Zooma Denver Half Marathon & 5 Miler

5 Miler


September 20, 2009 in Denver, CO

Results By

5 Miler - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 17 of 17
number of records per page: [10] [all]

42 Gretchen Halley F2529 9 1/17 6/151 41:27 41:21 8:17
172 Amy Gryzmala F2529 17 2/17 13/151 45:23 45:16 9:04
150 Erica Buxton F2529 18 3/17 14/151 45:53 45:48 9:10
192 Amanda St. Ivany F2529 21 4/17 17/151 46:22 46:16 9:16
183 Cortney Logan F2529 35 5/17 30/151 48:17 48:10 9:38
146 Kimberley Kaiser F2529 37 6/17 31/151 48:27 48:18 9:40
184 Jill Thompson F2529 57 7/17 51/151 50:41 50:34 10:07
157 Jenny Jaskiewicz F2529 91 9/17 86/151 55:30 55:18 11:04
97 Sarah Lambert F2529 94 8/17 70/151 57:03 53:10 10:38
156 Anna Krauss F2529 95 10/17 88/151 57:21 57:08 11:26
186 Kris Morgan F2529 123 12/17 111/151 1:03:20 1:01:41 12:21
131 Renee McDermed F2529 126 13/17 121/151 1:06:08 1:05:58 13:12
161 Lauren Sleesman F2529 132 15/17 126/151 1:08:01 1:07:49 13:34
128 Julie Ballmann F2529 133 16/17 127/151 1:08:01 1:07:50 13:34
175 Margaret Lamar F2529 142 11/17 109/151 1:12:01 1:01:19 12:16
176 Stephanie Trout F2529 150 14/17 125/151 1:18:30 1:07:42 13:33
109 Thuy Nga Vu F2529 156 17/17 146/151 1:23:39 1:23:25 16:41

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