114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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2018 Ann Hanson F6064 2779 27/124 1107/2609 1:01:49 9:59
6381 Robert Morgan M2024 2780 213/284 1673/2629 1:01:49 9:59
6020 Brian Doerger M2529 2781 224/318 1674/2629 1:01:49 9:59
9308 Gillian Miller F2024 2782 169/349 1108/2609 1:01:50 9:59
9312 Matt Miller M5559 2783 87/188 1675/2629 1:01:50 9:59
3380 Christa McAndrew F5054 2784 51/186 1109/2609 1:01:51 9:59
5219 David Szwejbka M6569 2785 29/91 1676/2629 1:01:52 9:59
7593 Stephanie Harp F4044 2786 92/223 1110/2609 1:01:52 9:59
6143 Diane Hammons F5054 2787 52/186 1111/2609 1:01:53 9:59
8842 Mike Donnelly M5054 2788 117/200 1677/2629 1:01:53 9:59
7301 Darrell Schnieders M3539 2789 210/287 1678/2629 1:01:54 9:59
4396 Jennifer Roeder F5054 2790 53/186 1112/2609 1:01:54 9:59
5503 Mike Vyn M4044 2791 162/228 1679/2629 1:01:54 10:00
4748 Eric Scott M4044 2792 163/228 1680/2629 1:01:54 10:00
7380 Chris Arozarena M3034 2793 213/299 1681/2629 1:01:54 10:00
8316 Christopher Behler M3034 2794 214/299 1682/2629 1:01:55 10:00
9664 Peter Stanifer M2529 2795 225/318 1683/2629 1:01:55 10:00
6107 Max Goetz M2529 2796 226/318 1684/2629 1:01:56 10:00
5188 Hannah Suggs F3034 2797 128/260 1113/2609 1:01:57 10:00
7750 Jennifer Panepinto F5559 2798 46/168 1114/2609 1:01:58 10:00
9709 Michaela Therrien F2529 2799 169/356 1115/2609 1:01:58 10:00
4092 Kevin Phillips M5559 2800 88/188 1685/2629 1:01:58 10:00
3086 Landen Lewis M0115 2801 92/140 1686/2629 1:01:58 10:00
4978 Megan Snider F3034 2802 129/260 1116/2609 1:01:59 10:00
1818 Ian Golden M4549 2803 122/191 1687/2629 1:01:59 10:00
5848 Nives Zimmermann F5054 2804 54/186 1117/2609 1:02:03 10:01
6992 Nathan Schramm M2024 2805 214/284 1688/2629 1:02:04 10:01
6507 Sydni Schramm F2024 2806 170/349 1118/2609 1:02:04 10:01
6522 Leah Senff F2024 2807 171/349 1119/2609 1:02:05 10:01
1617 Tess Fox F4044 2808 93/223 1120/2609 1:02:05 10:01
8031 Timothy Newton M3539 2809 211/287 1689/2629 1:02:05 10:01
9845 Maggie Young Lipschutz F3539 2810 114/252 1121/2609 1:02:06 10:01
1258 Cory Didier F4044 2811 94/223 1122/2609 1:02:06 10:01
2586 Christina Kampe F3539 2812 115/252 1123/2609 1:02:07 10:01
7507 Jacob Eberhard M2529 2813 227/318 1690/2629 1:02:07 10:01
8030 Stacey Cranert F3539 2814 116/252 1124/2609 1:02:07 10:02
9905 Cate Gardner F1619 2815 156/250 1125/2609 1:02:08 10:02
578 Ted Bross M6064 2816 72/166 1691/2629 1:02:09 10:02
10713 Bobby Flynn M2024 2817 215/284 1692/2629 1:02:09 10:02
4810 Catriona Shaughnessy F2529 2818 170/356 1126/2609 1:02:09 10:02

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