114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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3781 Diana Nash F6569 535 1/48 105/2609 46:39 7:32
4798 Jamal Shah M3034 536 53/299 431/2629 46:39 7:32
7664 Carolyn Krisko F4044 537 8/223 106/2609 46:40 7:32
2681 Kristy Kersting F3539 538 11/252 107/2609 46:40 7:32
4625 Alexandra Schickli F3539 539 12/252 108/2609 46:40 7:32
9315 Ryan Miller M3034 540 54/299 432/2629 46:40 7:32
9429 Mike Powell M5559 541 8/188 433/2629 46:41 7:32
2475 Rachel Jarvis F1619 542 15/250 109/2609 46:42 7:32
2286 Tyler Hoefinghoff M2529 543 66/318 434/2629 46:42 7:32
3951 Brad Ostendorf M3034 544 55/299 435/2629 46:42 7:32
2523 Olivia Johnston F2529 545 18/356 110/2609 46:44 7:33
561 Aaliyah Brletic F2024 546 19/349 111/2609 46:45 7:33
9298 Mary Metzger F1619 547 16/250 112/2609 46:46 7:33
7904 Jennifer Wiest F3539 548 13/252 113/2609 46:46 7:33
8945 Elizabeth Garrison M2529 549 67/318 436/2629 46:48 7:33
6234 Matthew Kelly M3034 550 56/299 437/2629 46:48 7:33
5910 Scott Bolenbaugh M4044 551 49/228 438/2629 46:49 7:34
10271 Wes Ruth M4549 552 21/191 439/2629 46:50 7:34
10649 Randy Coons M6569 553 5/91 440/2629 46:50 7:34
5717 Chad Winkle M3539 554 62/287 441/2629 46:51 7:34
1496 Shabnam Fayyaz F2529 555 19/356 114/2609 46:53 7:34
7491 Logan Dehner M2529 556 68/318 442/2629 46:54 7:34
7080 Jason Wolgemuth M5054 557 17/200 443/2629 46:54 7:34
489 Peter Bosworth M2529 558 69/318 444/2629 46:56 7:35
7791 MacKenzie Rylee F2529 559 20/356 115/2609 46:57 7:35
3354 Joey Mattis M2529 560 70/318 445/2629 46:58 7:35
2836 Nicole Koors F3539 561 14/252 116/2609 46:58 7:35
1593 Giber Fonseca M2529 562 71/318 446/2629 46:58 7:35
1672 Don Furlong M6569 563 6/91 447/2629 46:58 7:35
4661 Joseph Schneider M2529 564 72/318 448/2629 46:59 7:35
4161 Tyler Powell M2529 565 73/318 449/2629 47:00 7:35
9384 Clint Oliver M2529 566 74/318 450/2629 47:00 7:35
4758 Mark Scroggins M4549 567 22/191 451/2629 47:01 7:35
6669 Catherine Whalen F3539 568 15/252 117/2609 47:01 7:35
9370 Tom Niehaus M5054 569 18/200 452/2629 47:03 7:36
4757 Ian Scroggins M0115 570 28/140 453/2629 47:03 7:36
3918 Sean O'Donnell M3539 571 63/287 454/2629 47:03 7:36
7882 Kris Volpenhein M4044 572 50/228 455/2629 47:03 7:36
3336 Cody Martz M3539 573 64/287 456/2629 47:04 7:36
1165 Mark Day M5559 574 9/188 457/2629 47:04 7:36

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