Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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437 Steven Skamser M6064 874 16/30 405/508 36:06 35:06 11:18
1516 Brianna Halvorson F1934 875 176/292 470/777 35:37 35:07 11:18
1157 Kristin Rose F1934 876 177/292 471/777 35:39 35:07 11:19
503 Don Desanto M5559 877 21/27 406/508 36:11 35:08 11:19
400 Robert Otos M3539 878 39/46 407/508 35:39 35:08 11:19
1844 Abby Sopata F0112 879 44/54 472/777 35:45 35:11 11:20
1013 Julie Jorgenson F1934 880 178/292 473/777 35:47 35:14 11:21
1927 Linda Nervick F4549 881 42/64 474/777 35:47 35:14 11:21
392 Dennis Adamski M3539 882 40/46 408/508 35:45 35:15 11:21
1281 Nichole Glesner F3539 883 58/95 475/777 35:47 35:15 11:21
591 Richard Otterness M6569 884 8/20 409/508 35:59 35:16 11:22
1383 Jodi McShane F1934 885 179/292 476/777 35:56 35:19 11:22
1792 Renee Peterson F5054 886 31/53 477/777 35:47 35:21 11:23
39 Darroll Bengtson M6569 887 9/20 410/508 36:07 35:23 11:24
1340 Megan Lunde F1934 888 180/292 478/777 36:10 35:23 11:24
1885 Kaylea Atkinson F0112 889 45/54 479/777 35:45 35:23 11:24
1577 Lindsay Guinee F1934 890 181/292 480/777 36:10 35:26 11:25
212 Nick Boreen M1318 891 59/64 411/508 36:18 35:31 11:26
494 Patrick Walsh M6064 892 17/30 412/508 36:38 35:32 11:27
78 Joshua Wilson M0112 893 33/43 413/508 36:30 35:33 11:27
139 Stephen Fulmek Jr M1934 894 137/153 414/508 36:12 35:38 11:28
1193 Emily Tran F1934 895 182/292 481/777 36:12 35:38 11:28
1464 Sarah Ellena F3539 896 59/95 482/777 36:08 35:40 11:29
1492 Meredith Martin F3539 897 60/95 483/777 36:08 35:40 11:29
1189 Sandra Moen F4549 898 43/64 484/777 36:34 35:42 11:30
1699 Rhonda Lemon F4044 899 34/59 485/777 36:39 35:42 11:30
513 Paul Geissler M5054 900 29/35 415/508 35:59 35:42 11:30
89 Jeffrey Webber M3539 901 41/46 416/508 35:58 35:49 11:32
352 Benjamin Bjornberg M1934 902 138/153 417/508 36:14 35:49 11:32
1080 Missy Thomas F4044 903 35/59 486/777 36:12 35:52 11:33
1499 Gina Wippler F1934 904 183/292 487/777 36:33 35:53 11:33
577 Kenneth Browall M4549 905 31/39 418/508 36:50 35:56 11:34
276 Bill Wilson M1318 906 60/64 419/508 36:42 35:57 11:35
1746 Lisa Consie F1934 907 184/292 488/777 36:39 35:58 11:35
1263 Jenna Yasgar F1934 908 185/292 489/777 36:10 35:58 11:35
1116 Marie Peterson F7074 909 1/7 490/777 36:25 35:59 11:35
1755 Carrie Pritchett F1934 910 186/292 491/777 36:41 36:01 11:36
1408 Emily Hall F1318 911 68/81 492/777 36:48 36:02 11:36
1377 Wendy Long F3539 912 61/95 493/777 36:42 36:04 11:37
1507 Kacy Rainaldo F1934 913 187/292 494/777 36:45 36:05 11:37

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