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Edgerunner 5K



May 3, 2009 in Edgewater, CO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 22 of 22
number of records per page: [10] [all]

5806 Bryan Shipp M3039 1 1/22 1/64 21:25 6:55
5725 Brad Hilliard M3039 2 2/22 2/64 21:55 7:04
5619 Marc MacKert M3039 5 3/22 5/64 22:45 7:21
5793 Jason Reinking M3039 8 4/22 7/64 23:11 7:29
5738 Jess Kugler M3039 10 5/22 9/64 23:48 7:41
5744 Nicholas Lincoln M3039 11 6/22 10/64 24:21 7:52
5620 Mejia Hhatta M3039 12 7/22 11/64 24:30 7:54
5839 John Wallace M3039 18 8/22 15/64 25:19 8:10
5617 Nick Halm M3039 19 9/22 16/64 25:54 8:22
5696 Robert Cope M3039 27 10/22 21/64 26:43 8:37
5732 Stason Ikenouye M3039 30 11/22 22/64 26:59 8:43
5753 Sean MacKin M3039 33 12/22 24/64 27:47 8:58
5755 Dan Makelky M3039 38 13/22 27/64 28:06 9:04
5683 Frank Buice M3039 49 14/22 33/64 30:44 9:55
5675 Chad Bouchard M3039 62 15/22 34/64 32:08 10:22
5783 Chris Pederson M3039 70 16/22 37/64 33:10 10:42
5689 Christopher Cassidy M3039 71 17/22 38/64 33:17 10:45
5641 Chris Chadwick M3039 72 18/22 39/64 33:29 10:49
5685 Joseph Bushek M3039 109 19/22 51/64 37:58 12:15
5773 Joshua Neugebauer M3039 114 20/22 52/64 38:38 12:28
5822 Aaron Sumner M3039 120 21/22 53/64 40:58 13:13
5834 John Vacanti M3039 175 22/22 64/64 1:09:06 22:18

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