4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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3610 Alyson Hatten F2029 106 12/55 26/247 34:02 8:31
3653 Brett Stevens M4049 107 13/39 81/201 34:02 8:31
3819 Brian Janssen M3039 108 30/55 82/201 34:07 8:32
3866 Alejandra Monge F3039 109 10/90 27/247 34:10 8:33
3922 Janet Snell-Bergeon F3039 110 11/90 28/247 34:11 8:33
3896 Troy Rackham M3039 111 31/55 83/201 34:28 8:37
3609 Kim Eisen F3039 112 12/90 29/247 34:32 8:38
3953 Ryan Woodey M3039 113 32/55 84/201 34:33 8:39
6602 Steve Barry M4049 114 14/39 85/201 34:34 8:39
3936 Christy Vignali F3039 115 13/90 30/247 34:34 8:39
3894 Mark Potter M4049 116 15/39 86/201 34:37 8:40
6728 Laura Kinney F2029 117 13/55 31/247 34:40 8:40
3965 Dana Sargent F3039 118 14/90 32/247 34:44 8:41
3640 Dave Reeder M???? 119 1/1 87/201 34:44 8:41
3510 Paul Lewandowski M6069 120 5/22 88/201 34:46 8:42
3523 Jennifer Schmasow F2029 121 14/55 33/247 34:47 8:42
3774 Eileen Finnegan F4049 122 5/43 34/247 34:50 8:43
3961 Sarah Kolbe F3039 123 15/90 35/247 34:54 8:44
3970 Bill Kurz M4049 124 16/39 89/201 35:04 8:46
3572 Jennifer Rogers F4049 125 6/43 36/247 35:08 8:47
3644 Jj Eagleston F3039 126 16/90 37/247 35:15 8:49
6756 Chris Young M3039 127 33/55 90/201 35:17 8:50
3761 Kate Cutillo F2029 128 15/55 38/247 35:17 8:50
3804 John Hathorn M5059 129 11/18 91/201 35:25 8:52
3939 Shawn Wagner M2029 130 17/37 92/201 35:32 8:53
3712 William Lutz M1319 131 10/18 93/201 35:37 8:55
6721 Jennifer Swanson F3039 132 17/90 39/247 35:38 8:55
3734 Clinton Biggs M4049 133 17/39 94/201 35:48 8:57
3632 Glenn Fee M3039 134 34/55 95/201 35:49 8:58
3550 Toni Wachtel F6069 135 1/14 40/247 35:50 8:58
3678 Justin Gerber M1319 136 11/18 96/201 35:51 8:58
3549 Jason Anderson M1319 137 12/18 97/201 35:51 8:58
3708 Jenna Smith F2029 138 16/55 41/247 35:52 8:58
3699 Lb Bensley F4049 139 7/43 42/247 35:54 8:59
3962 Jay Kolbe M3039 140 35/55 98/201 36:00 9:00
3696 Jonathan Swartz M2029 141 18/37 99/201 36:02 9:01
3736 David Boush M4049 142 18/39 100/201 36:03 9:01
6749 Joel Cornell M2029 143 19/37 101/201 36:04 9:01
3764 David Dawson M6069 144 6/22 102/201 36:06 9:02
3840 Jamie Laudenslager F2029 145 17/55 43/247 36:07 9:02

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