Polar Bear Run



January 28, 2007 in Denver, CO


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513 Steve Roch M4049 1 1/8 1/37 17:35 5:40
154 Brian Glotzbach M3039 2 1/9 2/37 18:44 6:02
527 Mondo Tijerina M3039 3 2/9 3/37 18:58 6:06
519 Scott Nalbach NOAGE 4 1/6 4/37 19:15 6:12
498 Kristopher Swygert M2029 5 1/5 5/37 19:41 6:21
494 Carl Schmitt M3039 6 3/9 6/37 21:02 6:46
516 R. Furr M5059 7 1/8 7/37 22:17 7:11
540 Kevin Klinefelter M2029 8 2/5 8/37 23:31 7:35
534 Mitch Chesbro M4049 9 2/8 9/37 23:53 7:42
284 Sybil Praski F4049 10 1/8 1/44 24:09 7:47
381 Eric Quivey M4049 11 3/8 10/37 24:27 7:52
518 Stephen Triebel M5059 12 2/8 11/37 24:49 8:00
150 Jodi Crutchfield F3039 13 1/9 2/44 24:54 8:01
514 Sara Kent NOAGE 14 2/6 3/44 25:06 8:05
512 Jerry Brown M6069 15 1/2 12/37 25:13 8:07
382 Jennifer Zanella F4049 16 2/8 4/44 25:21 8:10
549 David Taylor M5059 17 3/8 13/37 25:22 8:10
505 Andrew Cuthill M4049 18 4/8 14/37 25:34 8:14
159 Karen King F3039 19 2/9 5/44 25:38 8:15
881 Tim Chase M4049 20 5/8 15/37 25:57 8:22
546 Leslie Mitchell F4049 21 3/8 6/44 25:59 8:22
531 David McGillivary M5059 22 4/8 16/37 26:21 8:29
542 Caj Flynn M3039 23 4/9 17/37 26:34 8:33
141 Lee Hendrick NOAGE 24 3/6 18/37 26:54 8:40
493 Jess Ryan F2029 25 1/10 7/44 27:18 8:47
520 Connie Ahrnsbrak F6069 26 1/4 8/44 27:27 8:50
143 Joseph Bearss M3039 27 5/9 19/37 27:44 8:56
149 Tess Cromer F1319 28 1/3 9/44 27:49 8:58
526 Shawn McCaskey M3039 29 6/9 20/37 28:05 9:03
539 Kassi Klinefelter F2029 30 2/10 10/44 28:19 9:07
523 Chris Panipinto M4049 31 6/8 21/37 28:31 9:11
508 Angela Ott F3039 32 3/9 11/44 28:49 9:17
521 Korina Lyons F2029 33 3/10 12/44 28:58 9:20
174 Gene Over M4049 34 7/8 22/37 29:19 9:27
156 Ron Hensler M3039 35 7/9 23/37 29:21 9:27
524 Edith De Craee F4049 36 4/8 13/44 29:27 9:29
543 Erin Wudd NOAGE 37 4/6 14/44 29:54 9:38
506 Kate Downs M2029 38 3/5 24/37 29:56 9:39
501 Merrilee Tobin F2029 39 4/10 15/44 29:58 9:39
545 Loch Ethridge M5059 40 5/8 25/37 30:01 9:40

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