2016 Run Crazy Horse

Half Marathon


October 9, 2016 in Hill City, SD

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Half Marathon - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1538 Julie Saxon F5559 527 19/36 334/465 2:51:17 2:50:14 13:00
1076 Amanda Brown F2529 528 68/82 335/465 2:52:10 2:50:18 13:00
1395 Lynn McCollough F2529 529 69/82 336/465 2:52:01 2:50:36 13:02
168 Michael Strang M4044 530 24/25 194/220 2:52:01 2:50:36 13:02
175 Sarah Witt F4044 531 38/58 337/465 2:52:51 2:50:52 13:03
1693 Kathey Wilson F6064 532 9/16 338/465 2:51:57 2:50:55 13:03
1662 April Walker F3034 533 51/65 339/465 2:52:26 2:51:00 13:04
1448 Kelsey Notstad F2529 534 70/82 340/465 2:52:07 2:51:04 13:04
1288 Stephanie Janssen F3539 535 69/84 341/465 2:51:59 2:51:05 13:04
1417 Alley Michael M6569 536 9/10 195/220 2:52:48 2:51:15 13:05
1641 Alexandra Van Pelt F4044 537 39/58 342/465 2:53:44 2:51:23 13:05
1142 Crystal Doig F4549 538 39/55 343/465 2:54:03 2:51:35 13:06
1477 Bryce Pietzyk M4044 539 25/25 196/220 2:54:23 2:52:17 13:10
1333 Cathy Koster F4549 540 40/55 344/465 2:53:56 2:52:27 13:10
1163 Kara Ellingrod F5054 541 21/31 345/465 2:53:56 2:52:27 13:10
1495 Bruce Radley M5054 542 20/24 197/220 2:53:58 2:52:29 13:10
1601 Michael Strayer M5054 543 21/24 198/220 2:54:47 2:52:59 13:13
1579 Samantha Snocker F3034 544 52/65 346/465 2:55:44 2:53:10 13:14
1161 Jillian Eldridge F2529 545 71/82 347/465 2:54:21 2:53:15 13:14
1275 Danette Hudson F6064 546 10/16 348/465 2:55:24 2:53:24 13:15
1480 Jennifer Plascencia F4044 547 40/58 349/465 2:54:51 2:53:25 13:15
1550 Debbie Scholes F6569 548 4/10 350/465 2:56:09 2:54:04 13:18
1036 Ruth Bales F2529 549 72/82 351/465 2:55:27 2:54:07 13:18
1277 Ali Hyatt F3034 550 53/65 352/465 2:55:41 2:54:46 13:21
1127 Shari Davis F4044 551 41/58 353/465 2:55:59 2:54:47 13:21
1677 Rachael Whaley F3034 552 54/65 354/465 2:56:29 2:55:04 13:22
1223 Colleen Hahn F3539 553 70/84 355/465 2:57:17 2:55:09 13:23
1602 Michele Strayer F5054 554 22/31 356/465 2:58:07 2:56:19 13:28
1527 Brittney Rubottom F2529 555 73/82 357/465 2:57:53 2:56:21 13:28
1190 Cheryl Fryberger F5559 556 20/36 358/465 2:57:58 2:56:33 13:29
1078 Elizabeth Brown F5054 557 23/31 359/465 2:59:10 2:57:34 13:34
1252 Lisa Hives F4549 558 41/55 360/465 2:59:42 2:57:59 13:36
1296 Sue Jesch F4044 559 42/58 361/465 2:59:43 2:58:00 13:36
1595 Cynthia Stern F6569 560 5/10 362/465 3:00:35 2:58:22 13:37
1401 Rebecca McKinney F4044 561 43/58 363/465 3:01:14 2:58:50 13:40
1465 Alicia Pensarosa F3034 562 55/65 364/465 3:00:47 2:59:13 13:41
1062 Caitlin Bordeaux F2529 563 74/82 365/465 3:00:34 2:59:18 13:42
1407 John Medelez M4549 564 23/24 199/220 3:00:31 2:59:36 13:43
1286 Dana Jackson F3539 565 71/84 366/465 3:00:58 2:59:55 13:45
1596 Allen Stillwell M3034 566 25/26 200/220 3:00:59 2:59:56 13:45

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