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Madison Marathon 2007

6K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 17 of 17
number of records per page: [10] [all]

8299 Charles Wiegand M2529 13 1/17 12/143 26:48 26:49 6:58
8223 Matthew Brown M2529 20 2/17 18/143 27:50 27:57 7:14
8164 Brian Ekdale M2529 49 3/17 39/143 31:50 32:12 8:16
8309 Tristan Huebsch M2529 51 4/17 41/143 31:52 32:47 8:17
8289 Kyle Krueger M2529 72 5/17 56/143 34:09 34:28 8:52
8145 Matthew Wulff M2529 75 6/17 59/143 33:57 34:46 8:49
8098 Gregory Pitts M2529 84 7/17 64/143 34:46 35:31 9:02
8261 Chris West M2529 111 8/17 77/143 36:14 36:50 9:25
8306 Spencer Phifer M2529 136 9/17 89/143 37:12 37:56 9:40
8249 Fernando Riosmena M2529 147 10/17 93/143 37:47 38:10 9:49
8079 Jason Muldrow M2529 171 11/17 104/143 39:04 39:26 10:09
8078 Ben Morse M2529 176 12/17 106/143 39:20 39:43 10:13
8042 Brett Hagland M2529 185 13/17 108/143 39:28 40:11 10:15
8046 Eric Hase M2529 202 14/17 115/143 40:46 41:46 10:35
8236 Christopher Maida M2529 216 15/17 119/143 42:31 42:59 11:02
8103 Sameer Rana M2529 242 16/17 128/143 45:42 46:37 11:52
8055 Jeet Kalia M2529 259 17/17 133/143 48:28 49:11 12:35

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