114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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875 Gerald Ciciliano M4549 3198 141/191 1861/2629 1:05:36 10:35
957 Clyde Compton M3539 3199 218/287 1862/2629 1:05:38 10:36
1137 Donna Dauterman F6064 3200 38/124 1338/2609 1:05:39 10:36
7162 Jennifer Ginn F4044 3201 114/223 1339/2609 1:05:40 10:36
10180 Madeline Drexelius F2529 3202 202/356 1340/2609 1:05:40 10:36
3000 Shane Landrum M4549 3203 142/191 1863/2629 1:05:40 10:36
10274 Hallie Schlipf F2024 3204 202/349 1341/2609 1:05:41 10:36
10188 Jennifer Gunderman F5054 3205 65/186 1342/2609 1:05:42 10:36
7320 Owen Soberano M2024 3206 228/284 1864/2629 1:05:43 10:36
7853 Raynee Teetor F5054 3207 66/186 1343/2609 1:05:43 10:36
232 Aaron Barrett M4549 3208 143/191 1865/2629 1:05:44 10:37
8360 Smith David Hickenlooper, Jr. M2024 3209 229/284 1866/2629 1:05:44 10:37
4911 Katie Smiddy F4549 3210 95/211 1344/2609 1:05:44 10:37
7392 Gary Barber M6569 3211 39/91 1867/2629 1:05:45 10:37
1388 Matthew E Harp M4549 3212 144/191 1868/2629 1:05:46 10:37
8715 Michael Bush M6064 3213 86/166 1869/2629 1:05:46 10:37
8714 Abigail Bush F3034 3214 156/260 1345/2609 1:05:46 10:37
5323 Alex Tilford M2529 3215 245/318 1870/2629 1:05:46 10:37
338 Owen Benedict M0115 3216 101/140 1871/2629 1:05:46 10:37
3969 Joan Owen F5559 3217 61/168 1346/2609 1:05:47 10:37
9386 Hannah Olowokure F1619 3218 183/250 1347/2609 1:05:47 10:37
6478 Melissa Riehle F5054 3219 67/186 1348/2609 1:05:47 10:37
4392 Casey Rodriguez F3034 3220 157/260 1349/2609 1:05:50 10:38
4393 Jeff Rodriguez M6064 3221 87/166 1872/2629 1:05:51 10:38
7642 Robert Karle M6064 3222 88/166 1873/2629 1:05:51 10:38
6938 Heidi Messbarger F4549 3223 96/211 1350/2609 1:05:51 10:38
6657 Jill Weissmann F4549 3224 97/211 1351/2609 1:05:52 10:38
1596 Langston Forbes M0115 3225 102/140 1874/2629 1:05:52 10:38
6619 Minna Tremonti F2024 3226 203/349 1352/2609 1:05:52 10:38
9608 Molly Shuluga F4549 3227 98/211 1353/2609 1:05:52 10:38
3667 Rebecca Moore F1619 3228 184/250 1354/2609 1:05:53 10:38
6214 Susan Jelinek F6064 3229 39/124 1355/2609 1:05:53 10:38
197 Brittany Banatwala F4044 3230 115/223 1356/2609 1:05:53 10:38
10515 Amanda Dych F3539 3231 141/252 1357/2609 1:05:57 10:39
3114 Katie Limle F4044 3232 116/223 1358/2609 1:05:57 10:39
7148 John Fowler M3034 3233 236/299 1875/2629 1:05:58 10:39
5158 Lisa Stricker F4044 3234 117/223 1359/2609 1:05:58 10:39
8935 Sara Frey F3539 3235 142/252 1360/2609 1:06:01 10:39
9069 Harper Holsinger F0115 3236 76/128 1361/2609 1:06:02 10:39
8637 Andrew Bever M2024 3237 230/284 1876/2629 1:06:03 10:40

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