114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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483 Brittany Borsanyi F3034 823 31/260 207/2609 49:17 7:57
9906 Skip Gardner M5054 824 32/200 617/2629 49:18 7:58
6858 Tyler Hill M3034 825 76/299 618/2629 49:18 7:58
6046 Katie Fermann F5054 826 7/186 208/2609 49:19 7:58
8803 Terese Dattilo F2529 827 34/356 209/2609 49:20 7:58
7779 Carl Rich M5054 828 33/200 619/2629 49:21 7:58
6559 Lucy Staarmann F0115 829 24/128 210/2609 49:21 7:58
2785 Maria Klocke F2024 830 33/349 211/2609 49:21 7:58
1170 Kevin Deal M3034 831 77/299 620/2629 49:22 7:58
9785 William Watts M4044 832 69/228 621/2629 49:23 7:58
1913 Gabriel Grollmus M3034 833 78/299 622/2629 49:24 7:58
7929 Chloe Cecil F2529 834 35/356 212/2609 49:26 7:59
236 Catherine Barron F1619 835 33/250 213/2609 49:26 7:59
9837 Robbie Woodall M3539 836 86/287 623/2629 49:27 7:59
9949 John Whitson M3539 837 87/287 624/2629 49:27 7:59
3393 Gavin McCracken M1619 838 70/169 625/2629 49:28 7:59
1539 Douglas Ficker M5559 839 16/188 626/2629 49:30 8:00
7623 William Hurst Sr. M6064 840 17/166 627/2629 49:31 8:00
7319 Josiah Soberano M2024 841 86/284 628/2629 49:31 8:00
9177 Kelly Laws F2529 842 36/356 214/2609 49:32 8:00
9530 Sarah Schaefer F2529 843 37/356 215/2609 49:32 8:00
475 Irasen Borders M2024 844 87/284 629/2629 49:33 8:00
2928 Lauren Krone F3034 845 32/260 216/2609 49:33 8:00
3084 Carson Lewis M2024 846 88/284 630/2629 49:33 8:00
5118 Nathan Stifel M3034 847 79/299 631/2629 49:34 8:00
6003 Claire Curtsinger F1619 848 34/250 217/2609 49:34 8:00
242 Dan Bartlett M3539 849 88/287 632/2629 49:35 8:00
5411 Ian Varga M0115 850 37/140 633/2629 49:35 8:00
5412 Imre Roland Varga M4549 851 37/191 634/2629 49:35 8:00
6777 Zachary Domet M2024 852 89/284 635/2629 49:36 8:00
8060 Chris Mosko M4044 853 70/228 636/2629 49:37 8:01
7547 Brian Gall M3034 854 80/299 637/2629 49:38 8:01
4170 Jeff Price M4044 855 71/228 638/2629 49:38 8:01
4271 Nicholas Reichert M2024 856 90/284 639/2629 49:39 8:01
6955 Derek Neville M3539 857 89/287 640/2629 49:40 8:01
1552 Chris Fiordirosa M3539 858 90/287 641/2629 49:40 8:01
6472 Mike Renz M5054 859 34/200 642/2629 49:42 8:01
4756 Matt Scowden M2024 860 91/284 643/2629 49:42 8:01
9089 Lydia Hutzel F1619 861 35/250 218/2609 49:43 8:02
10026 Quinn Hutchinson M0115 862 38/140 644/2629 49:43 8:02

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