114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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5488 Chris Von Holle M3034 3022 223/299 1782/2629 1:03:51 10:18
9311 Mark Miller M6064 3023 78/166 1783/2629 1:03:51 10:18
2619 Charlotte Kaufhold F1619 3024 167/250 1241/2609 1:03:52 10:18
4052 Carrie Pelphrey F3539 3025 133/252 1242/2609 1:03:54 10:19
1394 Olivia Earls F2024 3026 192/349 1243/2609 1:03:54 10:19
6967 Judy Pennington F6064 3027 34/124 1244/2609 1:03:56 10:19
1275 Joe Dimuzio M2024 3028 222/284 1784/2629 1:03:56 10:19
491 Joseph Bota M3034 3029 224/299 1785/2629 1:03:56 10:19
8055 Anne Perkins F4044 3030 107/223 1245/2609 1:03:57 10:19
6847 Daenayia Harris F3034 3031 145/260 1246/2609 1:03:57 10:19
9498 David Rosenfeldt M4044 3032 176/228 1786/2629 1:03:58 10:19
6243 Jay Koch M2529 3033 237/318 1787/2629 1:03:58 10:19
6040 Mary Feldman F2024 3034 193/349 1247/2609 1:04:02 10:20
4816 James Shea M6064 3035 79/166 1788/2629 1:04:03 10:20
2448 Bruce Jackson M6569 3036 34/91 1789/2629 1:04:03 10:20
4627 Sally Schiff F4044 3037 108/223 1248/2609 1:04:04 10:20
2849 Julianna Korns F2529 3038 187/356 1249/2609 1:04:07 10:21
5282 Jacob Terwilleger M2024 3039 223/284 1790/2629 1:04:08 10:21
5020 David Stallsworth M4549 3040 135/191 1791/2629 1:04:08 10:21
5281 Alex Terwilleger M2024 3041 224/284 1792/2629 1:04:08 10:21
4614 Robert Scheck M6569 3042 35/91 1793/2629 1:04:08 10:21
7347 Dave Weingarten M3539 3043 215/287 1794/2629 1:04:09 10:21
6950 Mark Muething M6064 3044 80/166 1795/2629 1:04:11 10:22
10440 Jada Scott F2024 3045 194/349 1250/2609 1:04:13 10:22
6313 Estelle March F2024 3046 195/349 1251/2609 1:04:14 10:22
7147 Julie Flinn Kay F3539 3047 134/252 1252/2609 1:04:14 10:22
1361 Ava Dunn F1619 3048 168/250 1253/2609 1:04:14 10:22
4974 Anna Snell F1619 3049 169/250 1254/2609 1:04:15 10:22
3176 Carrie Loyd F5559 3050 51/168 1255/2609 1:04:16 10:22
10720 Shannon Patenaude F4044 3051 109/223 1256/2609 1:04:16 10:22
5540 Katelyn Warden F2529 3052 188/356 1257/2609 1:04:18 10:23
7893 Tony Wallingford M6569 3053 36/91 1796/2629 1:04:19 10:23
9719 Amanda Thompson F4044 3054 110/223 1258/2609 1:04:19 10:23
10025 Paige Murphy F1619 3055 170/250 1259/2609 1:04:19 10:23
7306 Thomas Sens M6064 3056 81/166 1797/2629 1:04:20 10:23
628 Cory Brunton M3034 3057 225/299 1798/2629 1:04:20 10:23
4796 Debbie Shaff F5559 3058 52/168 1260/2609 1:04:20 10:23
7833 Eleanor Sparks F1619 3059 171/250 1261/2609 1:04:21 10:23
2936 Mark Krutko M5054 3060 125/200 1799/2629 1:04:22 10:23
6431 Terry Pence M7074 3061 9/41 1800/2629 1:04:22 10:23

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