Freeze Your Buns Off 5K




February 6, 2016 in Castle Rock, CO


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displaying: 1 - 31 of 31
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417 Michael Stone M1499 4 1/31 4/52 21:37 6:58
407 Jake Shoptaugh M1499 5 2/31 5/52 22:01 7:06
361 Troy Kloberdanz M1499 6 3/31 6/52 22:31 7:16
453 Tom Nicklas M1499 8 4/31 7/52 23:35 7:36
381 Scott Neher M1499 10 5/31 8/52 23:50 7:41
380 Norm Murdock M1499 11 6/31 9/52 24:05 7:46
415 Drew Stengel M1499 12 7/31 10/52 24:21 7:51
314 Mr Bill M1499 15 8/31 11/52 25:08 8:06
371 John Markline M1499 16 9/31 12/52 25:52 8:21
451 Larry Nicklas M1499 19 10/31 14/52 26:50 8:39
467 John Franco M1499 20 11/31 15/52 27:11 8:46
420 Robert Thompson M1499 22 12/31 16/52 27:52 8:59
335 Eleuterio Garc a Reyes M1499 28 13/31 18/52 29:04 9:23
394 Wes Porter M1499 30 14/31 19/52 29:25 9:29
323 Scott Conner M1499 35 15/31 21/52 30:02 9:41
336 Gunnar Gransbery M1499 36 16/31 22/52 30:13 9:45
338 Steven Gurzenski M1499 53 17/31 23/52 32:02 10:20
309 Wade Baxter M1499 57 18/31 24/52 32:47 10:35
344 Shing Ho M1499 61 19/31 26/52 33:17 10:44
430 Reid Wiecks M1499 70 20/31 27/52 35:36 11:29
435 Mitch Wirth M1499 71 21/31 28/52 35:39 11:30
398 Ron Redd M1499 74 22/31 30/52 36:22 11:44
403 David Schutte M1499 76 23/31 31/52 37:04 11:57
350 Donald Hunt M1499 77 24/31 32/52 37:05 11:58
395 John Posada M1499 81 25/31 33/52 37:59 12:15
464 Robert Wagner M1499 92 26/31 36/52 40:03 12:55
385 Jonathan Neil M1499 104 27/31 40/52 41:15 13:18
320 Blake Cheslock M1499 108 28/31 42/52 42:30 13:43
377 Karen McGimsey M1499 123 29/31 48/52 49:40 16:01
428 Michael Weitenhagen M1499 137 30/31 50/52 53:46 17:21
409 Jim Simmons M1499 138 31/31 51/52 54:06 17:27

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