2012 Republic Tiger Tri

Adult Triathlon Results - Results

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396 Luke Kuschmeader M3034 16 5/33 16/222 4:55 1:48 1:07 32:44 22.7 1:07 22:21 7:13 1:02:14
211 Chris Leach M4044 17 3/29 17/222 4:43 1:44 0:46 35:40 20.9 0:48 20:45 6:42 1:02:42
131 Doug Fredrick M3034 18 6/33 18/222 5:13 1:55 1:04 35:17 21.1 0:44 20:34 6:38 1:02:52
29 Micah Miller M2024 19 3/14 19/222 5:05 1:52 1:27 37:13 20.0 1:13 18:08 5:51 1:03:05
370 Justin Cravens M4044 20 4/29 20/222 5:17 1:56 0:53 37:00 20.1 0:49 19:24 6:16 1:03:22
100 Brad Palmer M3034 21 7/33 21/222 5:22 1:58 0:46 35:40 20.9 0:59 20:40 6:40 1:03:26
162 Alan Miller M3539 22 3/23 22/222 6:01 2:12 0:48 34:23 21.6 0:36 21:39 6:59 1:03:27
349 Bob Spence M4044 23 5/29 23/222 4:39 1:42 1:03 36:45 20.2 1:04 20:11 6:31 1:03:42
229 Alan Rosen M4044 24 6/29 24/222 5:14 1:55 1:10 34:51 21.3 0:56 21:38 6:59 1:03:49
242 John Bradley M4549 25 2/20 25/222 5:13 1:55 0:58 34:24 21.6 0:56 22:32 7:17 1:04:04
79 Bradlee Twigg MCLY3 26 2/11 26/222 5:47 2:07 1:14 35:20 21.1 1:27 20:32 6:38 1:04:21
37 Erin Dolan F2024 27 1/7 1/126 3:49 1:24 0:58 39:48 18.7 0:43 19:13 6:12 1:04:31
60 Joshua Udermann M2529 28 3/18 27/222 3:52 1:25 1:26 35:55 20.7 0:57 22:24 7:14 1:04:34
74 Andrew Johnson M2529 29 4/18 28/222 5:28 2:00 1:04 39:53 18.7 0:37 17:45 5:44 1:04:48
91 Christopher Rollmann M3034 30 8/33 29/222 5:49 2:08 1:22 35:19 21.1 1:21 21:00 6:47 1:04:52
245 Clinton Petty M4549 31 3/20 30/222 5:56 2:10 1:07 35:59 20.7 0:39 21:13 6:51 1:04:54
236 Dennis Rathke M4549 32 4/20 31/222 5:43 2:06 1:02 35:16 21.1 0:48 22:08 7:09 1:04:57
167 Megan Weldon F3539 33 1/18 2/126 4:46 1:45 1:01 36:50 20.2 0:46 21:36 6:58 1:04:59
204 Jason Hall M4044 34 7/29 32/222 4:16 1:34 1:19 37:58 19.6 1:00 20:46 6:42 1:05:19
203 Chad Brinkley M4044 35 8/29 33/222 5:18 1:57 1:31 36:58 20.1 0:54 20:41 6:41 1:05:22
84 Ruth Sawkins F2529 36 1/18 3/126 5:28 2:00 0:45 37:02 20.1 0:33 21:41 7:00 1:05:29
346 Randy Lopez M3539 37 4/23 34/222 5:38 2:04 0:50 36:49 20.2 0:52 21:23 6:54 1:05:32
221 Ken Edwards M4044 38 9/29 35/222 4:34 1:40 1:05 35:54 20.7 1:01 23:19 7:32 1:05:53
136 Scott Hicks M3034 39 9/33 36/222 5:50 2:08 0:57 38:31 19.3 1:39 18:59 6:08 1:05:56
61 Lyon Hough M2529 40 5/18 37/222 4:33 1:40 0:59 37:40 19.8 0:54 22:13 7:10 1:06:19
375 Tom Morrison M5559 41 1/15 38/222 7:27 2:44 1:19 34:06 21.8 0:58 22:39 7:19 1:06:29
248 Rosie Laughlin F4549 42 1/14 4/126 5:58 2:11 1:11 37:50 19.7 0:45 20:47 6:43 1:06:31
372 Team Schofield TEAM 43 1/12 1/12 5:40 2:05 0:53 33:45 22.0 0:41 25:37 8:16 1:06:36
246 John Long M4549 44 5/20 39/222 5:56 2:10 0:56 36:54 20.2 1:01 22:00 7:06 1:06:47
28 Joe Peterson M2024 45 4/14 40/222 5:24 1:59 0:54 37:21 19.9 0:59 22:12 7:10 1:06:51
158 Joseph Alton M3539 46 5/23 41/222 5:33 2:02 1:08 37:53 19.6 1:01 21:39 6:59 1:07:14
371 Zachory Smith M3034 47 10/33 42/222 5:03 1:51 1:32 37:03 20.1 1:33 22:03 7:07 1:07:14
395 Mark Taussia M6064 48 1/9 43/222 6:03 2:13 1:06 36:00 20.7 1:09 23:33 7:36 1:07:51
354 Jonathan Gano M3539 49 6/23 44/222 4:31 1:39 1:38 38:34 19.3 1:31 21:41 7:00 1:07:55
337 Cynthia Bradley F4549 50 2/14 5/126 5:50 2:08 1:01 36:57 20.1 0:53 23:18 7:31 1:07:58
274 Scott Peterson M5054 51 1/15 45/222 7:32 2:45 0:53 36:25 20.4 0:46 22:29 7:16 1:08:06
266 David Whitney M4549 52 6/20 46/222 8:19 3:03 1:20 36:53 20.2 0:59 20:44 6:41 1:08:15
2 Dalton Edwards M0119 53 2/21 47/222 5:24 1:59 1:04 42:03 17.7 0:36 19:12 6:12 1:08:18
95 Rodmy Chavez M3034 54 11/33 48/222 6:06 2:14 1:40 35:18 21.1 1:21 24:26 7:53 1:08:51
360 Andrew Ellsworth M4044 55 10/29 49/222 4:14 1:33 1:24 37:35 19.8 0:51 24:50 8:01 1:08:54

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