114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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8878 Asher Edmondson M0115 92 5/140 84/2629 38:04 6:09
9726 Jarod Timmers M2024 93 14/284 85/2629 38:08 6:09
1225 Marisa Detore F2024 94 2/349 9/2609 38:10 6:10
1582 Ben Flicker M4044 95 11/228 86/2629 38:15 6:11
9779 Aaron Warta M2529 96 18/318 87/2629 38:16 6:11
7666 Joel Kubala M4044 97 12/228 88/2629 38:18 6:11
7408 John Bess M4044 98 13/228 89/2629 38:18 6:11
725 Blake Caldwell M1619 99 17/169 90/2629 38:18 6:11
9402 Alec Paulson M2529 100 19/318 91/2629 38:21 6:12
8943 Adam Gardner M2529 101 20/318 92/2629 38:24 6:12
7985 Thomas Brown M3034 102 11/299 93/2629 38:25 6:12
3674 Chuck Moreland M6064 103 4/166 94/2629 38:25 6:12
8632 Jason Berling M3539 104 9/287 95/2629 38:34 6:14
3961 Madelyn Otten F2024 105 3/349 10/2609 38:38 6:14
1760 Jorge Gil-Juarez M3034 106 12/299 96/2629 38:40 6:15
3791 Joe Neidhard M2529 107 21/318 97/2629 38:41 6:15
5715 Jeff Winkelman M3539 108 10/287 98/2629 38:45 6:15
381 Tony Bianco M3539 109 11/287 99/2629 38:46 6:16
4728 Leah Schutle F3034 110 5/260 11/2609 38:51 6:16
8853 Ryan Doyle M3034 111 13/299 100/2629 38:51 6:16
3547 Brandon Middleton M4044 112 14/228 101/2629 38:53 6:17
7122 Grace Chow F2529 113 3/356 12/2609 38:53 6:17
2122 Nicholas Heck M1619 114 18/169 102/2629 38:55 6:17
342 Jenny Benkert F3539 115 2/252 13/2609 38:55 6:17
1243 Brad Dickerman M3539 116 12/287 103/2629 38:57 6:17
7816 Blake Shuley M2024 117 15/284 104/2629 38:59 6:18
3968 Jay Owen M4044 118 15/228 105/2629 39:00 6:18
4740 Jason Schwartz M1619 119 19/169 106/2629 39:00 6:18
4741 Paul Schwartz M5559 120 1/188 107/2629 39:01 6:18
6188 Henry Hoskins M1619 121 20/169 108/2629 39:02 6:18
8346 Matthew King M4044 122 16/228 109/2629 39:04 6:19
5311 Ryan Thornley M4044 123 17/228 110/2629 39:07 6:19
5892 Anthony Bauer M2529 124 22/318 111/2629 39:13 6:20
4360 Dion Roberts M3539 125 13/287 112/2629 39:13 6:20
4937 Jim Smith M5054 126 3/200 113/2629 39:16 6:20
10199 Ali Fisher F3034 127 6/260 14/2609 39:17 6:21
6068 Ryan Folan M3034 128 14/299 114/2629 39:20 6:21
3820 Henry Newman M0115 129 6/140 115/2629 39:20 6:21
6448 Chris Porst M3034 130 15/299 116/2629 39:20 6:21
1019 Cole Cosgrove M0115 131 7/140 117/2629 39:21 6:21

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