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Waddell & Reed Kansas City Marathon - Marathon Relay Awards Results

                                                                      Page 1

                Waddell & Reed Kansas City Marathon - 2009

Number of records: 50 

Place No.    Team                                               City            St Time    Pace  
===== ====== ================================================== =============== == ======= ===== 
    1   3411 We Got The Runs                                    KANSAS CITY     KS 3:03:29  7:01 
    2   3349 Warren                                             KANSAS CITY     MO 3:32:34  8:07 
    3   3336 4 Amigos                                           SMITHVILLE      MO 3:36:32  8:16 
    4   3339 The Shufflers                                      KANSAS CITY     MO 3:36:41  8:17 
    5   3372 Team Bubbies                                       MISSION         KS 3:37:21  8:18 
    6   3365 3 Spoofhounds And A Trainer                        MARYVILLE       MO 3:42:56  8:31 
    7   3340 Fuchsinators                                       PAPILLION       NE 3:44:05  8:34 
    8   3345 Twinfitness                                        OVERLAND PARK   KS 3:44:21  8:34 
    9   3418 Hi-5                                               KANSAS CITY     MO 3:45:33  8:37 
   10   3382 Just Finish                                        LIBERTY         MO 3:47:21  8:41 
   11   3360 Farkle!                                            KANSAS CITY     MO 3:49:12  8:45 
   12   3401 4 Petersons And A Wannabe                          KANSAS CITY     MO 3:49:54  8:47 
   13   3335 Oh To Be Witty                                     OVERLAND PARK   KS 3:50:54  8:49 
   14   3425 Catholic Running Friends                           KANSAS CITY     MO 3:51:45  8:51 
   15   3445 Team Dtr                                           PARKVILLE       MO 3:54:45  8:58 
   16   3443 Dancing Queens                                     KANSAS CITY     KS 3:56:21  9:02 
   17   3380 Swagger                                            OMAHA           NE 3:59:16  9:08 
   18   3408 The Closers                                        OLATHE          KS 4:03:08  9:17 
   19   3370 Running On Empty                                   KANSAS CITY     MO 4:03:33  9:18 
   20   3405 Fitnutstoo                                         SHAWNEE         KS 4:04:31  9:20 
   21   3446 Marathon Monkey S                                  KANSAS CITY     MO 4:10:42  9:35 
   22   3347 Run Jayhawk Run                                    OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:11:43  9:37 
   23   3434 Wooly Bully S Trailblazers                         WESTWOOD HILLS  KS 4:13:46  9:42 
   24   3356 Fitnuts                                            KANSAS CITY     MO 4:14:22  9:43 
   25   3383 The Falling Turduckens                             SAN RAFAEL      CA 4:14:37  9:44 
   26   3395 Stop Chasing Us                                    RUSSELLVILLE    MO 4:14:39  9:44 
   27   3431 5-Hour Energy!                                     OMAHA           NE 4:17:08  9:49 
   28   3346 Team Warren                                        RIVERSIDE       MO 4:17:22  9:50 
   29   3447 Otms                                               OLATHE          KS 4:18:17  9:52 
   30   3438 Need It Have It                                    KANSAS CITY     KS 4:18:57  9:53 
   31   3423 The Bridge #2                                      YORK            NE 4:18:58  9:54 
   32   3379 Shoes On The Street                                COLUMBUS        NE 4:20:32  9:57 
   33   3371 The Skid Marks                                     KANSAS CITY     MO 4:23:22 10:04 
   34   3334 Relayted Feet                                      MISSION         KS 4:23:28 10:04 
   35   3430 Va  Speed                                          KANSAS CITY     MO 4:25:17 10:08 
   36   3368 Larry S 4-Pack                                     LAWRENCE        KS 4:26:30 10:11 
   37   3391 Super Smiths                                       LEAWOOD         KS 4:28:44 10:16 
   38   3436 Los Musculos                                       WICHITA         KS 4:31:39 10:23 
   39   3378 Holy Schneikes                                     KANSAS CITY     MO 4:32:33 10:25 
   40   3442 Cooling & Herbers P C                              KANSAS CITY     MO 4:33:14 10:26 
   41   3397 Moe & Co                                           PRAIRIE VILLAGE KS 4:35:39 10:32 
   42   3412 We Should Have Done The 5k                         OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:36:35 10:34 
   43   3416 Leader Of The Back                                 LENEXA          KS 4:40:02 10:42 
   44   3386 Crazy Catholics                                    GARDNER         KS 4:40:07 10:42 
   45   3417 The Bridge 1                                       WICHITA         KS 4:43:31 10:50 
   46   3338 Dickson S Dashers                                  SPRINGFIELD     IL 4:43:47 10:50 
   47   3355 Phreddie S Phidippidies                            OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:49:28 11:03 
   48   3404 We Are Family!                                     BETHANY         OK 4:51:45 11:09 
   49   3414 The Starry-Eyed Schlepping Smugglers               KANSAS CITY     MO 5:09:29 11:49 

Place No.    Team                                               City            St Time    Pace  
===== ====== ================================================== =============== == ======= ===== 
    1   3001 Phs Xc Alumni                                      SAN FRANCISCO   CA 2:31:16  5:47 
    2   3398 Vintage Panthers                                   KANSAS CITY     MO 3:25:19  7:51 
    3   3348 Hot And Heavy                                      OVERLAND PARK   KS 3:44:01  8:33 
    4   3358 The Day Men                                        LEAWOOD         KS 3:44:40  8:35 
    5   3444 Lhcc2                                              LAWRENCE        KS 3:59:07  9:08 
    6   3341 Runners Unlimited Network (run)                    KANSAS CITY     MO 4:00:37  9:12 
    7   3440 Team Frazee                                        SMITHTON        MO 4:03:01  9:17 
    8   3352 The Guys                                           OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:21:46 10:00 

Place No.    Team                                               City            St Time    Pace  
===== ====== ================================================== =============== == ======= ===== 
    1   3344 Team Mercy                                         MANHATTAN       KS 3:33:06  8:08 
    2   3389 Flickas                                            MARSHALL        MO 3:41:05  8:27 
    3   3433 Burgard                                            MISSION         KS 3:52:21  8:53 
    4   3415 Boom Boom Pound                                    SALT LAKE CITY  UT 3:53:10  8:54 
    5   3409 Chics With Sole                                    SAINT ANN       MO 3:57:13  9:04 
    6   3427 We Ve Got The Runs                                 LENEXA          KS 4:01:19  9:13 
    7   3396 Jackson County 5                                   LEES SUMMIT     MO 4:02:36  9:16 
    8   3410 G-Force                                            BLUE SPRINGS    MO 4:04:39  9:21 
    9   3424 Not Your Average Moms                              PAOLA           KS 4:04:49  9:21 
   10   3377 The 26 2 Crew                                      KANSAS CITY     MO 4:12:43  9:39 
   11   3351 Runnin  Cousins                                    OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:14:17  9:43 
   12   3367 Tempranillo                                        KANSAS CITY     MO 4:18:27  9:52 
   13   3353 The Cruisin Cougars                                BLUE SPRINGS    MO 4:19:56  9:56 
   14   3407 Are We There Yet?                                  KANSAS CITY     MO 4:23:18 10:03 
   15   3359 Rad Runners                                        OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:23:48 10:05 
   16   3400 Midwest Beauties                                   KANSAS CITY     MO 4:23:50 10:05 
   17   3366 Lake Girls                                         INDEPENDENCE    MO 4:24:47 10:07 
   18   3387 Flip It And Run                                    PRAIRIE VILLAGE KS 4:25:18 10:08 
   19   3385 Queen Bees                                         GARDNER         KS 4:26:30 10:11 
   20   3432 Bonner Hill-Beauties                               KANSAS CITY     KS 4:26:30 10:11 
   21   3394 Wichita W&r Women S Relay Team                     WICHITA         KS 4:27:04 10:12 
   22   3361 Dashing Divas                                      KANSAS CITY     MO 4:27:58 10:14 
   23   3376 Olm-Shipman                                        OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:29:38 10:18 
   24   3375 College Athletes Coming Out Of Retirement          KANSAS CITY     MO 4:30:11 10:19 
   25   3413 Daycare Aware                                      OLATHE          KS 4:33:10 10:26 
   26   3429 Lhcc 1                                             LAWRENCE        KS 4:33:22 10:27 
   27   3357 Metro Women                                        KANSAS CITY     MO 4:36:42 10:34 
   28   3421 Tutu Fast                                          BELTON          MO 4:36:45 10:34 
   29   3402 A Few Good Women                                   OMAHA           NE 4:38:54 10:39 
   30   3388 Sweaty Betties                                     WHITEMAN AIR FO MO 4:40:08 10:42 
   31   3422 Sunflower Soles Ii                                 SALINA          KS 4:40:56 10:44 
   32   3437 Las Gueritas Rapidas                               KANSAS CITY     MO 4:46:23 10:56 
   33   3392 Shake And Bake                                     LENEXA          KS 4:50:12 11:05 
   34   3350 Mi Love Ranchito                                   OVERLAND PARK   KS 4:52:06 11:09 
   35   3354 Mr Rooter Runners                                  LEES SUMMIT     MO 5:01:21 11:31 
   36   3403 The Dashing Divas                                  OVERLAND PARK   KS 5:07:31 11:45 
   37   3363 Did I Leave The Iron On?                           KANSAS CITY     MO 5:10:49 11:52 
   38   3399 Sunflower Soles                                    SALINA          KS 5:19:50 12:13 
   39   3373 1st Time Lunatics                                  KANSAS CITY     MO 5:21:35 12:17 
   40   3419 Nevada R-5 Family & Friends                        NEVADA          MO 5:23:21 12:21 
   41   3369 Team Twist                                         WICHITA         KS 5:24:56 12:25 
   42   3393 Cheetahs                                           RAYTOWN         MO 6:27:33 14:48 
   43   3406 10 Sassy Feet                                      PRAIRIE VILLAGE KS               

Place No.    Team                                               City            St Time    Pace  
===== ====== ================================================== =============== == ======= ===== 
    1   3439 Husch Blackwell Sanders                            KANSAS CITY     MO 3:21:04  7:41 
    2   3384 Jean Claude Van Dam My Feet Hurt                   KANSAS CITY     MO 4:06:35  9:25 
    3   3374 We Just Wanna Get Done                             OLATHE          KS 4:21:08  9:59 
    4   3343 S M A C Down                                       KANSAS CITY     MO 4:21:50 10:00 
    5   3420 Run To The Woods                                   KANSAS CITY     MO 4:47:24 10:59 

Place No.    Team                                               City            St Time    Pace  
===== ====== ================================================== =============== == ======= ===== 
    1   3435 Pi Kappa Alpha                                     KANSAS CITY     MO 3:31:05  8:04 
    2   3426 Lathrop Gage Track Club                            KANSAS CITY     MO 3:52:12  8:52 

Place No.    Team                                               City            St Time    Pace  
===== ====== ================================================== =============== == ======= ===== 
    1   3390 Mean Green                                         KANSAS CITY     KS 4:13:25  9:41