114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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3995 Kevin Parke M4549 464 16/191 379/2629 45:52 7:24
6447 Kristen Pond F4044 465 7/223 86/2609 45:53 7:25
3996 Marsha Parke F5054 466 3/186 87/2609 45:54 7:25
7327 Dwayne Steele M4549 467 17/191 380/2629 45:54 7:25
2950 Reese Kuhlman M2024 468 58/284 381/2629 45:55 7:25
7819 David Shumaker M3539 469 53/287 382/2629 45:56 7:25
488 Douglas Bosworth M2529 470 56/318 383/2629 45:57 7:25
4731 Nicholas Schutte M4044 471 40/228 384/2629 45:58 7:25
6794 Matthew Eustace M2529 472 57/318 385/2629 45:59 7:25
4420 Erin Rolfes F3034 473 19/260 88/2609 45:59 7:25
4729 Eleanor Schutte F0115 474 6/128 89/2609 45:59 7:25
7948 Maggie Breitenstein F0115 475 7/128 90/2609 46:00 7:26
3916 Patrick Odenweller M4044 476 41/228 386/2629 46:03 7:26
4527 Sean Safdi M4044 477 42/228 387/2629 46:03 7:26
8051 Clara Heberling F1619 478 9/250 91/2609 46:05 7:26
6114 Ryan Gorman M3539 479 54/287 388/2629 46:05 7:26
3890 Aiden Obanion M2024 480 59/284 389/2629 46:06 7:27
6115 Tim Gorman M4044 481 43/228 390/2629 46:07 7:27
815 Tony Cassano M3034 482 49/299 391/2629 46:08 7:27
10385 Makayla Utter F2529 483 17/356 92/2609 46:08 7:27
5599 John Welsh M3034 484 50/299 392/2629 46:09 7:27
214 Joel Barczak F0115 485 8/128 93/2609 46:10 7:27
8568 Kevin Anderson M3539 486 55/287 393/2629 46:10 7:27
8144 Paul Bohart M4044 487 44/228 394/2629 46:10 7:27
2377 Leslie Huesman F5559 488 2/168 94/2609 46:11 7:27
887 Kevin Clarke M3539 489 56/287 395/2629 46:11 7:27
3454 Connor McLindon M2024 490 60/284 396/2629 46:12 7:28
1186 Will Deimer M1619 491 56/169 397/2629 46:13 7:28
237 Keith Barron M4044 492 45/228 398/2629 46:15 7:28
1602 Chris Forg M3539 493 57/287 399/2629 46:16 7:28
3470 Colin McNally M2529 494 58/318 400/2629 46:16 7:28
579 John Brothers M3539 495 58/287 401/2629 46:17 7:28
3414 Robert McDonald M4044 496 46/228 402/2629 46:17 7:28
4828 Dylan Shelton M4549 497 18/191 403/2629 46:17 7:28
4961 Samuel Smith M2024 498 61/284 404/2629 46:18 7:28
5287 Jeff Tettenhorst M4044 499 47/228 405/2629 46:20 7:29
3097 Charlie Licata M4549 500 19/191 406/2629 46:22 7:29
5034 Angela Stark F4549 501 2/211 95/2609 46:22 7:29
3622 Ella Moehring F1619 502 10/250 96/2609 46:22 7:29
2791 Mark Klusman M2024 503 62/284 407/2629 46:23 7:29

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