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2024 Beer and Bagel Off-Road Series-Nebraska - Age Groups--Text Format Results

                 Beer and Bagel Off-Road Run (4ish Miles)
                          Sunday November 3, 2024
                  Country Drive Golf Course, Ashland, NE

                            AGE GROUP LISTINGS

               ********** FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********
Place Bib   Name                  Ag City            Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===== ===================== == =============== === ======= ===== 
    1   742 Nicole Behm           33 Papillion       NE    24:42  6:11 
    2  1014 Natalie Little        26 Carter Lake     IA    24:54  6:14 
    3  1216 Maddy Sladky          24 Lincoln         NE    25:08  6:17 

                ********** MALE OVERALL RESULTS ***********
Place Bib   Name                  Ag City            Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===== ===================== == =============== === ======= ===== 
    1   758 Jake Borst            40 Ashland         NE    21:27  5:22 
    2   687 Ryan Kopsa            27 Lincoln         NE    22:12  5:33 
    3   801 Ben Cooney            36 Omaha           NE    22:22  5:36 

           ********** FEMALE MASTERS OVERALL RESULTS **********
Place Bib   Name                  Ag City            Sta Time    Pace     
===== ===== ===================== == =============== === ======= ===== 
    1   713 Shelly Tvrdy          59 Bennington      NE    27:44  6:56 
    2  1339 Andrea Lang           47 Ashland         NE    27:45  6:57 
    3   894 Rebecca Grundman      41 Lincoln         NE    27:54  6:59 

            ********** MALE MASTERS OVERALL RESULTS **********
Place Bib   Name                  Ag City            Sta Time    Pace     
===== ===== ===================== == =============== === ======= ===== 
    1  1116 Bradley Peters        45 Lincoln         NE    23:15  5:49 
    2  1148 Kevin Robinson        48 Omaha           NE    24:07  6:02 
    3   880 Mike Grace            47 Omaha           NE    24:16  6:04 

Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Parker Lambrecht      14 Martell            NE    32:22  8:06 
    2 Autumn Gonzales       11 Martell            NE    37:49  9:28 
    3 Gabi Schanbacher      14 Omaha              NE    47:00 11:45 
    4 Rayah Begody          13 La Vista           NE    48:39 12:10 
    5 Delaney McGill        10 Omaha              NE    50:59 12:45 
    6 Kemper Hecox          10 Gretna             NE    55:10 13:48 
    7 Louella Roussan        7 Lincoln            NE    57:36 14:24 

FEMALE AGE 15 - 19
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Maria Malousek        18 Valley             NE    27:51  6:58 
    2 Olivia Watts          17 Malcolm            NE    36:53  9:14 
    3 Taylor Ewer           19 Gretna             NE    37:47  9:27 
    4 Kaitlyn Pokorney      19 Kearney            NE    38:19  9:35 
    5 Macey West            18 Omaha              NE    39:52  9:58 
    6 Kiera Schumacher      16 Columbus           NE    43:19 10:50 
    7 Anna Hernandez        15 Omaha              NE    48:08 12:02 
    8 Azul Hernandez        16 Omaha              NE  1:04:52 16:13 

FEMALE AGE 20 - 24
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Allie Rosener         24 Greeley            CO    28:19  7:05 
    2 Miranda Holcomb       23 Lincoln            NE    30:30  7:38 
    3 Ella Humphrey         20 La Vista           NE    31:51  7:58 
    4 Grace Hansen          22 Omaha              NE    32:25  8:07 
    5 Anna Desordi          24 Omaha              NE    33:00  8:15 
    6 Rianna Kopcho         22 Omaha              NE    33:36  8:24 
    7 Kristen Schmidt       23 Brookings          SD    33:53  8:29 
    8 Brooke Schuessler     23 Kearney            NE    34:34  8:39 
    9 Megan Paustian        23 Brock              NE    36:07  9:02 
   10 Ciera Wilkinson       24 Roca               NE    36:44  9:11 
   11 Katie Krager          24 Omaha              NE    36:53  9:14 
   12 Ashley Avila          21 Omaha              NE    36:57  9:15 
   13 Lynnzy Larsen         22 Waverly            NE    37:18  9:20 
   14 Liz Larsen            23 Lincoln            NE    37:19  9:20 
   15 Julia Graves          21 Omaha              NE    37:31  9:23 
   16 Allison Kunz          20 Omaha              NE    37:32  9:23 
   17 McKenna Schroeder     22 Grand Island       NE    37:52  9:28 
   18 Kayden Archibeque     24 Elkhorn            NE    41:17 10:20 
   19 Jillian Rokes         22 Omaha              NE    41:29 10:23 
   20 Lydia Stednitz        24 Gretna             NE    43:43 10:56 
   21 Brianna Connelly      23 Lincoln            NE    43:49 10:58 
   22 Allison Reicks        24 Carter Lake        IA    45:09 11:18 
   23 Peyton Campbell       20 Omaha              NE    46:29 11:38 
   24 Ryane Matulka         23 Omaha              NE    49:33 12:24 
   25 Brooke Greco          21 Omaha              NE    58:59 14:45 

FEMALE AGE 25 - 29
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Jacinda Davis         25 Omaha              NE    27:32  6:53 
    2 Kaylee Vanblarcum     29 Bellevue           NE    27:35  6:54 
    3 Kylie Elbin           29 Crescent           IA    29:21  7:21 
    4 Krissy Krager         25 Omaha              NE    29:31  7:23 
    5 Allison Waters        28 Carter Lake        IA    30:55  7:44 
    6 Anne Stratman         27 Lincoln            NE    32:25  8:07 
    7 Maria Salerno         26 Omaha              NE    33:29  8:23 
    8 Sierra Samuelson      27 Roca               NE    34:11  8:33 
    9 Carlie Kuhlman        27 Omaha              NE    35:26  8:52 
   10 McKenna Corbaley      26 Omaha              NE    36:21  9:06 
   11 Mackenzie Remson      29 Omaha              NE    36:47  9:12 
   12 Sara Karsting         28 Lincoln            NE    36:51  9:13 
   13 Katie Lowe            28 Lincoln            NE    38:37  9:40 
   14 Emily Florance        29 Gretna             NE    40:12 10:03 
   15 Kelsey McConnaughy    26 West Des Moines    IA    40:28 10:07 
   16 Chelsie Greco         28 Omaha              NE    40:44 10:11 
   17 Hannah True           28 Omaha              NE    41:42 10:26 
   18 Monica Friedmeyer     28 Woodbine           IA    42:22 10:36 
   19 Emma Hart             29 Columbus           NE    42:44 10:41 
   20 Katie Salerno         28 Omaha              NE    43:11 10:48 
   21 Madeline Gaer         28 Seward             NE    43:39 10:55 
   22 Rachel Sundberg       26 Grand Island       NE    46:21 11:36 
   23 Margaret Earney       29 Ainsworth          NE    46:21 11:36 
   24 Diana Martinez        26 Omaha              NE    51:12 12:48 
   25 Laurel Rykken         28 Omaha              NE    53:44 13:26 
   26 Morgan Von Seggern    28 York               NE    53:44 13:26 

FEMALE AGE 30 - 34
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Brianna Moline        31 Crete              NE    29:46  7:27 
    2 Kate Klein            34 Omaha              NE    30:19  7:35 
    3 Emma Torghele         30 Lincoln            NE    30:24  7:36 
    4 Abby Lynch            34 Omaha              NE    30:49  7:42 
    5 Magda Alvarez         31 Elkhorn            NE    31:09  7:48 
    6 Leah Stevens          33 Carter Lake        IA    31:52  7:58 
    7 Alanna Hoffman        33 Omaha              NE    32:26  8:07 
    8 Megan Sisson          33 Omaha              NE    32:27  8:07 
    9 Caydee Tibbets        31 Harlan             IA    32:38  8:10 
   10 Ashley Collins        30 Beatrice           NE    32:47  8:12 
   11 Stacy Selko           33 Plattsmouth        NE    32:58  8:15 
   12 Kaitlin Kreifels      32 Lincoln            NE    33:14  8:19 
   13 Sami McKenna          34 Elkhorn            NE    33:32  8:23 
   14 Briana Pagles         34 Ashland            NE    33:38  8:25 
   15 Brooke Lawrence       34 Wahoo              NE    33:38  8:25 
   16 Meggan Breuere        34 Omaha              NE    34:01  8:31 
   17 Abby Wawers           31 Omaha              NE    34:04  8:31 
   18 Tasha Roach           32 Papillion          NE    34:08  8:32 
   19 Maria Bland           32 Omaha              NE    34:15  8:34 
   20 Karly Schneider       34 Fremont            NE    34:17  8:35 
   21 Kara Kostal           33 Papillion          NE    34:48  8:42 
   22 Katie Terrazas        33 Sprague            NE    35:02  8:46 
   23 Trisha Larkin         34 Sprague            NE    35:22  8:51 
   24 Keely Lovgren         31 Omaha              NE    35:29  8:53 
   25 Alisha Teichmeier     31 Omaha              NE    36:11  9:03 
   26 Riley Denison         31 Omaha              NE    36:16  9:04 
   27 Shannon Scroggin      34 Omaha              NE    36:17  9:05 
   28 Emma Conrady          30 Omaha              NE    36:47  9:12 
   29 Carolynn Pohlmann     30 Lincoln            NE    36:51  9:13 
   30 Alison Wurth          33 Omaha              NE    36:59  9:15 
   31 Megan Berger          33 Omaha              NE    37:04  9:16 
   32 Rocio Tyma            32 Gretna             NE    37:52  9:28 
   33 Callie Newman         31 Omaha              NE    38:28  9:37 
   34 Alecia Lowry          33 Norfolk            NE    39:13  9:49 
   35 Meghan Wolever        34 Omaha              NE    39:56  9:59 
   36 Olivia Wiley          30 Omaha              NE    40:12 10:03 
   37 Alyssa Schmidt        33 Lincoln            NE    41:20 10:20 
   38 Kelly Sedor           33 Lincoln            NE    41:42 10:26 
   39 Katarina Klimpel      34 Bellevue           NE    41:52 10:28 
   40 Emily Novak           32 Omaha              NE    41:55 10:29 
   41 Paige Willis          34 Bellevue           NE    42:55 10:44 
   42 Cara Dolan            33 Kansas City        MO    43:38 10:55 
   43 Caitlin Wilcox        33 Omaha              NE    44:24 11:06 
   44 Alexus Ernst          32 Martell            NE    44:24 11:06 
   45 Laura Tarpinian       33 Omaha              NE    44:37 11:10 
   46 Erin Smith            34 Omaha              NE    46:32 11:38 
   47 Tori Georges          33 Omaha              NE    47:30 11:53 
   48 Aubrey Birkel         31 Papillion          NE    48:26 12:07 
   49 Lexi Gardner          30 Lincoln            NE    48:26 12:07 
   50 Ali Michalski         33 Omaha              NE    48:46 12:12 
   51 Sara Robbins          32 Omaha              NE    49:50 12:28 
   52 Elisa Hutchison       30 Carter Lake        IA    51:43 12:56 
   53 Stephanir Bolter      33 Omaha              NE    52:47 13:12 
   54 Maria Rokes           30 Omaha              NE    53:16 13:19 

FEMALE AGE 35 - 39
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Chelsea Schmitt       36 Fremont            NE    26:00  6:30 
    2 Elisha Hartzell       39 Omaha              NE    26:22  6:36 
    3 Maria Borer           37 Omaha              NE    26:24  6:36 
    4 Jaime Begody          36 La Vista           NE    27:04  6:46 
    5 Ashley Johnson        39 Omaha              NE    29:22  7:21 
    6 Prissylla Penaherrera 36 Lincoln            NE    30:10  7:33 
    7 Mallory Wallesen      37 Omaha              NE    30:30  7:38 
    8 Kelly Stroh-Heath     35 Geneva             NE    30:37  7:40 
    9 Ashley Barent         35 Lincoln            NE    30:57  7:45 
   10 Jamie Petersen        36 Gretna             NE    31:33  7:54 
   11 Kelly Goulding        39 Omaha              NE    32:26  8:07 
   12 Kara Vandersnick      39 La Vista           NE    32:34  8:09 
   13 Cari Iqbal            37 Omaha              NE    33:08  8:17 
   14 Jesi Palank           36 Plattsmouth        NE    33:10  8:18 
   15 Kristen Watson        37 Omaha              NE    33:26  8:22 
   16 Jillian Stark         39 Aurora             NE    33:37  8:25 
   17 Kim Parkinson         38 Lincoln            NE    33:43  8:26 
   18 Jaimie Van Lent       35 Lincoln            NE    33:49  8:28 
   19 Michaela Monjaraz     38 Carter Lake        IA    33:52  8:28 
   20 Becky Schroeder       36 Omaha              NE    33:55  8:29 
   21 Layne Priest          35 Long Pine          NE    33:58  8:30 
   22 Stephanie Cutler      37 Omaha              NE    34:03  8:31 
   23 Jessica Bryceson      38 Lincoln            NE    34:14  8:34 
   24 Erin Pearson          39 Omaha              NE    35:12  8:48 
   25 Michelle Shields      36 Omaha              NE    36:14  9:04 
   26 Lauren Vazquez        36 Omaha              NE    37:02  9:16 
   27 Casa Lynn             37 Lincoln            NE    37:22  9:21 
   28 Jackie Chavez         38 Omaha              NE    37:56  9:29 
   29 Dawn Juon             39 Omaha              NE    37:57  9:30 
   30 Michelle Glow         37 Omaha              NE    38:23  9:36 
   31 Jenean Corsar         36 Gretna             NE    38:43  9:41 
   32 Megan Burtle          39 Lincoln            NE    38:45  9:42 
   33 Alaina Bailey         38 Blair              NE    39:22  9:51 
   34 Kelsey Crites         37 Omaha              NE    39:26  9:52 
   35 Maggy Bruno           37 Omaha              NE    40:13 10:04 
   36 Laura Priest          37 Long Pine          NE    40:17 10:05 
   37 Corrine Mayo          37 Omaha              NE    40:56 10:14 
   38 Jennifer Uphoff       37 Glenwood           IA    41:28 10:22 
   39 Sherryl Hering        36 Lincoln            NE    42:46 10:42 
   40 Lauren Chvatal        36 Omaha              NE    43:09 10:48 
   41 Ashley Moulis         35 Lone Jack          MO    43:12 10:48 
   42 Christine Miller      36 Omaha              NE    43:17 10:50 
   43 Cara Hiller           39 Omaha              NE    43:52 10:58 
   44 Rachel Ross           39 Papillion          NE    44:25 11:07 
   45 Elizabeth Schmidt     36 Omaha              NE    44:35 11:09 
   46 Kelsey McSorley       35 Manley             NE    44:38 11:10 
   47 Stephanie Golka       36 Omaha              NE    47:17 11:50 
   48 Jami Huetson          39 Omaha              NE    47:50 11:58 
   49 Cyndi Wenninghoff     37 Omaha              NE    47:52 11:58 
   50 Heather Lutter        35 Ainsworth          NE    48:37 12:10 
   51 Tammy Hancock         35 Ainsworth          NE    48:38 12:10 
   52 Amanda Cramm          38 Omaha              NE    49:05 12:17 
   53 Amanda Hennings       36 Omaha              NE    49:07 12:17 
   54 Cassie Beedle         38 Omaha              NE    49:27 12:22 
   55 Shauna Paczkowski     38 Omaha              NE    52:35 13:09 
   56 Dani McCawley         38 Omaha              NE    55:19 13:50 
   57 Kayla Bose            37 Omaha              NE    57:08 14:17 
   58 Zabrina Roussan       35 Lincoln            NE    57:36 14:24 
   59 Ashley Schumacher     39 Columbus           NE    58:24 14:36 
   60 Sophia Potter         39 Omaha              NE    59:04 14:46 
   61 Daisy Miranda         35 Omaha              NE    59:46 14:57 
   62 Samatha Brandt        35 La Vista           NE  1:00:07 15:02 
   63 Amanda Burgess        37 Omaha              NE  1:01:31 15:23 
   64 Kayla Cox             37 Omaha              NE  1:01:32 15:23 
   65 Riannon Simmerman     35 Bellevue           NE  1:08:42 17:11 

FEMALE AGE 40 - 44
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Terri Reinke          40 Elkhorn            NE    29:08  7:17 
    2 Alisha Watterson      43 Omaha              NE    30:32  7:38 
    3 Jenny Pinkall         44 Seward             NE    30:44  7:41 
    4 Emily Tritsch         42 Papillion          NE    31:34  7:54 
    5 Jen Sullivan          42 Elkhorn            NE    31:55  7:59 
    6 Brandi Pieken         43 Avoca              IA    32:36  8:09 
    7 Jeanenne Kinnetz      42 Milford            IA    32:38  8:10 
    8 Stephanie Damann      43 Plattsmouth        NE    33:27  8:22 
    9 Sarah Laferla         41 Omaha              NE    33:30  8:23 
   10 Taylor Morrison       42 Omaha              NE    33:44  8:26 
   11 Amy Mastin            41 Omaha              NE    33:49  8:28 
   12 Andrea Jordan         42 Elkhorn            NE    34:00  8:30 
   13 Kristin Busse         41 Elkhorn            NE    34:04  8:31 
   14 Erin Hanafan          43 Gretna             NE    34:31  8:38 
   15 Lora Delair           44 La Vista           NE    34:48  8:42 
   16 Kimberly Holliday     40 Gretna             NE    36:11  9:03 
   17 Teri Loneman          41 Omaha              NE    36:17  9:05 
   18 Ashley Bryant         40 Omaha              NE    36:29  9:08 
   19 Cassie Grant          43 Omaha              NE    36:32  9:08 
   20 Stephanie Ratterree   40 Lincoln            NE    37:01  9:16 
   21 Sara Baird            44 Papillion          NE    37:40  9:25 
   22 Betsy Baumhover       42 Lincoln            NE    37:49  9:28 
   23 Lindsey Musselmann    40 Omaha              NE    37:52  9:28 
   24 Sadie Dooley          43 Omaha              NE    38:22  9:36 
   25 Amanda Stevenson      43 Omaha              NE    38:22  9:36 
   26 Danielle Bojanski     42 Plattsmouth        NE    39:07  9:47 
   27 Lindsay McAtee        40 Omaha              NE    39:37  9:55 
   28 Pam Deloske           44 Omaha              NE    39:51  9:58 
   29 Sarah Kauk            43 Omaha              NE    40:57 10:15 
   30 Sydney Omo            42 Elkhorn            NE    41:00 10:15 
   31 Suzette Horne         41 Papillion          NE    41:17 10:20 
   32 Amanda Brown          44 Omaha              NE    41:45 10:27 
   33 Lacey Konecny         42 Omaha              NE    42:22 10:36 
   34 Melissa Maggart       41 Hastings           NE    42:54 10:44 
   35 Kristin Evans         42 Omaha              NE    44:44 11:11 
   36 Jennifer Vacek        41 Omaha              NE    45:00 11:15 
   37 Heather Wagner        43 Omaha              NE    45:53 11:29 
   38 Leah Schmit           43 Omaha              NE    48:44 12:11 
   39 Rose Schoenherr       43 Bellevue           NE    49:34 12:24 
   40 Ann McGill            43 Omaha              NE    51:06 12:47 
   41 Marisa Gibb           41 Omaha              NE    52:50 13:13 
   42 Audrey Buhr           42 Omaha              NE    53:25 13:22 
   43 Amber Johnson         44 Omaha              NE    53:25 13:22 
   44 Sarah Hecox           43 Omaha              NE    55:10 13:48 
   45 Kristi Berst          41 Papillion          NE    57:58 14:30 
   46 Teresa Garvin         40 Bennington         NE    59:04 14:46 
   47 Jessica Kapple        42 Bennington         NE  1:01:55 15:29 
   48 Amy Moore             40 Omaha              NE  1:04:42 16:11 
   49 Sandra Hernandez      43 Omaha              NE  1:04:57 16:15 
   50 Jessica Hansen        42 Omaha              NE  1:07:50 16:58 

FEMALE AGE 45 - 49
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Dana McCabe           48 Blair              NE    32:05  8:02 
    2 Teresa Konda          45 Omaha              NE    32:11  8:03 
    3 Rachel Barker         45 Blue Springs       MO    32:39  8:10 
    4 Amber Fader           48 Lincoln            NE    33:01  8:16 
    5 Michelle Gjere        48 Elkhorn            NE    33:59  8:30 
    6 Diane Katzdorn        49 Omaha              NE    34:49  8:43 
    7 Emily Nessen          46 Omaha              NE    35:00  8:45 
    8 Amy Williams          47 Omaha              NE    35:24  8:51 
    9 Ingrid De Baudouin    47 Lambersart         NOR   36:03  9:01 
   10 Dara Peters           45 Lincoln            NE    36:55  9:14 
   11 Jessie Meinke         49 Martell            NE    36:57  9:15 
   12 Deb Watts             49 Malcolm            NE    37:02  9:16 
   13 Kelli Christiansen    46 Omaha              NE    38:32  9:38 
   14 Jill Oltman           47 Crete              NE    41:27 10:22 
   15 Jessica Bauer         48 Omaha              NE    41:46 10:27 
   16 Carol Flynn           49 Valley             NE    41:52 10:28 
   17 Rachel Zawislak       45 Omaha              NE    42:32 10:38 
   18 Danelle Sorensen      46 Council Bluffs     IA    42:45 10:42 
   19 Heather Lauterbach    45 Columbus           NE    42:46 10:42 
   20 Amy Connelly          47 Omaha              NE    43:56 10:59 
   21 Jill Bates            46 Papillion          NE    44:18 11:05 
   22 Jaime Way             48 Omaha              NE    44:44 11:11 
   23 Michaela Kriener      48 Omaha              NE    44:49 11:13 
   24 Melissa Wichman       45 Lincoln            NE    48:08 12:02 
   25 Jodi Stucker          45 Omaha              NE    48:52 12:13 
   26 Lisa Gilpin           47 Omaha              NE    49:33 12:24 
   27 Mandy West            49 Omaha              NE    53:35 13:24 
   28 Elizabeth McDowell    47 Omaha              NE    58:14 14:34 
   29 Jana Yost             45 Omaha              NE  1:22:39 20:40 
   30 Tisha Wiles           45 Omaha              NE  1:22:41 20:41 

FEMALE AGE 50 - 54
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Stacy Lawson          53 Omaha              NE    34:40  8:40 
    2 Jo McAleer            50 Omaha              NE    34:48  8:42 
    3 Andrea Schmidt        53 Brookings          SD    35:09  8:48 
    4 Kathie McGill         53 Omaha              NE    35:32  8:53 
    5 Chris Gossin          53 Ashland            NE    36:57  9:15 
    6 Stefanie Evans        50 Omaha              NE    37:39  9:25 
    7 Rachel Schroeder      54 Grand Island       NE    37:51  9:28 
    8 Laura Boardman        54 Gretna             NE    38:09  9:33 
    9 Tracy Cowden          52 Omaha              NE    40:12 10:03 
   10 Sheila McSorley       54 Manley             NE    40:49 10:13 
   11 Brenda Parry          54 Lincoln            NE    41:03 10:16 
   12 Stacey Carnazzo       52 Omaha              NE    42:11 10:33 
   13 Marla Stoltenberg     51 Omaha              NE    42:18 10:35 
   14 Sheila Duralia        52 Bellevue           NE    44:27 11:07 
   15 Lora Sypal            50 Lincoln            NE    45:27 11:22 
   16 Janet Nuss            50 Lincoln            NE    46:52 11:43 
   17 Alison Bobal          53 Omaha              NE    49:22 12:21 
   18 Lisa Humphrey         53 La Vista           NE    53:35 13:24 
   19 Deborah Murdoch       54 Union              NE    55:14 13:49 
   20 Jackie Padron         52 Omaha              NE    58:00 14:30 
   21 Tami Griffiths        52 Omaha              NE    59:52 14:58 
   22 Julie Johnson         50 Omaha              NE  1:00:00 15:00 
   23 Marni Halford         53 Omaha              NE  1:04:38 16:10 
   24 Gloria Jaime          53 Omaha              NE  1:04:44 16:11 
   25 Tracy Simmerman       53 Plattsmouth        NE  1:08:39 17:10 

FEMALE AGE 55 - 59
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Marcia Esola          57 Omaha              NE    28:28  7:07 
    2 Donelle Thomas        59 Omaha              NE    33:17  8:20 
    3 Megan Berry Barlow    55 Weeping Water      NE    33:31  8:23 
    4 Julie Jacobsen        57 Omaha              NE    33:48  8:27 
    5 Jody Peterson         57 Yutan              NE    33:53  8:29 
    6 Sondra Thompson       57 Blair              NE    33:59  8:30 
    7 Holly Luebbe          55 Malcolm            NE    37:01  9:16 
    8 Donell Evans          55 Blair              NE    37:59  9:30 
    9 Stephanie Paustian    56 Brock              NE    38:22  9:36 
   10 Elaine A Zoucha       56 Schuyler           NE    39:29  9:53 
   11 Renate Alumbaugh      55 Papillion          NE    40:13 10:04 
   12 Lori Rockwell         55 Omaha              NE    43:33 10:54 
   13 Karla Baltzell        56 Omaha              NE    43:34 10:54 
   14 Penny McWilliams      56 Omaha              NE    44:26 11:07 
   15 Tabitha Campbell      55 Omaha              NE    47:19 11:50 
   16 Donalee Kennedy       56 Omaha              NE    47:21 11:51 
   17 Amy Hintz             55 Gretna             NE    47:37 11:55 
   18 Linda Kantor          59 Omaha              NE    47:41 11:56 
   19 Carol Wisecarver      59 Omaha              NE    51:56 12:59 
   20 Pam Scarpino          57 Omaha              NE    58:03 14:31 
   21 Teresa Aspinall       57 Papillion          NE    58:14 14:34 
   22 Tammy Greco           55 Omaha              NE    59:06 14:47 
   23 Tonja Baker           56 Omaha              NE  1:00:00 15:00 
   24 Catherine Milone      56 Glenwood           IA  1:00:04 15:01 

FEMALE AGE 60 - 64
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Miki Gilbert          60 Papillion          NE    31:34  7:54 
    2 Ruth Brandt           64 Grand Island       NE    38:42  9:41 
    3 Julie Kruckeberg      60 South Bend         NE    39:16  9:49 
    4 Glenda Kerwin         60 Omaha              NE    39:38  9:55 
    5 Cyndi Elyea           63 Plattsmouth        NE    42:37 10:40 
    6 Lil O'Neill           63 Lincoln            NE    44:13 11:04 
    7 Julie Sladky          61 Cedar Creek        NE    47:41 11:56 
    8 Janice Koukol         60 Omaha              NE    47:45 11:57 
    9 Colleen Hennings      60 Omaha              NE    52:19 13:05 
   10 Delores Joann Wille   63 Omaha              NE    55:14 13:49 
   11 Joni Grabow           60 Silver City        IA    55:36 13:54 

FEMALE AGE 65 - 69
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Shauna Groenewold     65 Lincoln            NE    45:27 11:22 
    2 Paula Yost            68 Omaha              NE  1:22:39 20:40 

FEMALE AGE 70 - 99
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Bev Janak             70 Omaha              NE    33:43  8:26 
    2 Bea Sides             73 Omaha              NE    43:34 10:54 

MALE AGE 1 - 14
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Joseph Kwapnioski     14 Omaha              NE    24:30  6:08 
    2 Brady Ross            14 La Vista           NE    25:27  6:22 
    3 Quinton Minahan       14 Plattsmouth        NE    26:20  6:35 
    4 Kellan Grant          12 Omaha              NE    28:05  7:02 
    5 Henry Clowers         10 Omaha              NE    28:52  7:13 
    6 Archie Roussan         9 Lincoln            NE    28:54  7:14 
    7 Cody Watts            13 Malcolm            NE    28:54  7:14 
    8 Noah Gonzales         14 Martell            NE    29:15  7:19 
    9 Jackson Shields        7 Omaha              NE    36:14  9:04 
   10 Miguel Hernandez       8 Omaha              NE    36:31  9:08 
   11 Tait McGill           12 Omaha              NE    40:38 10:10 
   12 Brooks Johnson         8 Omaha              NE    43:10 10:48 
   13 Dash Hiller            9 Omaha              NE    43:52 10:58 
   14 Harrison Wagner        9 Omaha              NE    45:57 11:30 

MALE AGE 15 - 19
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Declan McCabe         16 Blair              NE    22:44  5:41 
    2 Beau Wilcox           18 Valley             NE    24:33  6:09 
    3 Eric Asher            18 Valley             NE    24:54  6:14 
    4 Tate Grabher          19 Omaha              NE    24:59  6:15 
    5 Harrison Thiel        15 Omaha              NE    25:13  6:19 
    6 James Watts           19 Malcolm            NE    27:20  6:50 
    7 Conner Cason          17 Omaha              NE    27:56  6:59 
    8 Trevor Boyll          19 Omaha              NE    38:26  9:37 
    9 Kael Lindsey          15 Manley             NE    38:33  9:39 

MALE AGE 20 - 24
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Jaxon Hair            23 Omaha              NE    26:04  6:31 
    2 Rocco Rozzi           23 Omaha              NE    27:18  6:50 
    3 David Arcos           24 Lincoln            NE    27:26  6:52 
    4 Gavin Bowen           21 Omaha              NE    27:45  6:56 
    5 Christian Bretschneid 20 Omaha              NE    28:02  7:01 
    6 Bowen Christiansen    21 Omaha              NE    31:52  7:58 
    7 Tyler Neville         22 McCool Junction    NE    32:02  8:01 
    8 Chase Wilkinson       21 McCool Junction    NE    32:03  8:01 
    9 Bryan Schlotterbeck   23 Omaha              NE    32:16  8:04 
   10 Miguel Jaime          24 Omaha              NE    32:20  8:05 
   11 Chase Haas            23 Omaha              NE    34:34  8:39 
   12 Ivan Rash             23 Omaha              NE    38:14  9:34 
   13 Trenton Tucker        23 Omaha              NE    41:29 10:23 
   14 William Duralia       21 Bellevue           NE    50:13 12:34 

MALE AGE 25 - 29
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Preston Parry         25 Lincoln            NE    24:50  6:13 
    2 Beau Priegnitz        27 Lincoln            NE    26:21  6:36 
    3 Michael Graham        25 Omaha              NE    26:24  6:36 
    4 Christian Pollema     27 Omaha              NE    26:30  6:38 
    5 Peyton Harsin         26 Wahoo              NE    26:32  6:38 
    6 Cody Stremick         27 Omaha              NE    27:53  6:59 
    7 Bryce Holcomb         25 Greeley            CO    28:19  7:05 
    8 Samuel Lucier         28 Omaha              NE    30:08  7:32 
    9 Matt Roth             28 Omaha              NE    30:09  7:33 
   10 Victor Levieux        28 Elkhorn            NE    30:59  7:45 
   11 Josh Simonsen         26 Norfolk            NE    33:00  8:15 
   12 Jim Stratton          26 Omaha              NE    33:03  8:16 
   13 Cole Hames            28 North Sioux City   SD    33:09  8:18 
   14 Samuel Andres         27 Omaha              NE    33:10  8:18 
   15 William Cambridge     25 Omaha              NE    33:15  8:19 
   16 Greg Thomas           28 Bellevue           NE    33:45  8:27 
   17 David Ricchini        29 Omaha              NE    33:50  8:28 
   18 Zachary Orton         25 Lincoln            NE    34:04  8:31 
   19 Brett Wood            28 Papillion          NE    34:10  8:33 
   20 Cole Samuelson        29 Roca               NE    34:11  8:33 
   21 Billy Greco           29 Omaha              NE    35:20  8:50 
   22 Kekai McGuire         25 Omaha              NE    36:39  9:10 
   23 Samuel Schoening      26 Vermilion          OH    37:34  9:24 
   24 Truman Stark          29 York               NE    38:14  9:34 
   25 Garrett Craig         26 Omaha              NE    39:00  9:45 
   26 Joel Maxwell          29 Lincoln            NE    39:41  9:56 
   27 Colten Kimball        29 Omaha              NE    40:44 10:11 
   28 Cody Everhart         25 Gretna             NE    41:17 10:20 
   29 Thomas Riley          29 Lincoln            NE    41:20 10:20 
   30 Noah Brodersen        27 Omaha              NE    42:34 10:39 
   31 Jose Cardona          27 Omaha              NE    42:34 10:39 
   32 Nic Robbins           29 Omaha              NE    49:44 12:26 
   33 Rosalbino Cardamone   28 La Vista           NE  1:00:06 15:02 
   34 Bob Meyers            29 Omaha              NE  1:06:49 16:43 
      Thomas Riley          29 Lincoln            NE                

MALE AGE 30 - 34
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Tandon Dorn           31 Ashland            NE    23:26  5:52 
    2 Brett Friesen         32 Omaha              NE    23:31  5:53 
    3 Kyle Weber            33 Papillion          NE    23:52  5:58 
    4 Tucker Grabher        31 Omaha              NE    24:59  6:15 
    5 Jacob Carter          33 Papillion          NE    27:25  6:52 
    6 Jake Vaught           34 Gretna             NE    29:35  7:24 
    7 Joseph Krause         31 Omaha              NE    29:43  7:26 
    8 Nicholas Miller       34 Omaha              NE    30:11  7:33 
    9 Brandon Johnson       33 Manley             NE    30:50  7:43 
   10 Zach Lowry            32 Norfolk            NE    31:54  7:59 
   11 Mark Sawyer           30 North Sioux City   SD    32:56  8:14 
   12 Ben Wheeler           33 Lincoln            NE    34:29  8:38 
   13 Michael Lovgren       33 Omaha              NE    35:29  8:53 
   14 Drew Leapley          33 Council Bluffs     IA    38:01  9:31 
   15 Kenny Logsdon         31 Omaha              NE    39:23  9:51 
   16 Dylan Tyma            31 Gretna             NE    42:53 10:44 
   17 Adam Welke            34 Lincoln            NE    43:10 10:48 
   18 Reid Johnson          34 Omaha              NE    43:10 10:48 
   19 Juan Terrazas         34 Sprague            NE    43:59 11:00 

MALE AGE 35 - 39
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Mitsushi Mitsudome    37 Bennington         NE    23:38  5:55 
    2 Fredy Suarez Diaz Roe 36 Omaha              NE    25:10  6:18 
    3 Colby Dolan           35 Kansas City        MO    25:31  6:23 
    4 Josef Olynyk          36 Omaha              NE    25:32  6:23 
    5 Shane Sandhoefner     38 Omaha              NE    27:12  6:48 
    6 Cody Schweitzer       37 Omaha              NE    27:40  6:55 
    7 Brian Ross            38 Papillion          NE    28:11  7:03 
    8 Luke Tyburski         37 Lincoln            NE    29:29  7:23 
    9 Kevin McKenna         35 Elkhorn            NE    30:01  7:31 
   10 Josh Jordan           38 Elkhorn            NE    30:09  7:33 
   11 Aaron Traudt          38 Omaha              NE    30:21  7:36 
   12 Ruben Miranda         35 Omaha              NE    31:14  7:49 
   13 Scott Garvin          38 Bennington         NE    31:46  7:57 
   14 Joshua Roussan        37 Lincoln            NE    32:14  8:04 
   15 David Panowicz        35 Council Bluffs     IA    32:14  8:04 
   16 Nick Anderson         38 Omaha              NE    33:27  8:22 
   17 Clay McPeak           37 Lincoln            NE    33:52  8:28 
   18 Nathan Lee            36 Lincoln            NE    33:56  8:29 
   19 Joachim Nguyen        38 Omaha              NE    34:05  8:32 
   20 Takahisa Noda         37 Fremont            NE    34:26  8:37 
   21 Stephen Jensen        39 Omaha              NE    34:42  8:41 
   22 Austin Scroggin       37 Omaha              NE    35:51  8:58 
   23 Hernan Hernandez      38 Omaha              NE    36:31  9:08 
   24 Nick Djernes          37 Omaha              NE    36:44  9:11 
   25 Mosey Wurth           35 Omaha              NE    36:58  9:15 
   26 Jason Seger           37 Lincoln            NE    37:24  9:21 
   27 Corey Vidlak          39 Omaha              NE    37:41  9:26 
   28 Jimmy Goulding        38 Omaha              NE    37:57  9:30 
   29 Adam Gehringer        35 Papillion          NE    38:46  9:42 
   30 Andrew Simonsen       36 Norfolk            NE    38:50  9:43 
   31 Paul Breitkreutz      39 Lincoln            NE    39:38  9:55 
   32 Jacob Garcia          37 Omaha              NE    39:52  9:58 
   33 Skylar Hinrichs       36 Lincoln            NE    40:21 10:06 
   34 Marco Villa           35 Omaha              NE    40:51 10:13 
   35 Kyle Anderson         37 Omaha              NE    41:32 10:23 
   36 Adam Nebel            38 Omaha              NE    42:17 10:35 
   37 Justin Simmerman      35 Bellevue           NE    43:40 10:55 
   38 Zach Smith            36 Omaha              NE    45:09 11:18 
   39 Robert Bolter         36 Omaha              NE    52:47 13:12 
   40 Ross Wenzl            36 La Vista           NE  1:01:58 15:30 
   41 Gustavo Bruno         37 Omaha              NE  1:02:03 15:31 
   42 Cody Phillips         39 Omaha              NE  1:22:38 20:40 

MALE AGE 40 - 44
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Jeff Renken           41 Lincoln            NE    25:41  6:25 
    2 Jeremy Vaught         41 Gretna             NE    26:33  6:39 
    3 James Borer           41 Omaha              NE    27:57  7:00 
    4 Robert Lundholm       42 Papillion          NE    28:26  7:07 
    5 Matthew Gustafson     40 Oakland            NE    28:31  7:08 
    6 Aaron Lightfoot       44 Ashland            NE    28:45  7:12 
    7 Andy Mahan            44 Papillion          NE    28:56  7:14 
    8 Kevin Clymer          41 Gretna             NE    29:40  7:25 
    9 Chris Arnold          41 Omaha              NE    29:50  7:28 
   10 Sam Cooper            40 Omaha              NE    30:18  7:35 
   11 Brandon Rodriguez     41 Papillion          NE    31:00  7:45 
   12 Robert Poole          42 Elkhorn            NE    31:30  7:53 
   13 Michael Gaughen       41 Omaha              NE    31:58  8:00 
   14 Paul Grant            43 Omaha              NE    32:22  8:06 
   15 Jonathan Dick         43 Lincoln            NE    32:25  8:07 
   16 Joe Perez             40 Sprague            NE    32:44  8:11 
   17 Zac Konrad            40 Papillion          NE    33:05  8:17 
   18 Jared Northup         43 Lincoln            NE    33:23  8:21 
   19 Joseph Gourlay        41 Lincoln            NE    33:36  8:24 
   20 Pat Bock              42 Omaha              NE    33:40  8:25 
   21 Tony Burtle           42 Lincoln            NE    33:49  8:28 
   22 Justin Pearson        40 Omaha              NE    35:11  8:48 
   23 Walter Nelson         44 Aurora             CO    36:03  9:01 
   24 Joshua Bailey         41 Blair              NE    36:44  9:11 
   25 Cody Wallesen         40 Omaha              NE    38:47  9:42 
   26 Chris Schroeder       40 Omaha              NE    38:51  9:43 
   27 John Miller           44 Elkhorn            NE    40:31 10:08 
   28 Christopher Swanson   41 Plattsmouth        NE    40:36 10:09 
   29 Tyler Stark           41 Aurora             NE    43:08 10:47 
   30 Craig McAtee          40 Omaha              NE    46:45 11:41 
   31 Jake Berst            41 Papillion          NE    47:11 11:48 
   32 Grant Brassette       42 Omaha              NE    47:53 11:59 
   33 Dirk Henry            42 Omaha              NE    48:33 12:09 
   34 Luke Nessen           43 Fremont            NE    53:52 13:28 
   35 Eric Plueger          42 Omaha              NE    57:06 14:17 
   36 Roy Morris            44 Omaha              NE  1:01:13 15:19 

MALE AGE 45 - 49
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Sean Minahan          48 Plattsmouth        NE    26:25  6:37 
    2 Jon Busse             45 Elkhorn            NE    27:02  6:46 
    3 Tim Fries             47 Elkhorn            NE    27:21  6:51 
    4 Matt Baird            46 Papillion          NE    27:33  6:54 
    5 Gus Lang              48 Ashland            NE    27:43  6:56 
    6 Shane Berry           47 Omaha              NE    27:52  6:58 
    7 Scott Ricketts        48 Omaha              NE    28:12  7:03 
    8 Gabriel Wilcox        48 Valley             NE    28:31  7:08 
    9 Ryann McFee           45 Omaha              NE    28:40  7:10 
   10 Steven Johnson        48 Omaha              NE    29:22  7:21 
   11 Aaron Watterson       46 Omaha              NE    30:31  7:38 
   12 Jay Boyll             47 Omaha              NE    33:08  8:17 
   13 Shawn Howell          46 Omaha              NE    33:08  8:17 
   14 Jeremy Connelly       47 Plymouth           NE    33:39  8:25 
   15 Kevin Ronnenkamp      47 Omaha              NE    33:41  8:26 
   16 Matt Christiansen     49 Omaha              NE    34:58  8:45 
   17 Tony Hartzell         46 Omaha              NE    35:27  8:52 
   18 Matt Ronnenkamp       49 Omaha              NE    36:06  9:02 
   19 Jordan Larsen         45 Lincoln            NE    36:20  9:05 
   20 Jj Hansen             48 Omaha              NE    37:10  9:18 
   21 Rick Provaznik        49 Omaha              NE    37:39  9:25 
   22 Deric Ewer            49 Gretna             NE    37:47  9:27 
   23 Eddie Fossler         47 Papillion          NE    43:39 10:55 
   24 Brent Connelly        46 Papillion          NE    43:57 11:00 
   25 Daniel Kennedy        45 Omaha              NE    47:21 11:51 
   26 Gil Blanco            45 Omaha              NE    48:00 12:00 
   27 Kurt Wichman          49 Lincoln            NE    48:07 12:02 
   28 Steve Schanbacher     46 Omaha              NE    48:35 12:09 
   29 Brian Gerrity         46 Omaha              NE    49:13 12:19 
   30 Chris Bundy           49 Omaha              NE    49:57 12:30 
   31 Greg Gurnicz          47 Omaha              NE    54:05 13:32 
   32 Peter Van Hoose       46 Omaha              NE    55:18 13:50 

MALE AGE 50 - 54
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Chad McClellan        53 Elkhorn            NE    27:04  6:46 
    2 Brent Kunz            52 Omaha              NE    28:00  7:00 
    3 Joseph Kummer         52 Lincoln            NE    28:39  7:10 
    4 Adam Thiel            52 Omaha              NE    29:53  7:29 
    5 Randy Holcomb         54 Lincoln            NE    30:44  7:41 
    6 Scott McAleer         53 Omaha              NE    30:53  7:44 
    7 Bart Rash             50 Omaha              NE    31:40  7:55 
    8 John Kwapnioski       51 Omaha              NE    31:50  7:58 
    9 Donald Osborne        53 Omaha              NE    32:20  8:05 
   10 Christopher Vargo     50 Elkhorn            NE    34:17  8:35 
   11 Stephen Jacobson      52 Omaha              NE    35:28  8:52 
   12 Adam Hall             50 Omaha              NE    37:19  9:20 
   13 Bill Philamalee       52 Omaha              NE    37:56  9:29 
   14 Mike Edmundson        54 Omaha              NE    41:37 10:25 
   15 Andrew Carnazzo       51 Omaha              NE    42:13 10:34 
   16 Andrew Stednitz       53 Gretna             NE    43:43 10:56 
   17 Jerry Alumbaugh       53 Papillion          NE    44:07 11:02 
   18 Matt McGill           50 Omaha              NE    51:04 12:46 
   19 Edward Griffiths      54 Omaha              NE    59:51 14:58 
   20 Todd Kozelichki       53 Omaha              NE  1:00:02 15:01 
   21 Keith Morris          50 Bellevue           NE  1:01:13 15:19 

MALE AGE 55 - 59
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Tony Richter          59 Omaha              NE    26:36  6:39 
    2 Steve Olson           59 Council Bluffs     IA    28:37  7:09 
    3 Gerald Grabher        57 Omaha              NE    30:18  7:35 
    4 Shawn Sill            55 Bennington         NE    31:11  7:48 
    5 Jim Desordi           59 Omaha              NE    32:59  8:15 
    6 Rick Manthey          57 Omaha              NE    33:29  8:23 
    7 Trevor Donison        57 Elkhorn            NE    34:39  8:40 
    8 Bill Greco            55 Omaha              NE    37:35  9:24 
    9 Sean Hanafan          58 Gretna             NE    40:28 10:07 
   10 Saul Jaime            59 Omaha              NE    40:35 10:09 
   11 Dan Pokorney          55 Kearney            NE    41:53 10:29 
   12 Dan Flynn             57 Valley             NE    43:35 10:54 
   13 Adam Rokes            59 Omaha              NE    46:18 11:35 
   14 Dan Simmerman         55 Plattsmouth        NE  1:08:39 17:10 

MALE AGE 60 - 64
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Rick Gilbert          60 Papillion          NE    27:22  6:51 
    2 Russ Sladky           60 Cedar Creek        NE    27:55  6:59 
    3 Mark Elyea            62 Greenwood          NE    29:05  7:17 
    4 Mark Matulka          62 Valparaiso         NE    33:05  8:17 
    5 Craig Wagner          61 Lincoln            NE    33:08  8:17 
    6 Doug Barlow           62 Weeping Water      NE    33:20  8:20 
    7 Mike Lewis            60 Omaha              NE    36:34  9:09 
    8 Bill Stott            61 Omaha              NE    37:33  9:24 
    9 Jeff Kantor           61 Omaha              NE    49:08 12:17 
   10 Neal Grabow           62 Silver City        IA    55:35 13:54 
   11 Mike Wenzl            63 La Vista           NE  1:01:59 15:30 

MALE AGE 65 - 69
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Don Seiler            66 Columbus           NE    35:52  8:58 
    2 Joseph McAvoy         68 Omaha              NE    36:04  9:01 
    3 Jim Esola             65 Omaha              NE    37:43  9:26 
    4 Edward Krieger        65 Omaha              NE    42:18 10:35 

MALE AGE 70 - 99
Place Name                  Ag City               Sta Net Tim Pace     
===== ===================== == ================== === ======= ===== 
    1 Steven Yantzi         71 Kemmerer           WY    39:03  9:46