2017 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 15, 2017 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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712 Sam Barnhart F4044 595 67/127 343/690 1:09:56 1:08:15 10:59
213 Chelsea Lurvey F2529 596 44/80 344/690 1:11:50 1:08:18 11:00
459 Shaun Moore M3539 597 66/77 253/323 1:12:14 1:08:24 11:01
266 Tamera Schlueter F5559 598 15/36 345/690 1:10:22 1:08:25 11:01
885 Annie Fish F2024 599 12/23 346/690 1:09:50 1:08:27 11:01
336 Casey Fix M4044 600 53/64 254/323 1:10:41 1:08:30 11:02
720 Jill Deets F4549 601 28/56 347/690 1:11:19 1:08:33 11:02
519 Jeanne Bouwens F5054 602 15/37 348/690 1:11:18 1:08:33 11:02
939 Jaclyn Smith F3539 603 100/183 349/690 1:11:33 1:08:36 11:03
1016 Anne Zimmerman-Cunningham F3539 604 101/183 350/690 1:11:02 1:08:39 11:03
898 Heather Bearup F4044 605 68/127 351/690 1:12:02 1:08:40 11:03
1289 Kaitlin Jacobsen F2529 606 45/80 352/690 1:10:34 1:08:42 11:04
984 Renee Casteel F3539 607 102/183 353/690 1:10:53 1:08:44 11:04
896 Melissa Todd F3539 608 103/183 354/690 1:11:04 1:08:48 11:05
98 Laini Walker F3034 609 61/127 355/690 1:09:52 1:08:49 11:05
452 Jason Koch M4044 610 54/64 255/323 1:10:08 1:08:49 11:05
325 Todd Carmichael M4044 611 55/64 256/323 1:11:30 1:08:50 11:05
444 George Hammett M4549 612 28/37 257/323 1:11:41 1:08:53 11:06
238 Heather Noerrlinger F4044 613 69/127 356/690 1:10:20 1:08:55 11:06
636 Erin Longenecker F3539 614 104/183 357/690 1:11:53 1:08:56 11:06
1191 Edward Ramspott M6099 615 7/10 258/323 1:09:49 1:08:57 11:06
241 Jill Oltman F3539 616 105/183 358/690 1:12:02 1:08:57 11:06
520 Karen Border F5559 617 16/36 359/690 1:11:15 1:08:58 11:06
943 Kari Slattery F3034 618 62/127 360/690 1:10:37 1:09:02 11:07
1265 Emily Wisch F3034 619 63/127 361/690 1:09:37 1:09:03 11:07
285 Stephanie Strong F4044 620 70/127 362/690 1:09:38 1:09:03 11:07
1009 Lisa Watermeier F2529 621 46/80 363/690 1:11:33 1:09:03 11:07
1226 Mathew Slattery M3034 622 45/59 259/323 1:10:00 1:09:03 11:07
1002 Jamie Willms F3539 623 106/183 364/690 1:12:07 1:09:04 11:07
670 Trisha Patton F2529 624 47/80 365/690 1:10:54 1:09:08 11:08
122 Alison Beardsley F3539 625 107/183 366/690 1:13:07 1:09:08 11:08
1001 Jacque Lee F4549 626 29/56 367/690 1:11:15 1:09:09 11:08
609 Gina Lauritsen F5559 627 17/36 368/690 1:10:48 1:09:14 11:09
265 Rebecka Schafer F5054 628 16/37 369/690 1:10:12 1:09:15 11:09
332 Ron Dunic M5559 629 15/21 260/323 1:10:17 1:09:17 11:09
907 Sara Haas F3034 630 64/127 370/690 1:11:58 1:09:21 11:10
166 Nancy Giles F5559 631 18/36 371/690 1:11:01 1:09:23 11:10
462 Andy Piotrowski M3034 632 46/59 261/323 1:11:25 1:09:24 11:10
161 Carla Fritz F3539 633 108/183 372/690 1:11:26 1:09:24 11:11
1163 Trey Nelson M4549 634 29/37 262/323 1:11:58 1:09:33 11:12

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