Point Bock Run - 2018

Overall Results


March 3, 2018 in Stevens Point, WI

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Overall Results - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1850 Dustin Vande Zande M55-59 355 20/66 270/827 19:59 40:21 8:05
160 Nate Bowling M40-44 356 36/105 271/827 18:53 40:23 8:05
1705 Kathryn Steinbach F30-34 357 23/169 86/918 20:13 40:23 8:05
51 Kurtis Bannach M35-39 358 47/124 272/827 19:31 40:24 8:05
1042 Shawn Lord M50-54 359 28/88 273/827 19:25 40:25 8:05
511 Alex Foster M30-34 360 39/129 274/827 20:05 40:28 8:06
569 Tressa Gitzlaff F40-44 361 21/144 87/918 20:26 40:30 8:06
282 Georgette Coppersmith F45-49 362 3/86 88/918 20:18 40:32 8:07
1704 Darrin Steinbach M35-39 363 48/124 275/827 20:15 40:33 8:07
251 Alicia Cervenka F25-29 364 5/101 89/918 19:57 40:34 8:07
1821 Jennifer Tryba F45-49 365 4/86 90/918 20:26 40:35 8:07
1897 Robert Wanta M45-49 366 34/111 276/827 20:36 40:37 8:08
908 Noah Kobin M35-39 367 49/124 277/827 20:10 40:38 8:08
712 Wendy Hill F45-49 368 5/86 91/918 20:08 40:38 8:08
765 Tammy Hunter F55-59 369 3/58 92/918 19:37 40:39 8:08
256 Lily Churchill F01-15 370 3/20 93/918 19:27 40:41 8:09
1000 Chad Leder M45-49 371 35/111 278/827 19:59 40:43 8:09
1370 Kenneth Pliska M45-49 372 36/111 279/827 20:30 40:44 8:09
400 Alexis Dzikowich F19-24 373 7/56 94/918 20:30 40:46 8:10
1307 Tracy Paider F40-44 374 22/144 95/918 20:14 40:47 8:10
1604 Anna Schwanebeck F19-24 375 8/56 96/918 20:19 40:47 8:10
1918 Jason Welty M40-44 376 37/105 280/827 20:34 40:48 8:10
257 William Churchill M40-44 377 38/105 281/827 19:27 40:49 8:10
866 Kyle Kent M25-29 378 28/76 282/827 19:45 40:50 8:10
651 Riley Hall M19-24 379 15/33 283/827 19:58 40:52 8:11
350 Lisa Disher F40-44 380 23/144 97/918 20:23 40:52 8:11
1249 Amy Neumeyer F30-34 381 24/169 98/918 20:12 40:55 8:11
1584 Kimberly Schulist F30-34 382 25/169 99/918 20:37 40:57 8:12
314 Jack Daniels M40-44 383 39/105 284/827 20:53 40:58 8:12
679 Charles Hartman M25-29 384 29/76 285/827 20:51 41:00 8:12
582 Sarah Goetz F35-39 385 18/168 100/918 19:42 41:01 8:13
464 Jessica Farragut F35-39 386 19/168 101/918 19:55 41:01 8:13
2008 Zackery Zacharias M19-24 387 16/33 286/827 19:53 41:02 8:13
890 Rick Kleba M45-49 388 37/111 287/827 20:40 41:03 8:13
590 Kathryn Goplerud F19-24 389 9/56 102/918 20:54 41:06 8:14
982 Katie Larson F25-29 390 6/101 103/918 21:01 41:06 8:14
1459 Tamie Roehl F45-49 391 6/86 104/918 20:08 41:08 8:14
1525 Laura Scherer F35-39 392 20/168 105/918 20:02 41:08 8:14
879 Mark Kienbaum M50-54 393 29/88 288/827 20:34 41:08 8:14
429 Pamela Engevold F35-39 394 21/168 106/918 20:03 41:09 8:14

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