2017 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 15, 2017 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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239 Julie North F5054 968 35/37 651/690 1:33:21 1:33:21 15:02
231 Penny Mooney F3034 969 120/127 652/690 1:35:23 1:33:27 15:03
533 Megan Ingram F3034 970 121/127 653/690 1:37:12 1:33:50 15:06
1026 Emily Greening F2529 971 74/80 654/690 1:37:12 1:33:50 15:06
1193 Jennifer Jacoby F3034 972 122/127 655/690 1:37:13 1:33:58 15:08
1092 Tasha Delotelle F4549 973 53/56 656/690 1:37:12 1:34:04 15:09
1280 Deb Scarrow F4044 974 121/127 657/690 1:35:31 1:34:22 15:12
158 Sara Fonfara F3539 975 175/183 658/690 1:38:09 1:34:33 15:13
1176 Stephen Marquez M4549 976 37/37 318/323 1:39:27 1:35:28 15:22
1175 Melissa Marquez F4044 977 122/127 659/690 1:39:27 1:35:28 15:22
799 Kellie Wulf F3539 978 176/183 660/690 1:38:31 1:36:00 15:27
806 Latava Sanders F3539 979 177/183 661/690 1:38:31 1:36:01 15:28
480 Randy Wallace M5559 980 21/21 319/323 1:38:40 1:36:04 15:28
464 Gretchen Ritterlng F4549 981 54/56 662/690 1:39:10 1:36:16 15:30
1229 Stacy Kruse F3539 982 178/183 663/690 1:39:54 1:37:01 15:37
718 Vera Herrero F5054 983 36/37 664/690 1:40:38 1:38:01 15:47
232 Tara Moore F3034 984 123/127 665/690 1:43:24 1:39:35 16:02
1118 Megan Manning-Kechely F3034 985 124/127 666/690 1:43:43 1:39:45 16:04
366 Amanda Kuta F3539 986 179/183 667/690 1:43:44 1:39:45 16:04
1062 Tabitha Mora F3539 987 180/183 668/690 1:43:00 1:39:56 16:05
1246 Stephen Wilhelmsen M6099 988 10/10 320/323 1:42:32 1:40:09 16:07
116 Kisha Arnold F3539 989 181/183 669/690 1:43:57 1:40:15 16:08
70 Kayla Morland F2529 990 75/80 670/690 1:43:58 1:40:15 16:08
271 Karen Ser F4044 991 123/127 671/690 1:42:59 1:40:33 16:11
1238 Nicole Henrichs F3034 992 125/127 672/690 1:42:57 1:40:59 16:15
986 Nicole Eddy F4044 993 124/127 673/690 1:44:29 1:41:00 16:16
1132 Sandy Kroeker F6099 994 17/18 674/690 1:44:29 1:41:00 16:16
129 Hannah Bishop F2529 995 76/80 675/690 1:45:08 1:41:26 16:20
126 Sarah Bienlien F5054 996 37/37 676/690 1:45:08 1:41:26 16:20
1171 Jami Knerl F4044 997 125/127 677/690 1:43:41 1:41:45 16:23
141 Lonnie Conley F6099 998 18/18 678/690 1:45:05 1:41:54 16:24
411 Michael Tracy M3539 999 77/77 321/323 1:45:28 1:42:24 16:29
385 Molly Moller F3539 1000 182/183 679/690 1:45:29 1:42:24 16:29
960 Juanita Incontro F2529 1001 77/80 680/690 1:46:10 1:43:18 16:38
1219 Gina Tejral F3034 1002 126/127 681/690 1:46:12 1:43:20 16:38
255 Shellie Rathjen F4549 1003 55/56 682/690 1:46:44 1:43:36 16:41
387 Valerie Morris F4549 1004 56/56 683/690 1:46:44 1:43:36 16:41
491 Jay Ser M4044 1005 64/64 322/323 1:49:18 1:49:18 17:36
494 Kattie Williams F4044 1006 126/127 684/690 1:55:02 1:51:58 18:02
709 Ebba Mead F2529 1007 78/80 685/690 1:55:51 1:52:35 18:08

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