114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4284 Benjamin Reimer M2024 153 18/284 133/2629 39:54 6:26
3186 Megan Luchsinger F3034 154 7/260 21/2609 39:55 6:27
8167 Brian Marshall M4044 155 18/228 134/2629 39:55 6:27
6745 Michael Campbell M2529 156 26/318 135/2629 39:55 6:27
7997 Ben Oliver M2024 157 19/284 136/2629 40:00 6:28
9453 Joshua Reed M3539 158 18/287 137/2629 40:02 6:28
9483 Townes Robertson M1619 159 24/169 138/2629 40:02 6:28
228 Erik Barnum M3034 160 18/299 139/2629 40:07 6:29
546 Annabelle Brink F2024 161 6/349 22/2609 40:09 6:29
5319 Caden Tien M2024 162 20/284 140/2629 40:10 6:29
6479 Alex Ristau M1619 163 25/169 141/2629 40:12 6:30
4701 Alex Schuler M2024 164 21/284 142/2629 40:15 6:30
9219 Colin Mackey M1619 165 26/169 143/2629 40:15 6:30
5273 Julia Temple F2529 166 6/356 23/2609 40:16 6:30
6935 Ben Merk M2529 167 27/318 144/2629 40:17 6:30
857 Michael Chen M4549 168 1/191 145/2629 40:19 6:31
836 Ben Chandler M4044 169 19/228 146/2629 40:22 6:31
1879 Kyria Graves II M2529 170 28/318 147/2629 40:22 6:31
1628 David Franz M1619 171 27/169 148/2629 40:25 6:32
359 Bradley Berger M4044 172 20/228 149/2629 40:26 6:32
7309 Phil Shepard M3034 173 19/299 150/2629 40:27 6:32
8110 Mary Tepe F3539 174 3/252 24/2609 40:28 6:32
879 Nathan Cinefro M3539 175 19/287 151/2629 40:28 6:32
878 Jessica Cinefro F3539 176 4/252 25/2609 40:28 6:32
1115 Cade Czarnecki M2024 177 22/284 152/2629 40:29 6:32
1646 Paul Frey M3539 178 20/287 153/2629 40:31 6:33
6078 John Fronduti M5054 179 4/200 154/2629 40:32 6:33
8871 Daniel Eagen M4549 180 2/191 155/2629 40:32 6:33
8758 Nathan Clinkenbeard M3539 181 21/287 156/2629 40:33 6:33
7599 Ryan Hearty M3539 182 22/287 157/2629 40:33 6:33
2025 Aaron Hardy M3539 183 23/287 158/2629 40:36 6:33
34 Daryl Alexander M4549 184 3/191 159/2629 40:37 6:33
10384 Jordan Utter M2529 185 29/318 160/2629 40:38 6:34
5714 Catherine Winkelman F3034 186 8/260 26/2609 40:40 6:34
4657 Doug Schneider M6064 187 5/166 161/2629 40:41 6:34
9747 Brian Turnwald M3034 188 20/299 162/2629 40:42 6:34
1666 Ryan Fulmer M2529 189 30/318 163/2629 40:47 6:35
7949 Carlos Aguilar M4549 190 4/191 164/2629 40:50 6:36
10122 Benjamin Gollar M0115 191 9/140 165/2629 40:51 6:36
6010 Dan Decaria M3539 192 24/287 166/2629 40:51 6:36

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