Madison Marathon 2007

6K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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8242 William Moore M4549 29 2/11 27/143 29:42 29:45 7:43
8188 David Moore M6064 30 3/9 28/143 29:55 29:56 7:46
8254 Brenda Simril F3539 31 1/12 3/170 26:57 29:58 7:00
8255 Lee Simril M4044 32 2/12 29/143 26:57 29:58 7:00
8212 Mark Zabel M4044 33 3/12 30/143 30:10 30:11 7:50
8075 Doug Mering M5054 34 4/10 31/143 30:07 30:13 7:50
8311 Nicolas Martin M2024 35 2/9 32/143 30:24 30:30 7:54
8349 Lester Lampest M2024 36 3/9 33/143 29:59 30:31 7:47
8105 Heather Riniker F0119 37 1/22 4/170 30:21 30:31 7:53
8191 Nicole Mueller F0119 38 2/22 5/170 30:32 30:39 7:56
8183 Robert Malinowski M5054 39 5/10 34/143 30:42 30:44 7:59
8256 Chelsey Thill F0119 40 3/22 6/170 30:53 31:17 8:01
8092 Ashley Otis F0119 41 4/22 7/170 31:20 31:28 8:08
7118 Connie Lanter F3034 42 1/31 8/170 30:59 31:41 8:03
8192 Julie Nachtigal F4549 43 1/13 9/170 31:26 31:41 8:10
8240 Don Margerum M4044 44 4/12 35/143 31:08 31:44 8:05
8270 Everett Lenz M0119 45 8/22 36/143 31:50 31:50 8:16
8061 Corey Bork M3034 46 2/18 37/143 31:46 31:51 8:15
8052 Kimberly Jeske F4044 47 1/15 10/170 31:52 31:55 8:17
8057 Kurt Keao M2024 48 4/9 38/143 31:29 32:11 8:11
8164 Brian Ekdale M2529 49 3/17 39/143 31:50 32:12 8:16
8076 Adam Mersereau M3034 50 3/18 40/143 31:56 32:26 8:18
8309 Tristan Huebsch M2529 51 4/17 41/143 31:52 32:47 8:17
8080 Regina Murphy F5054 52 1/8 11/170 32:13 32:47 8:22
8211 Jack Zabel M0119 53 9/22 42/143 32:53 32:53 8:33
8115 Dennis Shea M6064 54 4/9 43/143 32:54 33:00 8:33
8199 Becca Riehbrandt F2024 55 1/12 12/170 33:19 33:21 8:39
8029 Fred Falk M5559 56 3/14 44/143 33:12 33:25 8:37
8209 Jim Twesme M5054 57 6/10 45/143 32:58 33:30 8:34
8184 Mark Marsden M4044 58 5/12 46/143 33:27 33:34 8:41
8109 Carolyn Cline-Crewe F4549 59 2/13 13/170 32:35 33:35 8:28
8201 Anne Schwan F4044 60 2/15 14/170 33:07 33:39 8:36
8227 Danny Gyorog M0119 61 10/22 47/143 33:39 33:40 8:44
8114 Peter Senzig M6569 62 1/2 48/143 33:40 33:41 8:45
8214 Seth Zabel M0119 63 11/22 49/143 33:46 33:46 8:46
8253 Virginia Sereno F0119 64 5/22 15/170 33:53 33:53 8:48
8229 Joey Gyorog M0119 65 12/22 50/143 34:05 34:07 8:51
8005 Nick Baumann M0119 66 13/22 51/143 33:38 34:08 8:44
8104 Bill Richner M5559 67 4/14 52/143 33:18 34:11 8:39
8004 Kelley Baumann F0119 68 6/22 16/170 33:42 34:12 8:45

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