Grandma's Marathon - 2009

William A. Irvin 5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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1314 Ashley Bergerson F0112 327 8/54 109/777 27:40 26:51 8:39
413 Russell Gibbon M4044 328 21/43 219/508 27:03 26:51 8:39
1810 Kristine Peterson F4549 329 11/64 110/777 27:00 26:52 8:39
1660 Shelley Pederson F5054 330 7/53 111/777 27:13 26:52 8:39
216 Todd Ostrander M5054 331 15/35 220/508 27:03 26:53 8:39
1786 Lisa Urban F3539 332 11/95 112/777 27:02 26:53 8:40
1704 Elise Hauer F0112 333 9/54 113/777 27:48 26:53 8:40
1803 Kelli Lavelle F1318 334 29/81 114/777 27:45 26:55 8:40
557 Tom Hong M4549 335 17/39 221/508 27:06 26:56 8:40
1348 Delora Shaw F1934 336 39/292 115/777 27:23 27:00 8:42
75 Bill Todd M1934 337 76/153 222/508 27:24 27:01 8:42
1859 Rhonda Olson F3539 338 12/95 116/777 27:30 27:01 8:42
1347 Roxanne Moline F4044 339 6/59 117/777 27:32 27:01 8:42
1799 Katie Beutel F1934 340 40/292 118/777 27:46 27:01 8:42
310 Douglas McLellan M1934 341 77/153 223/508 27:45 27:03 8:43
1565 Marcella Anderson F5054 342 8/53 119/777 27:17 27:04 8:43
1566 Erin Rice F1934 343 41/292 120/777 27:19 27:04 8:43
359 Scott Wegler M1934 344 78/153 224/508 27:18 27:04 8:43
1827 Hannah Lester F1934 345 42/292 121/777 27:27 27:05 8:43
1388 Sydney Mueller F0112 346 10/54 122/777 27:34 27:05 8:43
1450 Olivia Venuta F0112 347 11/54 123/777 27:05 27:05 8:43
542 Vaugh Ellis M1934 348 79/153 225/508 27:57 27:06 8:44
108 Christopher Petersen M1934 349 80/153 226/508 27:38 27:07 8:44
1423 Heidi Siebert Preul F3539 350 13/95 124/777 27:28 27:07 8:44
1174 Shirley Masessa F6569 351 1/14 125/777 27:18 27:09 8:45
588 Richard Konerza M5054 352 16/35 227/508 27:17 27:09 8:45
1292 Emelyn Sheehan F0112 353 12/54 126/777 27:17 27:09 8:45
181 Jason Erickson M1934 354 81/153 228/508 27:23 27:10 8:45
530 David Garry M1934 355 82/153 229/508 27:49 27:10 8:45
364 Peter Roelike M1934 356 83/153 230/508 27:20 27:11 8:45
227 Paul Collins M3539 357 20/46 231/508 27:23 27:13 8:46
1777 Natalie Unger F1318 358 30/81 127/777 27:42 27:15 8:47
1390 Heidi Martenson F4549 359 12/64 128/777 27:56 27:16 8:47
1264 Annie Almazar F1934 360 43/292 129/777 27:21 27:16 8:47
1302 Jodi Peterson F5054 361 9/53 130/777 27:37 27:18 8:47
1241 Peg Frank F5054 362 10/53 131/777 27:41 27:18 8:48
1875 Rochon Kinney F3539 363 14/95 132/777 27:45 27:20 8:48
155 Donald Wendling M5559 364 7/27 232/508 27:38 27:21 8:48
1528 Renee Harvieux F3539 365 15/95 133/777 27:48 27:21 8:48
1731 Denise Lundstrom F3539 366 16/95 134/777 28:12 27:22 8:49

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