114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2253 Kevin Hillman M4549 3281 148/191 1895/2629 1:06:21 10:43
2252 Abigail Hillman F2024 3282 208/349 1387/2609 1:06:22 10:43
2674 Mary-Kaye Kerr F2529 3283 207/356 1388/2609 1:06:23 10:43
1348 Liz Dufour F6064 3284 41/124 1389/2609 1:06:23 10:43
989 Hannah Cook F2529 3285 208/356 1390/2609 1:06:24 10:43
4881 Carrie Sitarski F4549 3286 101/211 1391/2609 1:06:25 10:43
5579 Mark Wehry M5559 3287 108/188 1896/2629 1:06:26 10:43
8244 Ryan Gavin M3539 3288 222/287 1897/2629 1:06:26 10:43
7657 Randy Kern M5559 3289 109/188 1898/2629 1:06:27 10:43
1595 Julie Forbes F4044 3290 120/223 1392/2609 1:06:27 10:43
279 Dexter Beam M1619 3291 142/169 1899/2629 1:06:27 10:44
7727 Jenni Morrison F4044 3292 121/223 1393/2609 1:06:28 10:44
10268 Miles Walsh M1619 3293 143/169 1900/2629 1:06:28 10:44
2260 Gregory Hinners M6064 3294 89/166 1901/2629 1:06:28 10:44
8177 Drew Hinners M5559 3295 110/188 1902/2629 1:06:28 10:44
2052 Steve Harris M5559 3296 111/188 1903/2629 1:06:29 10:44
2796 Pamela Knesel F2529 3297 209/356 1394/2609 1:06:29 10:44
6882 Lyna Kelley F3539 3298 146/252 1395/2609 1:06:30 10:44
3843 Eric Niehaus M3539 3299 223/287 1904/2629 1:06:31 10:44
10095 Shelby Wright F3034 3300 160/260 1396/2609 1:06:31 10:44
1475 Rick Falhaber M4044 3301 186/228 1905/2629 1:06:31 10:44
3372 Mark Mazzei M5559 3302 112/188 1906/2629 1:06:31 10:44
8684 Jack Brittingham M0115 3303 103/140 1907/2629 1:06:33 10:44
8685 Stephanie Brittingham F3539 3304 147/252 1397/2609 1:06:33 10:44
2328 Stefanie Hom F3539 3305 148/252 1398/2609 1:06:34 10:45
7969 Cameron Walton M4044 3306 187/228 1908/2629 1:06:34 10:45
2738 Rachel Kirley F4044 3307 122/223 1399/2609 1:06:36 10:45
8865 Brody Dunneback M0115 3308 104/140 1909/2629 1:06:37 10:45
2319 Anna Holmes F2529 3309 210/356 1400/2609 1:06:38 10:45
7667 Allen Lai M2024 3310 231/284 1910/2629 1:06:38 10:45
2322 Tyler Holmes M3034 3311 241/299 1911/2629 1:06:38 10:45
8953 Liz Gates F3539 3312 149/252 1401/2609 1:06:39 10:45
7612 Katie Hohnecker F3539 3313 150/252 1402/2609 1:06:39 10:45
8387 Shep Marty M2024 3314 232/284 1912/2629 1:06:39 10:45
8212 Jacob Tomlin M2529 3315 249/318 1913/2629 1:06:40 10:46
4381 William Robinson M4549 3316 149/191 1914/2629 1:06:42 10:46
5681 Holly Williams F5559 3317 64/168 1403/2609 1:06:44 10:46
5143 Emily Stover F3539 3318 151/252 1404/2609 1:06:44 10:46
2597 Sarah Kaplan F2024 3319 209/349 1405/2609 1:06:45 10:46
4878 David Singer M5054 3320 132/200 1915/2629 1:06:46 10:46

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