F40-44 323 26/27 186/204 37:31 1:14:58 12:04
579 Tracy Quin F40-44 338 27/27 195/204 39:10 1:20:47 13:00

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