114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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1884 Daniel Green M3034 1628 146/299 1106/2629 54:52 8:51
6035 Christine Elliott F5559 1629 15/168 523/2609 54:53 8:52
4786 Joe Servaites M5054 1630 70/200 1107/2629 54:53 8:52
2959 Taylor Kulik M3034 1631 147/299 1108/2629 54:53 8:52
219 Emily Barker F4044 1632 43/223 524/2609 54:53 8:52
7594 Annie Hartmann F3539 1633 60/252 525/2609 54:53 8:52
5035 Robert Starnes M3034 1634 148/299 1109/2629 54:53 8:52
227 Jacob Barnhorst M3539 1635 142/287 1110/2629 54:54 8:52
4723 Megan Schuman F2529 1636 78/356 526/2609 54:54 8:52
267 Ellie Bayer F2529 1637 79/356 527/2609 54:54 8:52
5763 Mika Wolfford F5054 1638 27/186 528/2609 54:54 8:52
7834 Brittany Speed F3539 1639 61/252 529/2609 54:54 8:52
1299 Denise Doerflein F4549 1640 28/211 530/2609 54:55 8:52
2607 Guy Karrick M6064 1641 36/166 1111/2629 54:55 8:52
6258 Will Kruer M3034 1642 149/299 1112/2629 54:56 8:52
2606 Carly Karrick F2024 1643 85/349 531/2609 54:56 8:52
863 Mackenzie Childs F2024 1644 86/349 532/2609 54:58 8:52
1772 Jamie Giovale F4549 1645 29/211 533/2609 54:59 8:52
4421 Max Rolfes M3034 1646 150/299 1113/2629 54:59 8:52
6500 Maureen Schaefer F4549 1647 30/211 534/2609 54:59 8:52
5445 Kara Vetere F2529 1648 80/356 535/2609 54:59 8:52
504 Brad Bowman M5054 1649 71/200 1114/2629 54:59 8:53
7115 Carrie Chambers F3539 1650 62/252 536/2609 54:59 8:53
4960 Ryan Smith M3539 1651 143/287 1115/2629 54:59 8:53
4174 Kara Prince F3539 1652 63/252 537/2609 54:59 8:53
7848 Logan Symson F1619 1653 74/250 538/2609 54:59 8:53
389 Ashley Bilbrey F2024 1654 87/349 539/2609 55:00 8:53
6175 Hayley Hickman F1619 1655 75/250 540/2609 55:00 8:53
5531 Josephine Waller F2529 1656 81/356 541/2609 55:00 8:53
10184 Tim Raper M3539 1657 144/287 1116/2629 55:01 8:53
17 Ian Adams M3539 1658 145/287 1117/2629 55:01 8:53
4483 Jaclyn Ruschman F3539 1659 64/252 542/2609 55:01 8:53
545 Gregory Briley M3034 1660 151/299 1118/2629 55:01 8:53
3944 Marco Orso M3034 1661 152/299 1119/2629 55:01 8:53
334 Jimmy Benedict M1619 1662 106/169 1120/2629 55:02 8:53
198 Logan Banatwala M0115 1663 59/140 1121/2629 55:02 8:53
10327 Brenda Knorr F4549 1664 31/211 543/2609 55:02 8:53
8606 Kevin Bandy M3034 1665 153/299 1122/2629 55:03 8:53
6483 Madeline Roach F0115 1666 42/128 544/2609 55:03 8:53
5380 Andrew Vaaler M2529 1667 146/318 1123/2629 55:03 8:53

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