114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4757 Ian Scroggins M0115 570 28/140 453/2629 47:03 7:36
3918 Sean O'Donnell M3539 571 63/287 454/2629 47:03 7:36
7882 Kris Volpenhein M4044 572 50/228 455/2629 47:03 7:36
3336 Cody Martz M3539 573 64/287 456/2629 47:04 7:36
1165 Mark Day M5559 574 9/188 457/2629 47:04 7:36
869 Aidan Christopher F1619 575 17/250 118/2609 47:04 7:36
350 Sam Benton M3539 576 65/287 458/2629 47:04 7:36
10010 Ryan Noland M4549 577 23/191 459/2629 47:04 7:36
1566 Logan Fisher M2024 578 65/284 460/2629 47:06 7:36
6345 Michael McNally M5559 579 10/188 461/2629 47:06 7:36
2857 Nathan Kowalski M0115 580 29/140 462/2629 47:06 7:36
5114 Daniel Stier M3034 581 57/299 463/2629 47:07 7:36
2474 Mike Jarrold-Grapes M5054 582 19/200 464/2629 47:07 7:36
7121 Daniel Chow M2529 583 75/318 465/2629 47:07 7:36
5076 Andrew Steinmetz M3034 584 58/299 466/2629 47:07 7:36
2472 Jason Jarrold-Grapes M2024 585 66/284 467/2629 47:08 7:37
971 Emily Conner F3539 586 16/252 119/2609 47:10 7:37
9052 Scott Higgins M5054 587 20/200 468/2629 47:10 7:37
7549 Brad Gallop M2024 588 67/284 469/2629 47:11 7:37
6110 John Good M1619 589 60/169 470/2629 47:12 7:37
4561 Johnny Sansalone M6569 590 7/91 471/2629 47:12 7:37
9002 Will Griffith M2024 591 68/284 472/2629 47:12 7:37
9000 Beth Ann Griffith F2024 592 20/349 120/2609 47:12 7:37
10134 Chris Hickok M3539 593 66/287 473/2629 47:12 7:37
6151 Paige Harris F1619 594 18/250 121/2609 47:13 7:37
9973 Tyler Michael M3034 595 59/299 474/2629 47:14 7:38
9197 Michael Lipschutz M4044 596 51/228 475/2629 47:16 7:38
137 Irfan Asif M4044 597 52/228 476/2629 47:16 7:38
9309 Jeff Miller M6064 598 8/166 477/2629 47:17 7:38
6949 Charlie Mowry M4044 599 53/228 478/2629 47:18 7:38
688 Andrew Burns M2529 600 76/318 479/2629 47:18 7:38
2790 Lydia Klump F0115 601 9/128 122/2609 47:19 7:38
769 Rey Canteria M2024 602 69/284 480/2629 47:19 7:38
2663 Bridget Kennedy F4549 603 3/211 123/2609 47:21 7:39
4423 Isaiah Roman M1619 604 61/169 481/2629 47:22 7:39
3933 Joseph Olszewski M5559 605 11/188 482/2629 47:23 7:39
3475 Matthew McQueary M3539 606 67/287 483/2629 47:24 7:39
6056 Rick Finn M5054 607 21/200 484/2629 47:24 7:39
5355 William Truncellito M2529 608 77/318 485/2629 47:25 7:39
4654 Jayne Schnedl F2529 609 21/356 124/2609 47:28 7:40

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