114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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2342 Dallas Horn M7579 4910 16/19 2495/2629 1:46:41 17:13
2496 Kristy Jimmerson F4044 4911 206/223 2416/2609 1:46:43 17:13
1692 Connor Gardner M2024 4912 267/284 2496/2629 1:46:44 17:13
3727 Jon Murphy M3034 4913 288/299 2497/2629 1:46:44 17:13
4091 Amy Phillips F4044 4914 207/223 2417/2609 1:46:45 17:13
3725 Douglas Murphy M6569 4915 77/91 2498/2629 1:46:47 17:14
3226 Katie M F3034 4916 244/260 2418/2609 1:46:47 17:14
5705 Lorie Wilson F4044 4917 208/223 2419/2609 1:46:52 17:15
1071 Brian Cromer M2529 4918 310/318 2499/2629 1:46:56 17:15
1072 Karen Cromer F5559 4919 149/168 2420/2609 1:46:56 17:15
9751 Amanda Vankoski F3034 4920 245/260 2421/2609 1:46:59 17:16
9794 Lindsay Welage F2024 4921 333/349 2422/2609 1:47:00 17:16
8991 Olivia Gray F0115 4922 123/128 2423/2609 1:47:08 17:17
9253 Jacqueline Maxwell F3539 4923 238/252 2424/2609 1:47:08 17:17
3227 Tina Craig F6064 4924 107/124 2425/2609 1:47:13 17:18
9154 Lisa Kroeger F6064 4925 108/124 2426/2609 1:47:13 17:18
8988 Lauren Gray F4549 4926 192/211 2427/2609 1:47:15 17:18
5274 Melissa Templeton F6064 4927 109/124 2428/2609 1:47:17 17:19
7844 William Storrs M2529 4928 311/318 2500/2629 1:47:21 17:19
9715 Martyn Thomas M6064 4929 147/166 2501/2629 1:47:21 17:19
6578 Glenn Storrs M6569 4930 78/91 2502/2629 1:47:22 17:19
9252 Michelle Maurer F5559 4931 150/168 2429/2609 1:47:22 17:19
7843 Ian Storrs M2024 4932 268/284 2503/2629 1:47:23 17:20
6579 Olivia Storrs F2529 4933 341/356 2430/2609 1:47:23 17:20
4013 Ryann Patrus F3034 4934 246/260 2431/2609 1:47:28 17:20
1547 Drew Finch M2024 4935 269/284 2504/2629 1:47:28 17:20
2162 Candy Helmes-Friend F5054 4936 169/186 2432/2609 1:47:29 17:21
2528 Langston Joiner M3034 4937 289/299 2505/2629 1:47:29 17:21
3930 Emily Olding F4549 4938 193/211 2433/2609 1:47:29 17:21
1387 Portia Dyrenforth F4549 4939 194/211 2434/2609 1:47:30 17:21
1925 Hilary Guenin F4549 4940 195/211 2435/2609 1:47:30 17:21
9414 Brett Peterson F5559 4941 151/168 2436/2609 1:47:37 17:22
9413 Barry Peterson M6064 4942 148/166 2506/2629 1:47:37 17:22
130 Duff Arnold M6569 4943 79/91 2507/2629 1:47:37 17:22
8629 David Bell M6569 4944 80/91 2508/2629 1:47:54 17:25
6364 Cathy Miller F5559 4945 152/168 2437/2609 1:47:56 17:25
4202 Clare Rabe F7579 4946 12/14 2438/2609 1:47:57 17:25
10272 Jennifer Overhulse F5054 4947 170/186 2439/2609 1:47:58 17:25
3069 Rebecca Leonardi-Neufarth F4044 4948 209/223 2440/2609 1:48:01 17:26
646 Maria Buehler F2529 4949 342/356 2441/2609 1:48:01 17:26

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