114th Thanksgiving Day Race - 2023

W&S 10K


November 23, 2023 in Cincinnati, OH


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W&S 10K - Results

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1798 Erika Glover F3034 706 25/260 159/2609 48:20 7:48
7000 Emma Simon F1619 707 23/250 160/2609 48:20 7:48
3430 Sara McGinnis F3034 708 26/260 161/2609 48:20 7:48
2533 Brian Jones M3539 709 76/287 548/2629 48:22 7:48
3814 Jon Neumann M6064 710 13/166 549/2629 48:22 7:49
9243 Brent Martini M3539 711 77/287 550/2629 48:23 7:49
7305 Evan Seeley M3034 712 66/299 551/2629 48:25 7:49
9145 Chris Koenig M5559 713 12/188 552/2629 48:25 7:49
365 Helaine Berman F2529 714 28/356 162/2609 48:25 7:49
9324 Matthew Moore M3034 715 67/299 553/2629 48:26 7:49
821 Joshua Cauhorn M3539 716 78/287 554/2629 48:27 7:49
9436 Natalie Quinn F4044 717 12/223 163/2609 48:27 7:49
2231 Jim Hider M6064 718 14/166 555/2629 48:28 7:49
968 Olivia Connaughton F2024 719 25/349 164/2609 48:28 7:49
5440 Tucker Verdin M1619 720 64/169 556/2629 48:28 7:50
3027 Sophie Lawler F1619 721 24/250 165/2609 48:29 7:50
4185 Dallas Puckett M3034 722 68/299 557/2629 48:30 7:50
3538 Meredith Meyer F2024 723 26/349 166/2609 48:30 7:50
6787 Ryan Eiding M1619 724 65/169 558/2629 48:30 7:50
5765 Andrew Wolfzorn M2024 725 77/284 559/2629 48:30 7:50
1565 Kyle Fisher M3539 726 79/287 560/2629 48:31 7:50
6751 Zachary Chalk M3539 727 80/287 561/2629 48:31 7:50
3595 Zach Miller M4044 728 63/228 562/2629 48:31 7:50
9345 Paige Murdock F2024 729 27/349 167/2609 48:31 7:50
9344 Jenna Murdock F2024 730 28/349 168/2609 48:31 7:50
6352 Caroline Meisenhelder F1619 731 25/250 169/2609 48:32 7:50
7261 Albany Mulholland M3034 732 69/299 563/2629 48:33 7:50
1375 Thomas Dunson M1619 733 66/169 564/2629 48:33 7:50
4641 Peter Schmalz M2024 734 78/284 565/2629 48:34 7:50
2952 Trenton Kuhlman M2024 735 79/284 566/2629 48:34 7:50
922 Alexander Cole M3539 736 81/287 567/2629 48:35 7:51
4417 Steve Rohrs M5054 737 27/200 568/2629 48:35 7:51
2756 Maria Klare F1619 738 26/250 170/2609 48:35 7:51
5031 Kent Stapleton M2529 739 85/318 569/2629 48:36 7:51
3034 Marina Lazic F3034 740 27/260 171/2609 48:36 7:51
7061 Madison Weaver F0115 741 16/128 172/2609 48:36 7:51
6776 Michael Domet M4549 742 30/191 570/2629 48:36 7:51
1801 Emma Glutz F0115 743 17/128 173/2609 48:36 7:51
8019 Danny Scholz M3034 744 70/299 571/2629 48:37 7:51
7861 Sydney Tomblin F2529 745 29/356 174/2609 48:37 7:51

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