Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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7508 Jessica Galer F2529 343 51/66 167/246 1:03:20 1:03:38 10:12
7507 Chad Galer M2529 344 39/42 177/201 1:03:19 1:03:38 10:12
7145 Bethany Natzke F3539 345 22/34 168/246 1:03:25 1:03:44 10:13
7498 Catherine Murtaugh F2529 346 52/66 169/246 1:03:08 1:03:47 10:10
7273 Sarah McGrath F3034 347 29/43 170/246 1:01:52 1:03:48 9:58
7007 Keri Bartman F3539 348 23/34 171/246 1:03:33 1:03:53 10:14
7061 Chris Fetner M2529 349 40/42 178/201 1:03:21 1:03:54 10:12
7015 Gary Blazek M4044 350 19/21 179/201 1:03:26 1:04:07 10:13
7474 Jill Mattson F3539 351 24/34 172/246 1:03:21 1:04:07 10:12
7475 Richard Pentecost M3539 352 37/41 180/201 1:03:21 1:04:07 10:12
7097 Lauren Johnson F2024 353 23/35 173/246 1:03:59 1:04:10 10:18
7187 Brendon Shoemaker M2529 354 41/42 181/201 1:04:18 1:04:24 10:21
7183 Elaine Schwoerer F5559 355 6/9 174/246 1:04:21 1:04:29 10:22
7220 Ryan West F2529 356 53/66 175/246 1:03:44 1:04:38 10:16
7036 Bethany Cody F3034 357 30/43 176/246 1:03:44 1:04:38 10:16
7481 Athena Agoudemos F2529 358 54/66 177/246 58:42 1:04:42 9:27
7137 Laurie Meinholz F2024 359 24/35 178/246 1:04:25 1:04:46 10:22
7323 Misael Naxi M2024 360 13/16 182/201 1:04:04 1:04:53 10:19
7304 Felicitas Denaxi F3539 361 25/34 179/246 1:04:06 1:04:53 10:19
7229 Lili Yiu F3539 362 26/34 180/246 1:04:36 1:04:57 10:24
7108 Nova Kohl F2529 363 55/66 181/246 1:04:47 1:04:59 10:26
7185 Kathryn Severin F5054 364 4/5 182/246 1:04:23 1:04:59 10:22
7269 Jen Levi F3034 365 31/43 183/246 1:04:26 1:05:02 10:23
7126 Craig Lower M3539 366 38/41 183/201 1:04:39 1:05:06 10:25
7010 Scott Beglinger M2024 367 14/16 184/201 1:05:02 1:05:22 10:28
7153 Melissa O'Neill F2024 368 25/35 184/246 1:05:03 1:05:23 10:29
7499 Stacy Seehafer F2529 369 56/66 185/246 1:04:49 1:05:25 10:26
7527 Jennifer Cotner F2529 370 57/66 186/246 1:05:03 1:05:26 10:28
7526 Kathryn Kidd F2529 371 58/66 187/246 1:05:03 1:05:27 10:29
7104 Maggie Kiefer F3539 372 27/34 188/246 1:05:11 1:05:37 10:30
7181 Leah Schroeder F2529 373 59/66 189/246 1:05:35 1:05:47 10:34
7256 Yuriy Gusev M2529 374 42/42 185/201 1:05:24 1:05:59 10:32
7265 Irina Komarova F2024 375 26/35 190/246 1:05:24 1:05:59 10:32
7207 John Tremaine M3539 376 39/41 186/201 1:05:47 1:06:01 10:36
7379 Jessica Jones F2529 377 60/66 191/246 1:05:26 1:06:06 10:32
7069 Eric Fuhrman M4044 378 20/21 187/201 1:05:34 1:06:20 10:34
7303 Amanda De Fiebre F2024 379 27/35 192/246 1:06:14 1:06:22 10:40
7138 Dinorah Melendez F4549 380 10/14 193/246 1:05:58 1:06:27 10:37
7367 Yiyoon Chung F2529 381 61/66 194/246 1:06:22 1:06:37 10:41
7289 Ellen Sjolund F4549 382 11/14 195/246 1:06:35 1:06:40 10:43

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