Madison Marathon 2007

10K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 27 of 27
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7125 Kim Griffith F3539 421 34/34 225/246 1:14:06 1:14:20 11:56
7264 Elise Kanning F3034 422 37/43 226/246 1:14:17 1:14:39 11:58
7190 Laura Simkowski F5054 423 5/5 227/246 1:14:43 1:15:01 12:02
7156 Sandy Osterman F4549 424 13/14 228/246 1:14:59 1:15:10 12:05
7031 Amber Castona F2024 425 34/35 229/246 1:15:12 1:15:15 12:07
7413 Kim Moreland F3034 426 38/43 230/246 1:14:35 1:15:27 12:01
7275 Marcia McIntyre F4044 427 24/25 231/246 1:14:25 1:15:34 11:59
7376 Linda Hansen F4549 428 14/14 232/246 1:14:46 1:15:34 12:02
7191 Linda Simmons F6064 429 1/1 233/246 1:15:22 1:16:07 12:08
7245 Trudy Buehring F6569 430 1/1 234/246 1:15:13 1:17:44 12:07
7501 Lee Campbell F3034 431 39/43 235/246 1:17:12 1:17:57 12:26
7416 Justin Pernitz M2024 432 16/16 197/201 1:19:47 1:19:47 12:51
7500 Stefanie Zydowicz F2529 433 65/66 236/246 1:15:31 1:21:30 12:10
7167 Bill Redman M7099 434 1/1 198/201 1:25:10 1:25:21 13:43
7485 Brenna Kunkel F3034 435 40/43 237/246 1:25:41 1:26:00 13:48
7431 Rick Cruz M4044 436 21/21 199/201 1:25:39 1:26:25 13:47
7226 Jessie Wixon F3034 437 41/43 238/246 1:26:13 1:26:55 13:53
7467 Devin Wixon F3034 438 42/43 239/246 1:26:13 1:26:55 13:53
7072 Dana Grahler F2024 439 35/35 240/246 1:28:58 1:29:48 14:20
7244 Bill Buehring M6569 440 2/2 200/201 1:29:26 1:30:25 14:24
7472 Kristen McVeen F2529 441 66/66 241/246 1:30:22 1:30:41 14:33
7021 Alyssa Brody F0119 442 11/11 242/246 1:31:56 1:31:57 14:48
7092 Laura Jensen F4044 443 25/25 243/246 1:40:57 1:40:57 16:15
7242 John Brehm M5054 444 16/16 201/201 1:54:27 1:55:25 18:26
7241 Joanne Brehm F7099 445 2/2 244/246 1:54:34 1:55:34 18:27
7240 Christy Brehm F5559 446 9/9 245/246 1:54:34 1:55:34 18:27
7320 Kelly Maly F3034 447 43/43 246/246 1:58:55 1:59:41 19:09

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