Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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519 Matthew Waite M4044 4 1/43 4/508 16:24 16:24 5:17
383 Paul Donnelly M1934 5 3/153 5/508 16:25 16:25 5:17
576 Ben Bayer M1934 6 4/153 6/508 16:25 16:25 5:17
48 Kyle Donovan M1934 7 5/153 7/508 16:28 16:28 5:18
491 Cam Green M1934 8 6/153 8/508 16:36 16:36 5:21
528 Sam Anderson M1934 9 7/153 9/508 16:45 16:45 5:24
255 Thomas Church M1934 10 8/153 10/508 17:02 17:01 5:29
287 Paul Giannobile M4549 11 1/39 11/508 17:03 17:02 5:29
36 Clay Thomas M1318 12 1/64 12/508 17:05 17:05 5:30
77 Alex Tuttle M1934 13 9/153 13/508 17:12 17:12 5:33
430 Riley Macon M1318 14 2/64 14/508 17:19 17:19 5:35
296 Chris Cavanaugh M3539 15 2/46 15/508 17:21 17:21 5:35
44 George Williams M1934 16 10/153 16/508 17:33 17:33 5:39
18 Jonathan Klein M1318 17 3/64 17/508 17:40 17:36 5:40
547 Jordan Smith M1318 18 4/64 18/508 17:38 17:38 5:41
1001 Michelle Oman F3539 19 1/95 1/777 17:53 17:53 5:46
476 Jake Turman M1934 20 11/153 19/508 18:00 18:00 5:48
533 Luke Sullivan M1318 21 5/64 20/508 18:10 18:10 5:51
394 William Schimmel Iii M1318 22 6/64 21/508 18:11 18:11 5:52
220 Brian Thomas M1318 23 7/64 22/508 18:18 18:17 5:53
110 Randy Gibson M4549 24 2/39 23/508 18:19 18:19 5:54
395 Andrew Johnson M1318 25 8/64 24/508 18:49 18:49 6:04
209 Michael Fanous M1934 26 12/153 25/508 18:54 18:54 6:05
406 Tonnis Ter Veldhuis M4044 27 2/43 26/508 19:08 19:06 6:09
389 Kevin Peterson M5054 28 1/35 27/508 19:13 19:13 6:11
1002 Raynee Degrio F1934 29 1/292 2/777 19:15 19:14 6:12
146 Thomas Peterson M5054 30 2/35 28/508 19:30 19:29 6:17
344 Zakayo Magomolla M1318 31 9/64 29/508 19:31 19:31 6:17
605 Cameron Economy M1318 32 10/64 30/508 19:33 19:32 6:18
633 John Elliott M4549 33 3/39 31/508 19:36 19:35 6:19
341 Jerry Reuteler M5054 34 3/35 32/508 19:37 19:36 6:19
308 Jeffrey Baumann M1934 35 13/153 33/508 19:39 19:37 6:19
1003 Kelly Keeler Ramacier F4549 36 1/64 3/777 19:41 19:40 6:20
1509 Jacqueline Thaemert F1318 37 1/81 4/777 19:45 19:43 6:21
401 Steven Schimmel M1318 38 11/64 34/508 19:46 19:45 6:22
82 Matthew Tuttle M1934 39 14/153 35/508 19:49 19:46 6:22
143 Jon Svobodny M1934 40 15/153 36/508 19:52 19:50 6:24
544 Adam Blomgren M1318 41 12/64 37/508 19:56 19:55 6:25
1321 Laura Hughes F1318 42 2/81 5/777 19:57 19:57 6:26
454 Brandon Franta M1318 43 13/64 38/508 19:58 19:57 6:26

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