4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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3559 Laura MacDonald F4049 420 40/43 229/247 1:02:10 15:33
6726 Dominic Jared M0112 421 4/5 191/201 1:02:38 15:40
6725 David Jared M4049 422 39/39 192/201 1:02:38 15:40
3888 Savannah Peters F1319 423 10/11 230/247 1:03:04 15:46
3716 Melissa Anderson F4049 424 41/43 231/247 1:03:04 15:46
3833 Svetlana Kerstein F3039 425 85/90 232/247 1:03:12 15:48
3580 James Syring M6069 426 20/22 193/201 1:03:29 15:53
3861 Tom Miles M5059 427 18/18 194/201 1:03:31 15:53
3575 Barb Jeschke F5059 428 25/25 233/247 1:04:43 16:11
3948 Katie Williams F3039 429 86/90 234/247 1:05:28 16:22
6606 Andre Belwick M1319 430 17/18 195/201 1:05:43 16:26
6605 Jennifer Hilbert F3039 431 87/90 235/247 1:05:43 16:26
3701 Brenda Cob F3039 432 88/90 236/247 1:07:47 16:57
3611 Gene Gardner F6069 433 12/14 237/247 1:07:55 16:59
6764 Linda Malloy F4049 434 42/43 238/247 1:07:58 17:00
6765 Julie Franklin F3039 435 89/90 239/247 1:07:58 17:00
3539 Suzanne Losee F70UP 436 2/2 240/247 1:08:13 17:04
6727 Aidan Jared M1319 437 18/18 196/201 1:10:25 17:37
3848 Ariana Loveberry F1319 438 11/11 241/247 1:13:28 18:22
3659 Phil Matthews M70UP 439 6/6 197/201 1:13:45 18:27
3506 Alyse Frick F0112 440 6/7 242/247 1:15:12 18:48
3955 Julie Yovankin F3039 441 90/90 243/247 1:15:19 18:50
3507 Henry Frick M0112 442 5/5 198/201 1:15:22 18:51
3505 Charlotte Frick F0112 443 7/7 244/247 1:15:25 18:52
3508 Tom Frick M6069 444 21/22 199/201 1:21:37 20:25
3509 Kathy Frick F6069 445 13/14 245/247 1:21:37 20:25
3504 Hannah Frick F4049 446 43/43 246/247 1:21:37 20:25
3654 James Bronstine M6069 447 22/22 200/201 1:21:58 20:30
3814 Nancy Horrell F6069 448 14/14 247/247 1:24:02 21:01
3815 Thad Horrell M3039 449 55/55 201/201 1:24:02 21:01

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