2021 Garmin Kansas City Marathon



October 16, 2021 in Kansas City, MO

Event Groups

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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746 Luis Carrillo Ortega M 18-24 827 53/56 559/622 5:21:36 12:17
524 Austin Easterling M 25-29 828 109/118 560/622 5:21:45 12:17
523 Brandon Easterling M 25-29 829 110/118 561/622 5:21:45 12:17
391 Jonathan Goff M 30-34 830 94/109 562/622 5:22:03 12:18
601 Daniel Kooser M 35-39 831 97/100 563/622 5:22:35 12:19
602 Marrissa Kooser F 25-29 832 52/57 269/320 5:22:35 12:19
886 Susi Krulewich F 30-34 833 51/62 270/320 5:22:54 12:20
340 Shawn Watters M 30-34 834 95/109 564/622 5:23:15 12:21
598 Alexandria Darden F 25-29 835 53/57 271/320 5:23:47 12:22
810 Trent Mares M 25-29 836 111/118 565/622 5:23:52 12:22
433 Leon Davis M 35-39 837 98/100 566/622 5:23:56 12:22
664 Quincie Botkin-Olberding F 30-34 838 52/62 272/320 5:24:33 12:24
478 Jared Calvert M 25-29 839 112/118 567/622 5:24:38 12:24
10 Lisa Lopez F 40-44 840 35/41 273/320 5:25:28 12:26
45 McKenzie Clark Thomas F 35-39 841 56/65 274/320 5:25:38 12:26
49 Krista Mansfield F 30-34 842 53/62 275/320 5:25:57 12:27
50 Susan Mansfield F 55-59 843 8/9 276/320 5:25:59 12:27
296 Gregg Zaffaroni M 60-64 844 13/17 568/622 5:26:21 12:28
964 Guy Stallbaumer M 30-34 845 96/109 569/622 5:26:25 12:28
837 Bonnie Birdsell F 30-34 846 54/62 277/320 5:26:55 12:29
166 Richard Witherspoon M 55-59 847 29/32 570/622 5:27:06 12:30
323 Nick Langsdale M 25-29 848 113/118 571/622 5:27:17 12:30
270 Rhianna Bowyer F 25-29 849 54/57 278/320 5:27:56 12:31
318 Audry Pulley F 35-39 850 57/65 279/320 5:28:02 12:32
244 Stephanie Woods F 40-44 851 36/41 280/320 5:28:12 12:32
101 Chris Ward M 35-39 852 99/100 572/622 5:28:24 12:33
413 Mark Monroe M 65-69 853 8/12 573/622 5:28:28 12:33
984 Tanner Cline M 25-29 854 114/118 574/622 5:28:47 12:33
276 Steven Griffin M 55-59 855 30/32 575/622 5:28:57 12:34
835 Lyle Robertson M 50-54 856 37/40 576/622 5:29:21 12:35
541 Julie Lindgren F 50-54 857 12/17 281/320 5:29:24 12:35
75 Stephanie Moyer F 40-44 858 37/41 282/320 5:29:35 12:35
196 Mat Lewczenko M 40-44 859 59/64 577/622 5:30:17 12:37
322 Brittany Gelbach F 30-34 860 55/62 283/320 5:31:24 12:39
1302 Chara Chen F 40-44 861 38/41 284/320 5:31:25 12:39
591 Amy Kaye Taylor F 40-44 862 39/41 285/320 5:31:56 12:41
428 Brock Horner M 30-34 863 97/109 578/622 5:32:52 12:43
1318 Jessie Nay F 30-34 864 56/62 286/320 5:33:10 12:43
32 Landon Brack M 18-24 865 54/56 579/622 5:33:59 12:45
1333 Mark Heuer M 65-69 866 9/12 580/622 5:34:17 12:46

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