Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon


1.5 mile Swim, 18 mile Bike, 8 mile Run


June 12, 2005 in San Francisco, CA


Individual - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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783 Michael Bateman M35-39 824 177 687 55:50 1018 11:11 1:04:34 16.7 517 1:59 1:13:04 9:08 748 3:33 3:26:38
707 Knowlton Sanders M35-39 825 178 688 48:03 576 7:54 1:06:39 16.2 674 2:17 1:21:46 10:13 1073 3:58 3:26:39
1364 Bruce Thoman M50-54 826 23 689 57:56 1115 8:14 1:07:11 16 707 1:44 1:11:35 8:56 674 3:24 3:26:40
1234 Brian Gaughan M45-49 827 55 690 49:18 651 9:34 1:09:55 15.4 879 2:00 1:15:56 9:29 865 3:43 3:26:43
130 Josh Eisen M17-19 828 2 691 54:55 976 8:40 1:06:18 16.2 645 1:46 1:15:06 9:23 837 3:23 3:26:45
377 Mohamad Abdalla M30-34 829 174 692 52:58 868 10:26 1:07:47 15.9 740 1:44 1:13:52 9:14 781 3:44 3:26:47
1233 Michael Gaitley M45-49 830 56 693 40:54 190 9:23 1:23:06 12.9 1289 2:45 1:10:48 8:51 626 3:52 3:26:56
1521 Cory Feulner F25-29 831 23 104 47:13 519 9:56 1:14:28 14.5 1077 2:25 1:12:57 9:07 740 3:53 3:26:59
1920 Team Da Freaks ROpenX 832 11 35 36:54 80 6:04 1:35:14 11.3 1399 1:39 1:07:11 8:23 458 3:37 3:27:02
1608 Janelle Moore F30-34 833 33 105 49:28 659 8:41 1:10:07 15.4 891 1:59 1:16:49 9:36 895 4:10 3:27:04
1866 Team OH Buckeyes ROpenF 834 2 36 56:11 1033 9:15 1:11:31 15.1 959 1:58 1:08:09 8:31 502 3:43 3:27:04
336 Matthew Bonvicin M30-34 835 175 694 57:31 1097 9:04 1:04:03 16.8 482 1:44 1:14:45 9:20 825 3:36 3:27:07
1847 Team Awesome ClawsonGroup ROpenM 836 24 37 47:53 566 8:58 1:27:46 12.3 1355 6:13 56:20 7:02 83 3:02 3:27:10
405 Sean McGill M30-34 837 176 695 44:47 366 8:02 1:11:16 15.1 952 2:12 1:21:03 10:07 1045 4:11 3:27:20
1367 Mark Balsiger M55-59 838 15 696 1:01:14 1219 11:09 1:05:53 16.3 611 2:16 1:06:50 8:21 442 3:25 3:27:22
296 Jonathan Cerne M30-34 839 177 697 54:09 926 7:43 1:09:25 15.5 845 1:38 1:14:28 9:18 815 3:47 3:27:23
1870 Team Shoulda Known Betta ROpenF 840 3 38 57:48 1110 6:48 1:02:56 17.1 414 1:17 1:18:42 9:50 958 3:50 3:27:31
258 Mark Searight M25-29 841 80 698 50:07 700 9:36 1:11:53 15 980 2:04 1:13:52 9:14 782 3:54 3:27:32
557 Dan Michie M30-34 842 178 699 50:39 731 8:17 1:08:15 15.8 771 1:54 1:18:41 9:50 957 3:52 3:27:46
1268 Mark Shervanick M45-49 843 57 700 54:14 935 12:44 1:04:45 16.6 535 3:06 1:12:58 9:07 741 3:25 3:27:47
1023 George Evangelista M40-44 844 131 701 54:25 944 8:20 1:10:01 15.4 885 2:07 1:12:56 9:07 737 3:37 3:27:49
1791 Kim Cole F45-49 845 7 106 56:00 1023 11:27 1:08:15 15.8 772 2:45 1:09:25 8:40 561 3:41 3:27:52
851 Rob Durnford M35-39 846 179 702 53:17 894 11:44 1:02:49 17.1 404 1:28 1:18:39 9:49 955 3:55 3:27:57
499 Adam Tight M30-34 847 179 703 46:43 482 9:07 1:12:42 14.8 1007 2:08 1:17:20 9:40 910 3:50 3:28:00
290 Edward Wong M25-29 848 81 704 1:04:30 1337 8:13 1:06:19 16.2 646 1:49 1:07:12 8:24 459 3:30 3:28:03
1200 Brian Dent M45-49 849 58 705 57:09 1074 7:50 1:04:27 16.7 512 1:49 1:16:50 9:36 896 3:34 3:28:05
461 Zach Gursky M30-34 850 180 706 50:52 741 9:30 1:04:44 16.6 534 1:37 1:21:23 10:10 1056 4:29 3:28:06
1787 Jannine Grant F45-49 851 8 107 54:43 965 7:28 1:09:58 15.4 881 1:29 1:14:35 9:19 819 4:04 3:28:13
967 James Avery M40-44 852 132 707 51:53 817 10:01 - - - - - - - 3:26 3:28:20
1119 Mark Davis M40-44 853 133 708 49:34 666 9:07 1:09:39 15.5 864 1:50 1:18:18 9:47 939 3:55 3:28:28
510 Benjamin Besley M30-34 854 181 709 45:33 409 10:58 1:10:09 15.3 893 1:46 1:20:04 10:00 1009 4:12 3:28:30
1705 Samantha Pinney F35-39 855 24 108 58:04 1122 8:06 1:07:20 16 714 1:51 1:13:10 9:08 753 3:38 3:28:31
1132 Glenn Lewis M40-44 856 134 710 57:54 1113 12:20 1:06:41 16.1 676 3:14 1:08:25 8:33 517 3:01 3:28:34
894 Jim Stutz M35-39 857 180 711 51:24 777 8:25 1:13:01 14.7 1028 2:16 1:13:34 9:11 770 3:32 3:28:40
1278 William Daly M45-49 858 59 712 56:39 1057 9:09 1:02:34 17.2 392 1:56 1:18:25 9:48 946 4:10 3:28:43
1756 Jill Klinge Robertson F40-44 859 14 109 47:54 568 9:03 1:13:13 14.7 1033 2:19 1:16:14 9:31 875 3:48 3:28:43
1885 Team Agents of Transforma ROpenX 860 12 39 46:37 476 12:55 1:07:29 16 724 1:59 1:19:45 9:58 995 3:54 3:28:45
1504 Nicole Aunapu F25-29 861 24 110 50:51 739 8:21 1:10:49 15.2 921 2:07 1:16:38 9:34 892 3:27 3:28:46
1260 Ralph Eberts M45-49 862 60 713 49:13 646 10:35 1:09:33 15.5 857 2:47 1:16:44 9:35 894 4:06 3:28:52
456 Peter George M30-34 863 182 714 59:36 0:24: 7:37 1:07:57 15.8 751 1:42 1:12:12 9:01 702 3:53 3:29:04

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