114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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1116 Fernando Da Silva M0115 2320 79/140 1454/2629 59:01 9:32
9809 Caleb White M0115 2321 80/140 1455/2629 59:01 9:32
5533 Brian Walters M4044 2322 148/228 1456/2629 59:02 9:32
5413 Elizabeth Varipatis F4044 2323 70/223 867/2609 59:03 9:32
5218 Maya Szabo F0115 2324 54/128 868/2609 59:03 9:32
9488 David Rodrigo M5054 2325 97/200 1457/2629 59:03 9:32
979 Elizabeth Conway F2024 2326 133/349 869/2609 59:03 9:32
2686 Samantha Kessler F2024 2327 134/349 870/2609 59:03 9:32
8050 Shane Kormelink M3539 2328 177/287 1458/2629 59:03 9:32
8214 Joseph Ellerhorst M3539 2329 178/287 1459/2629 59:04 9:32
5489 Elizabeth Vonderhaar F2024 2330 135/349 871/2609 59:04 9:32
8633 Michael Berner M2024 2331 189/284 1460/2629 59:05 9:32
4643 Jean Schmidt F7074 2332 6/38 872/2609 59:05 9:32
3011 Emilie Larosa F4549 2333 62/211 873/2609 59:05 9:32
6891 Cameron King M2529 2334 193/318 1461/2629 59:05 9:32
3015 Alyssa Latta F0115 2335 55/128 874/2609 59:05 9:32
2085 Kate Hassey F2529 2336 136/356 875/2609 59:05 9:32
9116 Riley Jones M2024 2337 190/284 1462/2629 59:06 9:32
6129 Blake S Gustafson F6064 2338 25/124 876/2609 59:06 9:32
3708 Christina Muchmore F4549 2339 63/211 877/2609 59:07 9:32
8743 Kaitlin Cengia F2024 2340 136/349 878/2609 59:07 9:33
1006 Katie Corbett F2024 2341 137/349 879/2609 59:07 9:33
1644 Molly French F3034 2342 98/260 880/2609 59:08 9:33
5984 Rolando Collado M5559 2343 73/188 1463/2629 59:08 9:33
10640 Stacey Fischer F3034 2344 99/260 881/2609 59:08 9:33
5419 Saahil Vashishta M2529 2345 194/318 1464/2629 59:09 9:33
433 Anthony Blevins M5054 2346 98/200 1465/2629 59:09 9:33
3327 Cheyenne Martinez F2529 2347 137/356 882/2609 59:09 9:33
4840 Jackson Shiffert M2529 2348 195/318 1466/2629 59:09 9:33
7101 Katherine Blocher F4044 2349 71/223 883/2609 59:09 9:33
3919 Patrick Oelrich M3539 2350 179/287 1467/2629 59:09 9:33
2378 Mackenzie Huesman F1619 2351 120/250 884/2609 59:10 9:33
4839 David Shiffert M5054 2352 99/200 1468/2629 59:10 9:33
8598 Stella Baker F1619 2353 121/250 885/2609 59:10 9:33
6457 Aaron Pyle M3539 2354 180/287 1469/2629 59:10 9:33
1810 Don Goetz M6064 2355 57/166 1470/2629 59:11 9:33
7915 Rebecca Wilson F3034 2356 100/260 886/2609 59:11 9:33
8428 Steve Feist M5559 2357 74/188 1471/2629 59:11 9:33
1523 John Fenton M0115 2358 81/140 1472/2629 59:12 9:33
1733 Steve Gerhardt M6569 2359 25/91 1473/2629 59:12 9:33

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