114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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10702 Mark Waters M2024 1126 116/284 810/2629 51:55 8:23
8470 Vanessa Carrington F1619 1127 48/250 317/2609 51:55 8:23
8008 Malakai Anderson M0115 1128 43/140 811/2629 51:57 8:23
883 Madelyn Clark F2024 1129 52/349 318/2609 51:57 8:23
8471 Diane Carrington F5559 1130 8/168 319/2609 51:57 8:23
3823 Brian Newton M2529 1131 111/318 812/2629 51:58 8:23
7343 Ashley Valentine M6064 1132 24/166 813/2629 51:58 8:23
7674 Ezekiel Liffick M0115 1133 44/140 814/2629 51:58 8:23
5042 Maria Staudigel F3539 1134 31/252 320/2609 51:58 8:23
913 Kathleen Coffaro F4044 1135 24/223 321/2609 51:59 8:23
1542 Jacob Fields M2529 1136 112/318 815/2629 51:59 8:23
9208 Will Lovellette M3034 1137 112/299 816/2629 51:59 8:23
1139 Elizabeth Dauterman Compton F3034 1138 41/260 322/2609 52:00 8:24
5026 Adam Stang M4044 1139 85/228 817/2629 52:01 8:24
187 John Ballenger M2024 1140 117/284 818/2629 52:01 8:24
7571 Malik Grove M2529 1141 113/318 819/2629 52:02 8:24
853 Manuel Chavez M4549 1142 48/191 820/2629 52:02 8:24
3594 Tyler Miller M3539 1143 107/287 821/2629 52:02 8:24
848 Cecilia Chavez F1619 1144 49/250 323/2609 52:03 8:24
171 Charles Baker M4549 1145 49/191 822/2629 52:03 8:24
4341 Eric Riedinger M3034 1146 113/299 823/2629 52:03 8:24
1281 Stella Dionysiou F2024 1147 53/349 324/2609 52:03 8:24
871 Jack Christopher M5054 1148 49/200 824/2629 52:04 8:24
7451 Joshua Charles M3539 1149 108/287 825/2629 52:04 8:24
9383 Elizabeth Oblinger F3539 1150 32/252 325/2609 52:05 8:24
1366 Kevin Dunn M3539 1151 109/287 826/2629 52:05 8:24
8872 Stephen Eckart M3539 1152 110/287 827/2629 52:05 8:24
9164 Kelly Lakkis F4549 1153 14/211 326/2609 52:06 8:25
2232 Julia Hider F3034 1154 42/260 327/2609 52:06 8:25
6867 Michael Iacono M3539 1155 111/287 828/2629 52:06 8:25
5237 Patrick Tassone M3539 1156 112/287 829/2629 52:06 8:25
7722 Jessa Meyers F3539 1157 33/252 328/2609 52:06 8:25
3392 John McCoy M5559 1158 28/188 830/2629 52:08 8:25
3120 Ethan Lindbloom M1619 1159 82/169 831/2629 52:09 8:25
9185 Ali Lewis F1619 1160 50/250 329/2609 52:09 8:25
4203 Jeff Raber M6064 1161 25/166 832/2629 52:09 8:25
4093 Cam Pico M1619 1162 83/169 833/2629 52:09 8:25
4615 Eric Scheer M4549 1163 50/191 834/2629 52:09 8:25
3627 Sam Moeller M2024 1164 118/284 835/2629 52:10 8:25
9552 John Michael Schroer M3034 1165 114/299 836/2629 52:10 8:25

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