114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4833 Julia Sheringer F2024 3694 247/349 1619/2609 1:11:18 11:30
2334 Clare Hooper F1619 3695 201/250 1620/2609 1:11:19 11:31
1953 Susan Hacker F3034 3696 175/260 1621/2609 1:11:19 11:31
9972 Teresa Sage F6064 3697 50/124 1622/2609 1:11:19 11:31
8704 Craig Buchholz M5054 3698 149/200 2076/2629 1:11:21 11:31
9192 Elizabeth Lienhart F3539 3699 172/252 1623/2609 1:11:21 11:31
7639 Alex Kappen M0115 3700 110/140 2077/2629 1:11:22 11:31
3880 Heather Norton F4549 3701 119/211 1624/2609 1:11:26 11:32
3067 Allison Leonard F4044 3702 146/223 1625/2609 1:11:27 11:32
4292 James Reineck M0115 3703 111/140 2078/2629 1:11:28 11:32
3617 Maria Mitchell F3034 3704 176/260 1626/2609 1:11:28 11:32
1332 Courtney Doxsey F0115 3705 86/128 1627/2609 1:11:29 11:32
99 David Antaki M1619 3706 146/169 2079/2629 1:11:29 11:32
4293 Jill Reineck F4549 3707 120/211 1628/2609 1:11:29 11:32
3736 Kelsey Murray F0115 3708 87/128 1629/2609 1:11:29 11:32
100 Michael Antaki M1619 3709 147/169 2080/2629 1:11:30 11:32
3737 Laura Murray F4044 3710 147/223 1630/2609 1:11:31 11:33
1740 Whitney Gerrety F3034 3711 177/260 1631/2609 1:11:32 11:33
636 Jennifer Buchholz F4549 3712 121/211 1632/2609 1:11:32 11:33
9112 Conner Joly M1619 3713 148/169 2081/2629 1:11:32 11:33
4041 Amanda Peck F2529 3714 244/356 1633/2609 1:11:33 11:33
4354 Eddie Rivin M2529 3715 266/318 2082/2629 1:11:33 11:33
31 Lauren Albertz F2024 3716 248/349 1634/2609 1:11:33 11:33
8044 Nick McGovern M3034 3717 255/299 2083/2629 1:11:33 11:33
3163 Leah Lorz F4044 3718 148/223 1635/2609 1:11:34 11:33
4040 Allan Peck M6064 3719 104/166 2084/2629 1:11:34 11:33
3162 Jacob Lorz M4044 3720 204/228 2085/2629 1:11:34 11:33
1871 Jordan Grassi F2529 3721 245/356 1636/2609 1:11:35 11:33
4355 Gabrielle Rivin F2529 3722 246/356 1637/2609 1:11:35 11:33
4768 Heather Seifert F3539 3723 173/252 1638/2609 1:11:35 11:33
3408 Andrew McDarty M2529 3724 267/318 2086/2629 1:11:37 11:33
1737 Ellyn Gerrety F3034 3725 178/260 1639/2609 1:11:39 11:34
9515 Iman Said F2529 3726 247/356 1640/2609 1:11:40 11:34
542 Kierston Brickweg F3539 3727 174/252 1641/2609 1:11:40 11:34
9398 Barbara Parkes F5559 3728 76/168 1642/2609 1:11:41 11:34
9115 Olivia Jones F2024 3729 249/349 1643/2609 1:11:41 11:34
8977 Julian Gonzalez M2529 3730 268/318 2087/2629 1:11:43 11:34
7479 Grace Dangel F0115 3731 88/128 1644/2609 1:11:43 11:34
7578 Jack Hadley M2529 3732 269/318 2088/2629 1:11:44 11:35
2199 David Hermann M6064 3733 105/166 2089/2629 1:11:44 11:35

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