114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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5458 Joey Vinel M1619 2168 121/169 1379/2629 58:04 9:22
8193 John Mickol M6064 2169 54/166 1380/2629 58:04 9:22
3981 Tom Palermo M5054 2170 89/200 1381/2629 58:05 9:22
10130 Riley Hemmer F2024 2171 120/349 790/2609 58:05 9:22
4348 Andrew Rinke M2024 2172 184/284 1382/2629 58:05 9:23
3158 Mikayla Loomis F2024 2173 121/349 791/2609 58:05 9:23
2960 Chris Kunkel M3034 2174 184/299 1383/2629 58:06 9:23
1286 Aimee Dirig F2529 2175 126/356 792/2609 58:06 9:23
1287 Noah Dirig M2529 2176 177/318 1384/2629 58:06 9:23
998 Isabel Coomes F2024 2177 122/349 793/2609 58:06 9:23
3490 Mackenzie Mechley F2024 2178 123/349 794/2609 58:07 9:23
3413 Jeff McDonald M5559 2179 68/188 1385/2629 58:07 9:23
2081 Jacob Haskins M2024 2180 185/284 1386/2629 58:07 9:23
9001 John Griffith M5054 2181 90/200 1387/2629 58:07 9:23
2369 Jason Hoyt M4549 2182 100/191 1388/2629 58:08 9:23
5965 Melissa Cerimele F3034 2183 86/260 795/2609 58:09 9:23
10633 Erin Kollmann F3034 2184 87/260 796/2609 58:09 9:23
9023 Zana Harman F2529 2185 127/356 797/2609 58:09 9:23
86 Megan Anello F5559 2186 27/168 798/2609 58:10 9:23
4404 Jim Rogers M3539 2187 168/287 1389/2629 58:10 9:23
2813 Katherine Kober F2529 2188 128/356 799/2609 58:10 9:23
1573 Clara Fitzpatrick F3034 2189 88/260 800/2609 58:11 9:24
6007 Kyler Davis M2529 2190 178/318 1390/2629 58:12 9:24
2812 Christopher Kober M2529 2191 179/318 1391/2629 58:12 9:24
4803 Kevin Sharp M4549 2192 101/191 1392/2629 58:12 9:24
5398 Rachel Van Zile F3034 2193 89/260 801/2609 58:12 9:24
5164 Sandy Stross F6064 2194 24/124 802/2609 58:12 9:24
3808 Gabriella Neufarth F0115 2195 51/128 803/2609 58:13 9:24
5397 Austin Van Zile M3539 2196 169/287 1393/2629 58:13 9:24
751 Caleb Campbell M2529 2197 180/318 1394/2629 58:13 9:24
7050 Joshua Vanzant M4044 2198 141/228 1395/2629 58:14 9:24
3616 Kortney Mitchell F4044 2199 63/223 804/2609 58:14 9:24
2341 Jessica Horgan F2024 2200 124/349 805/2609 58:14 9:24
6742 Julie Burns F4549 2201 52/211 806/2609 58:15 9:24
258 Adrienne Baumann F2024 2202 125/349 807/2609 58:15 9:24
138 Sonia Asif F3539 2203 91/252 808/2609 58:15 9:24
6925 Matthew Mahon M2024 2204 186/284 1396/2629 58:16 9:24
3950 Lauren Ossege F2529 2205 129/356 809/2609 58:16 9:24
6660 Malcolm Wells M2529 2206 181/318 1397/2629 58:16 9:24
9840 Millie Wuellner F0115 2207 52/128 810/2609 58:17 9:24

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