114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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3174 Sarah Lowry F3539 922 23/252 244/2609 50:15 8:07
804 Corie Cartmell M3034 923 85/299 679/2629 50:16 8:07
7318 Aidan Soberano M2024 924 96/284 680/2629 50:16 8:07
2734 Olivia Kinne F2024 925 40/349 245/2609 50:16 8:07
5793 Hannah Woody F2529 926 44/356 246/2609 50:18 8:07
5064 Jack Steele M2024 927 97/284 681/2629 50:19 8:07
6315 Lissette Mares F2529 928 45/356 247/2609 50:19 8:07
5967 Kyle Chapin M3034 929 86/299 682/2629 50:19 8:07
4678 Al Schretter M5559 930 18/188 683/2629 50:21 8:08
7883 Tony Volpenhein M4549 931 41/191 684/2629 50:21 8:08
705 Caitie Byars F1619 932 39/250 248/2609 50:21 8:08
4680 Katie Schretter F2529 933 46/356 249/2609 50:22 8:08
7372 Nick Aiello M1619 934 74/169 685/2629 50:23 8:08
5074 Ann Steiner F6064 935 3/124 250/2609 50:24 8:08
929 Brandon Collett M5054 936 38/200 686/2629 50:24 8:08
9576 Sam Seibert M2024 937 98/284 687/2629 50:26 8:08
550 Eric Brink M5559 938 19/188 688/2629 50:26 8:08
5437 Charlie Verdin M2024 939 99/284 689/2629 50:26 8:08
2724 Matthew King M3539 940 93/287 690/2629 50:26 8:09
2782 Amy Klocke F1619 941 40/250 251/2609 50:27 8:09
1739 Nate Gerrety M3034 942 87/299 691/2629 50:28 8:09
2884 Grift Krehnbrink M3034 943 88/299 692/2629 50:28 8:09
3383 Caitlin McBee F3034 944 35/260 252/2609 50:28 8:09
6265 Marc-Aur le Lallement M2024 945 100/284 693/2629 50:29 8:09
4972 Robert Smyjunas M2529 946 96/318 694/2629 50:29 8:09
3702 Donald Mouch M3539 947 94/287 695/2629 50:29 8:09
107 Kyle Archdeacon M2024 948 101/284 696/2629 50:30 8:09
6268 Arpad Lallement M0115 949 40/140 697/2629 50:30 8:09
3693 Dave Morrow M5559 950 20/188 698/2629 50:30 8:09
7498 Jenny Digiacomo F5054 951 8/186 253/2609 50:31 8:09
2307 Bill Holder M4044 952 75/228 699/2629 50:32 8:09
39 Drew Allen M3034 953 89/299 700/2629 50:32 8:09
5732 Luke Wiseman M4549 954 42/191 701/2629 50:33 8:10
125 Jake Armentrout M4044 955 76/228 702/2629 50:33 8:10
7275 Ron Pouloss M5559 956 21/188 703/2629 50:34 8:10
708 Maggie Byars F2024 957 41/349 254/2609 50:35 8:10
2117 Jennifer Head F3034 958 36/260 255/2609 50:35 8:10
5842 Yuan Zhu M4044 959 77/228 704/2629 50:35 8:10
3233 Molly Machala F2024 960 42/349 256/2609 50:36 8:10
7100 Jen Blazer F5054 961 9/186 257/2609 50:36 8:10

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