114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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626 Krista Bruns F4549 2601 74/211 1007/2609 1:00:42 9:48
3436 Mike McGuffey M5559 2602 80/188 1595/2629 1:00:42 9:48
3505 Nestor Melnyk M5559 2603 81/188 1596/2629 1:00:42 9:48
9123 Andrea Kachelmeyer F4044 2604 79/223 1008/2609 1:00:43 9:48
2462 Lauren Jagoditz F4044 2605 80/223 1009/2609 1:00:43 9:48
4290 Ella Reineck F0115 2606 65/128 1010/2609 1:00:43 9:48
3953 Robert Ostendorf M5559 2607 82/188 1597/2629 1:00:44 9:48
3954 Taylor Ostendorf F1619 2608 146/250 1011/2609 1:00:44 9:48
3792 Mark Neises M6064 2609 68/166 1598/2629 1:00:44 9:48
4825 Scott Sheffer M5054 2610 111/200 1599/2629 1:00:45 9:48
6167 Kenneth Heldman M6064 2611 69/166 1600/2629 1:00:46 9:48
1365 Donald Dunn M2529 2612 211/318 1601/2629 1:00:46 9:48
6645 Max Warner M4549 2613 113/191 1602/2629 1:00:47 9:49
915 Erin Cofskey F2529 2614 153/356 1012/2609 1:00:48 9:49
4879 Emily Singer F2024 2615 154/349 1013/2609 1:00:48 9:49
2394 Jessica Hughes Skallos F3539 2616 106/252 1014/2609 1:00:49 9:49
10275 Chuck Pitz M5559 2617 83/188 1603/2629 1:00:49 9:49
2566 Frederick Josephson M2529 2618 212/318 1604/2629 1:00:49 9:49
265 Sophie Bause F2024 2619 155/349 1015/2609 1:00:51 9:49
10661 Olivia Coleman F0115 2620 66/128 1016/2609 1:00:51 9:49
2442 Kirsten Irwin F2529 2621 154/356 1017/2609 1:00:51 9:49
3670 Maria Moorman F2024 2622 156/349 1018/2609 1:00:52 9:49
9019 James Hare M4549 2623 114/191 1605/2629 1:00:53 9:50
3877 Shannon Nortman F3539 2624 107/252 1019/2609 1:00:53 9:50
5036 Jennifer Starr F4044 2625 81/223 1020/2609 1:00:54 9:50
8931 Liliana Frantz F0115 2626 67/128 1021/2609 1:00:55 9:50
10728 Kim Castleman F3539 2627 108/252 1022/2609 1:00:55 9:50
7837 Jamie Starr M4549 2628 115/191 1606/2629 1:00:55 9:50
8421 Oliver Dressler M0115 2629 87/140 1607/2629 1:00:55 9:50
5671 Katie Wilkinson F3034 2630 115/260 1023/2609 1:00:56 9:50
1351 Kristi Dulaney F4549 2631 75/211 1024/2609 1:00:56 9:50
8576 Emma Ankenbauer F2024 2632 157/349 1025/2609 1:00:56 9:50
3913 Ryan Oconnor M2024 2633 206/284 1608/2629 1:00:57 9:50
7644 Ellie Keita F0115 2634 68/128 1026/2609 1:00:57 9:50
7138 Brendan Edwards M4549 2635 116/191 1609/2629 1:00:57 9:50
7139 Elle Edwards F1619 2636 147/250 1027/2609 1:00:57 9:50
9071 Zach Holtz M1619 2637 130/169 1610/2629 1:00:57 9:50
8932 Melissa Frantz F4549 2638 76/211 1028/2609 1:00:57 9:50
6824 Joanne Glass F5054 2639 48/186 1029/2609 1:00:58 9:50
8778 Elliot Como M2024 2640 207/284 1611/2629 1:00:58 9:50

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